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  • Hi, my name is Iga and you're watching Pixie in the Notes.


  • So I've been looking for my Holy Grail patchouli scent for a long time and I think I have finally found it.


  • Let's talk about Tempo by Diptyque.

    讓我們來談談 Diptyque 的 Tempo。

  • So for those of you who are not familiar with the patchouli note or simply those who don't know how it's represented in fragrances, patchouli belongs to the mint family.


  • So it is not surprising that sometimes in fragrances it adds this minty, mentholated, almost cooling effect, almost camphor-like, like in Vicks Vaporub.

    是以,有時在香水中加入這種薄荷、薄荷醇、近乎冷卻的效果,就不足為奇了,就像 Vicks Vaporub 中的樟腦一樣。

  • And I must say this is my least favourite facet of patchouli and I don't enjoy fragrances that smell like this.


  • But the most prominent feature of patchouli is its woody, earthy and musky character.


  • Sometimes especially when paired with other ingredients it can add a little bit of that chocolatey nuance.


  • Those who don't like patchouli find its earthiness overpowering and sometimes people say that patchouli smells like musty old basement, a wet dog or unwashed hippie.


  • My issue with patchouli fragrances was either the patchouli was too in my face or it wasn't playing the first role.


  • The fragrances that I personally found overpowering and too much were Eldos Un Amorette Roland or Straight to Heaven where patchouli is very camphor-like or looks patchouli or patchouli intense from Nikolai.

    我個人認為味道過於濃烈的香水有 Eldos Un Amorette Roland 或 Straight to Heaven,其中的廣藿香很像樟腦,或者看起來像廣藿香,或者是 Nikolai 的廣藿香濃郁型。

  • I love patchouli but it usually plays a supporting role and acts not as a main player but more like a background for other ingredients.


  • So sometimes it can be blended for example with rose, like in Volure de Roses from L'Artisane

    是以,有時它可以與玫瑰混合,例如 L'Artisane 的 Volure de Roses(玫瑰香水)。

  • Parfumere or Peurs de la Lique or Noir de Noir.

    Parfumere 或 Peurs de la Lique 或 Noir de Noir。

  • It can be blended with beautiful resins and white chocolate like in this delicious Coromandel or it can be paired with fruity and floral notes like in Elle by YSL or with pralines and delicious stuff and everything but a kitchen sink in Angel.

    它可以與美麗的樹脂和白巧克力混合,就像這款美味的 Coromandel;也可以與果香和花香搭配,就像 YSL 的 Elle;還可以與果仁糖和美味的東西搭配,但 Angel 的廚房水槽除外。

  • But still patchouli is not the main player here.


  • So I was looking for something that would be a well-balanced, toned down, patchouli centric fragrance and then I have found Tempo.

    是以,我一直在尋找一種平衡、柔和、以廣藿香為中心的香水,然後我找到了 Tempo。

  • So in the next part of the video I'm going to tell you why Tempo hit the right spot for me as a patchouli scent.

    是以,在視頻的下一部分,我將告訴你為什麼 Tempo 廣藿香香水能打動我。

  • So from the very first spray, Tempo is undoubtedly a patchouli scented fragrance but what I value the most about patchouli in Tempo is that it's extremely well balanced.

    是以,從第一噴開始,Tempo 無疑是一款廣藿香香水,但我最看重的是 Tempo 廣藿香香水的平衡性。

  • So all the facets are in perfect harmony.


  • So the woodiness, mintiness and all those parts are in perfect harmony and that hits the right spot and ticks all the boxes for me.


  • So if anything, it's the woody and earthy character that are the most prominent but they are not armed up.


  • I would refer to Tempo as a comforting woody patchouli with an earthy soul and a warm heart and that seriously hits the right spot for me.

    我會把 Tempo 稱作一種舒適的木質廣藿香,具有泥土的靈魂和溫暖的內心,這對我來說真是恰到好處。

  • It is a very stylish, well calibrated patchouli and the thing that I appreciate the most is that it's how other ingredients are incorporated in the blend and that's what makes this perfectly simple yet extremely nuanced beauty of Tempo.

    這款廣藿香非常時尚,調配得恰到好處,最讓我欣賞的是它如何將其他成分融入其中,這也是 Tempo 這款完美簡約而又極其細膩的香水的魅力所在。

  • Another thing that I really love about Tempo is that it has this very airy and spacious feel.

    我非常喜歡 Tempo 的另一點是,它給人一種非常通風和寬敞的感覺。

  • So it gives you room for breathing.


  • Another thing that is super cool about Tempo is that by nature it's dark but it carries a lot of brightness so this duality, this dual character is what I really really appreciate.

    Tempo 的另一個超酷之處在於,它本質上是黑暗的,但又帶著許多亮色,所以這種雙重性,這種雙重特徵是我非常非常欣賞的。

  • So the magic factor of Tempo for me lies in this very clever and masterful way the other ingredients are incorporated into the blend.

    是以,對我來說,Tempo 的神奇之處就在於以非常巧妙和高超的方式將其他成分融入其中。

  • So let's look at the notes.


  • So we have clary sage and mate tea here and they add this other type of airy and translucent greenness to the composition.


  • Then we have some bergamot which, yeah, I think it's responsible for this brightness that I mentioned before.


  • We also have pink pepper that adds a little bit of that also airy vibrancy but I left two ingredients that I want to discuss at the end because I think they were the deal breakers for me.


  • Looking at the note breakdown you'll think there's only one left, what's going on?


  • But I'll tell you in a second.


  • So then we have the violet leaf and I think the violet leaf steers the composition into a slightly leathery territory and then what I absolutely love about Tempo is the underlying dry vanillic sweetness and we don't have anything that would indicate that when we look at the notes.

    然後是紫羅蘭葉,我認為紫羅蘭葉將這款香水帶入了一個略帶皮革感的領域,而我對 Tempo 的鐘愛在於其潛在的乾燥香草甜味,而我們在品嚐這款香水時並沒有發現任何可以表明這一點的東西。

  • So I went to the DIC's website and I checked the ingredients and they list coumarin.

    於是我訪問了 DIC 的網站,查看了成分,發現其中列出了香豆素。

  • And coumarin is very often associated with tonka bean which is very often used as a substitute for vanilla so I think this might be the culprit.


  • But this leatheriness and this dry vanillic character, this is what is my favourite part of Tempo because they are not served in a straightforward and direct way.

    但這種皮革味和幹香草味正是 Tempo 最吸引我的地方,因為它們並不是以直截了當的方式出現的。

  • So they're almost at the skin surface and they drive me insane in the best possible way because they keep playing hide and seek with my senses and that's what makes Tempo so extremely appealing and intriguing for me.

    是以,它們幾乎就在皮膚表面,它們以最好的方式讓我瘋狂,因為它們一直在和我的感官玩捉迷藏,這就是 Tempo 對我如此極具吸引力和耐人尋味的原因。

  • And one more thing that I would like to say is that this dry vanillic part kind of slightly reminds me of the vanilla used in Oduelle.

    我還想說的一點是,這種幹香草味讓我想起了 Oduelle 中使用的香草。

  • So yeah, maybe that will give you a little bit of direction what I mean.


  • So this was the more analytical and discerning part of the review but what's the most important is the feel of the fragrance, the mood that it evokes.


  • So Tempo has this quite distinct airy and outdoorsy character and it almost feels like you are in the open space filled with the earthy smell of autumn leaves and it feels like a cool breeze playing with your hair while diffused warm sunlight is warming up your face.

    是以,Tempo 具有非常明顯的通風和戶外特性,幾乎讓人感覺置身於充滿秋葉泥土氣息的開放空間,感覺涼風吹拂著你的頭髮,散射的溫暖陽光溫暖著你的臉龐。

  • Tempo feels mysterious and misty but it also carries certain type of refined coziness.

    Tempo 給人一種神祕、縹緲的感覺,但同時也帶著某種精緻的愜意。

  • So this kind of mystery is not grim or sombre, it's rather moody.


  • So it has this certain Edgar Allan Poe's romantic edge.


  • So you feel that slightly dangerous thrill but deep in your heart you know you're safe.


  • It also feels almost like sitting in this huge leather couch filled with pillows and blankets and looking through the window where you admire the spectacle of those yellow and brown leaves shrouded in autumn mist and rain.


  • So Patchouli used in Tempo adds this refined yet cozy depth to the blend and it goes incredibly well with good quality thick fabrics and accessories.

    是以,Tempo 中使用的廣藿香為這種混合物增添了精緻而舒適的深度,與優質厚重的面料和配飾搭配起來,效果令人難以置信。

  • So it's classy and edgy without trying too hard.


  • And finally there is a certain sensual vibe about Tempo and for me in general Patchouli adds this sensuality to any fragrance and here it's also very present.

    最後,Tempo 還散發著某種性感的氣息,對我來說,廣藿香會為任何香水增添性感,而在這款香水中,廣藿香也非常突出。

  • But this sensuality is not like an outburst of eroticism.


  • It's rather like a whisper or a gentle caress but it's definitely there.


  • So the colours that I imagine are the rusty browns and muted greens.


  • So all the colours here look almost as if they had that dark filter put over them.


  • So they are rich and deep but they are devoid of this saturated vibrancy.


  • So what season or what weather Tempo is most suitable for?

    那麼,Tempo 最適合什麼季節或天氣呢?

  • So all the images that you just saw it just implants autumn in your mind and that's really the case.


  • I think that Tempo makes a beautiful autumnal fragrance perfect for a misty rainy day.

    我認為,Tempo 是一款美麗的秋季香水,非常適合霧濛濛的雨天。

  • But once I sprayed it on a rather cool summer day and then the day turned into a pretty warm sunny day and I was pretty terrified that Tempo was going to choke me out.

    但有一次,我在一個相當涼爽的夏日噴灑了它,然後就變成了一個相當溫暖的晴天,我非常害怕 Tempo 會把我嗆死。

  • But this leather and vanillic part when hit by the sun like 20-22 degrees made the Tempo bloom.

    但是,在 20-22 度的陽光照射下,這種皮革和香草的部分讓 Tempo 綻放光彩。

  • And that was the moment when I freaking lost my mind for Tempo because it flourished.

    就在那一刻,我對 Tempo 失去了理智,因為它蓬勃發展起來了。

  • A totally different dimension was added to Tempo.

    為 Tempo 增添了一個完全不同的維度。

  • And I feel that sunny yet 20-22 degrees summer days are also an amazing weather to wear Tempo.

    我覺得陽光明媚但氣溫在 20-22 度的夏日也是適合穿 Tempo 的好天氣。

  • Performance wise I feel that Tempo has really good performance.

    在性能方面,我覺得 Tempo 的性能真的很好。

  • Unfortunately I don't own a bottle I only used it from samples.


  • So two sprays from a sample are perfectly fine for me.


  • I can smell it all day.


  • I got complimented, I was complimented twice when I wore it at work.


  • So people can smell you.


  • But after like 3 or 4 hours it becomes a little bit closer to the skin which is okay I really like it.

    但 3、4 個小時後,它就會變得更貼近皮膚了,不過沒關係,我真的很喜歡它。

  • But you get those beautiful dry gorgeous whiffs from you throughout the day.


  • So I would say the performance of Tempo is really good.

    是以,我認為 Tempo 的表現非常出色。

  • So these days Tempo is my number one position on my wish list.

    是以,現在 Tempo 是我願望清單上的頭號位置。

  • My second sample is going dangerously low so it will definitely join my collection at some point.


  • Let me know if you like patchouli scents, what's your favorite type of patchouli and thanks for watching.


  • See you next time.


Hi, my name is Iga and you're watching Pixie in the Notes.


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