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  • I once made a video that everyone missed the point of.


  • That video was why you'll never get a D850 replacement.

    這段視頻就是你永遠無法獲得 D850 替代品的原因。

  • People still don't get it because they either didn't pay attention, they're trolls, or they just didn't finish the video.


  • I have a feeling that in this comparison, the Z8 is going to slaughter the D850 like day one Leonidas versus Xerxes.

    我有一種預感,在這次比較中,Z8 會像第一天列奧尼達對薛西斯一樣碾壓 D850。

  • But the point is, you haven't been waiting for a replacement feature-wise.


  • You've been searching for a way to replace that feeling of having the best camera.


  • And the D850 was and still is probably the best DSLR ever.

    而 D850 可能是有史以來最好的數碼單反相機。

  • If and only if you're looking for a spec replacement, we've had that for a long time.


  • Technically, the Z7 II is better spec-wise.

    從技術上講,Z7 II 的規格更好。

  • But today, we have the Nikon Z8 versus the Nikon D850.

    但今天,我們要討論的是尼康 Z8 與尼康 D850 的對比。

  • The D850 was announced on August 24th, 2017 for $3,296.95.

    D850 於 2017 年 8 月 24 日發佈,售價 3296.95 美元。

  • And today, it can still be had new on sale for $2,196.95.

    如今,它的新售價仍為 2196.95 美元。

  • That is a good price for the best DSLR ever.


  • If you hate EVFs and love lens shopping, get that because the D850 gets one point for lens selection.

    如果您討厭 EVF,但又喜歡選購鏡頭,那就買 D850吧,因為 D850 在鏡頭選擇方面可以獲得 1 分。

  • And by the way, use the links in the description to buy it because Adorama helps me make these videos with a 2% commission and it costs you no extra money.

    順便說一下,請使用描述中的鏈接購買,因為 Adorama 會以 2% 的佣金幫助我製作這些視頻,您無需支付額外費用。

  • Also a point for the D850 because the Z8 launch price was $4,000.

    D850 也有一點,因為 Z8 的發佈價格是 4000 美元。

  • Worth every penny, but one point for the D850.

    一分錢一分貨,但要為 D850 點贊。

  • They both have 46 megapixel BSI CMOS sensors with the same 64 to 25,600 native ISO.

    這兩款相機都配備了 4 600 萬像素 BSI CMOS 傳感器,原始 ISO 均為 6400 到 25600。

  • But the Z8 gets in-body image stabilization, which gives stabilization to non-stabilized lenses, but also works in sync.

    但是,Z8 配備了機身防抖功能,不僅可以為非防抖鏡頭提供防抖效果,還能同步工作。

  • Bye, bye, bye.


  • Well, that's enough of that.


  • That's stabilization and that's awesome or double awesome depending on the lens, but one point for the Z8.


  • The D850 can rack up some points in the following ways. 2.359 million dot rear LCD to the Z8's 2.089 million dot.

    D850 可以在以下方面為自己加分。235.9 萬點後置液晶屏,Z8 為 208.9 萬點。

  • Not huge, but one point for the D850.

    雖然不是很大,但也為 D850 加分不少。

  • It's a DSLR and battery life is marked by days, not shots.


  • DSLR battery life always beats mirrorless, one point.


  • Now this is weird, but the D850 is better in three categories, but they are so close that it's almost unfair.

    奇怪的是,D850 在三項性能指標上都更勝一籌,但它們之間的差距如此之大,幾乎不公平。

  • D850 color depth 26.4 versus 26.3.

    D850 色深 26.4 對 26.3。

  • Dynamic range 14.8 versus 14.2.

    動態範圍 14.8 對 14.2。

  • Low light ISO 2660 versus 2548.

    弱光 ISO 2660 對 2548。

  • Those are all kind of influenced by the same thing.


  • I'm just going to give two points, not three.


  • That seems kind of fair.


  • Now for the Z8, no mechanical shutter, but basically none of the things I hate about electronic shutter. 20 FPS raw versus seven on the D850.

    Z8 沒有機械快門,但基本上沒有我討厭的電子快門。與 D850 的每秒 7 張照片相比,Z8 的原始照片每秒可達 20 張。

  • The Z8 will go beyond that, but I generally only want raw files.

    Z8 可以超越這個範圍,但我一般只需要原始文件。

  • One point, not two, only one.


  • The Z8 has blackout free shooting, another point.

    Z8 還具有遮光自由拍攝功能。

  • Things are about to get funky in the name of not being totally lopsided.


  • The Z8 has a stacked sensor, which means a lot of things that it can do better than the D850.

    Z8 配備了堆棧式傳感器,這意味著它能比 D850 做得更好。

  • Less rolling shutter, pretty much bottomless buffer, etc. etc.


  • Two points, I suppose, because those are big things.


  • Now, because I didn't give full points to the D850 earlier, we're going to kind of make up for that now.

    現在,因為我之前沒有給 D850 打滿分,所以我們現在要彌補一下。

  • We all know that mirrorless slaughters DSLR in video, so I'm not going to give a point for every single video feature that is better on the Z8.

    我們都知道,無反相機在視頻方面比數碼單反相機更勝一籌,所以我不會為 Z8 上更好的每一個視頻功能打分。

  • So the Z8 will record raw video.

    是以,Z8 可以錄製原始視頻。

  • It has unlimited recording limit versus the D850 is 30 minutes.

    它的錄製時間不受限制,而 D850 的錄製時間為 30 分鐘。

  • The Z8 will do 8K versus the 4K on the D850.

    與 D850 的 4K 相比,Z8 可以拍攝 8K。

  • It has a full size HDMI port, which may mean nothing to you, but it does to video focused people.

    它有一個全尺寸的 HDMI 端口,這對你來說可能不算什麼,但對專注於視頻的人來說卻意義重大。

  • For all that, I'm just going to do two points for the Z8 because it's way better, but some things are really big and some things are just kind of like nice quality of life things.

    對於所有這些,我只想給 Z8 加兩分,因為它要好得多,但有些東西真的很大,有些東西就像生活品質一樣好。

  • The Z8 has 493 focus points versus the D850's 153.

    Z8 有 493 個對焦點,而 D850 只有 153 個。

  • One point.


  • The D850 will focus at EV minus four while the Z8 will focus at EV minus 7.5.

    D850 的對焦速度為 EV 負 4,而 Z8 的對焦速度為 EV 負 7.5。

  • One point.


  • And a side note, I regularly use the Z8 in an extremely dark studio with a light behind the subject, so they are literally just shadow.

    順便提一句,我經常在一個極暗的攝影棚裡使用 Z8,拍攝對象背後有一盞燈,所以它們簡直就是影子。

  • I let my flash be the only illumination of the subject and the Z8 can track eyes in that scenario whenever I can't even see the eyes.

    我讓閃光燈成為拍攝對象的唯一照明設備,在這種情況下,只要我看不到眼睛,Z8 就能追蹤到眼睛。

  • Nikon finally caught up to the consumer expectation of what mirrorless autofocus should be, so all of the advanced tracking features and subject detection work great.


  • Nikon Z8, one point.

    尼康 Z8,1 分。

  • People still want mirrorless to be smaller and lighter, so this isn't my fault, it is yours.


  • I don't care about weight, I care about results.


  • But the Z8 weighs 910 grams and the D850 weighs 1015.

    但 Z8 重 910 克,D850 重 1015 克。

  • One point, Z8.


  • Nikon Z8, X-Speed 7 versus the D850's X-Speed 5.

    尼康 Z8,X-Speed 7 對 D850 的 X-Speed 5。

  • It's way better and worthy of one point.


  • Also, this may not be a big deal to you, but the range of movement and positions that you can get on the Z8 rear LCD is better than you can get on the D850, allowing for more viewing angles for the photographer.

    此外,這對您來說可能不是什麼大問題,但 Z8 後置液晶顯示屏的移動範圍和位置比 D850 更好,從而為攝影師提供了更多的視角。

  • This is a big deal for me because I have more days where my back is trashed than I do where it feels okay.


  • So, one point, Z8.


  • I knew this was going to happen, and you probably did too.


  • We will get some haters in the comments, but facts do not care.


  • You love your D850 for good reason, and no one is judging you.

    你愛你的 D850 是有理由的,沒有人對你說三道四。

  • No one thinks you're crazy for not switching.


  • People wanted a real spec replacement for the D850 and Nikon delivered it.

    人們希望能有一款真正規格的產品來替代 D850,而尼康做到了。

  • That does not discount how that camera makes you feel, which is way more important than how it performs.


  • The camera you love will make you shoot more photography than the camera that is better technically.


  • Time in the field makes you a better photographer.


  • The tech just increases your hit rate.


  • That's all I'm saying.


  • Now, excluding people that have already decided that they do not like EVF and prefer OVF experience, okay?

    現在,把那些已經決定不喜歡 EVF 而喜歡 OVF 體驗的人排除在外,好嗎?

  • Excluding them.


  • If you do not have a camera, or it's time for you to upgrade to a new camera or your first professional camera, and both cameras are in your budget, I do not recommend people enter photography with DSLRs anymore.


  • Support will fade over time, and I think it's better to start new unless you just, like, film.


  • Besides that, if you fall into that category, the Z8 is the way to go, in my opinion.

    除此以外,如果您屬於這種情況,我認為 Z8 是您的不二之選。

  • But please, keep shooting your D850.

    但請繼續拍攝您的 D850。

  • No one cares.


  • In fact, everyone agrees it's probably the best DSLR ever.


  • But the Z8 has it beat today.

    但今天,Z8 已經打敗了它。

  • The hunger for a D850 replacement is settled.

    對 D850 替代品的渴求已成定局。

  • I'm ZWade, the ZWade in ZWadePhoto.

    我是 ZWade,ZWadePhoto 中的 ZWade。

  • Stay sharp, you two.


I once made a video that everyone missed the point of.


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