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I'm going to show you how to use just two ingredients to whiten your teeth at home.
You don't need to go to the dentist and do this very expensive procedure.
You also don't even need to buy those whitening strips.
This remedy is going to cost you about $3 and it's super effective.
這個藥方大約只需 3 美元,而且超級有效。
If your teeth are a bit stained like yellow from coffee, tea, red wine, or just getting older, this will be a great solution.
After the recipe, I'm going to also talk about oil pulling and also some fascinating information about leaky gums.
在食譜之後,我還將談談 "拔油",以及一些關於牙齦滲漏的有趣資訊。
You can actually have a situation where you're getting bacteria that goes into your gums, into your bloodstream, so that's going to be very important to learn about that.
If you want to make your teeth super white, there's two things you need to have.
Number one, you need baking soda.
I found baking soda at the store for $1.79.
我在商店裡找到了小蘇打,售價 1.79 美元。
This will add a certain texture to this paste to allow you to scrub your teeth and help remove the stain as well as plaque.
It's gentle.
It's non-abrasive.
Number two, you're going to need something called hydrogen peroxide.
I recently found some for $1.60 for an entire bottle.
我最近找到了一些,整瓶才 1.6 美元。
Now, it's very important that you don't get the wrong hydrogen peroxide.
You want the one that says 3% or less.
你要選擇寫著 3% 或更低的那個。
You do not want the one that's like 15% or 40%.
你不想要 15% 或 40% 的那種。
That's going to be way too strong.
By the way, the main ingredient in these whitening strips that you'd buy online is hydrogen peroxide, but they charge you like $20, $30, $40 for these little strips.
順便說一下,你在網上買到的這些美白帶的主要成分是過氧化氫,但他們會收取你 20 美元、30 美元或 40 美元的費用。
You don't need to do that.
Then when you go to a dentist, it's even more expensive, and they're using a very concentrated hydrogen peroxide, which is up into the 40s.
如果你去看牙醫,費用會更高,而且他們使用的過氧化氫濃度很高,達到 40 多度。
The problem with that is, yes, it does work on making your teeth whiter, but that super high concentrated hydrogen peroxide on your gums with the ultraviolet or LED lights that they put at the same time that intensifies that chemical reaction can really mess with your gums and dehydrate your actual teeth to the point where now you have this sensation on your teeth that they hurt because the concentration is too high.
問題在於,是的,它確實能讓你的牙齒變白,但在你的牙齦上塗抹超高濃度的過氧化氫,再加上紫外線或 LED 燈的照射,會加劇化學反應,真的會讓你的牙齦一團糟,讓你的牙齒脫水,以至於現在你會感覺牙齒疼痛,因為濃度太高了。
Yes, it'll work a little faster, but you don't want to put that in your mouth.
Here's what you're going to do.
Get a little container, and you're going to put one teaspoon of baking soda in the container.
Then you're going to take the hydrogen peroxide, 3% or less, and you're only going to use three drops of it into this baking soda, and then eight drops of water.
然後,你要在小蘇打中滴入 3% 或更少的雙氧水,只需三滴,然後再滴入八滴水。
You're going to mix it up really nice, and it's going to actually break up the bonds of the stain.
The stain is a certain chain of molecules.
Well, the oxygen will break that up and release this pigment from your teeth, causing you to have whiter teeth.
This is why hydrogen peroxide is so important.
Then you're going to mix it up, take your toothbrush, and gently polish the outside of your teeth, the inside of your teeth.
This is also going to help any bacteria that you have as well, and it's also going to reduce the plaque formation.
You're basically going to brush your teeth with this mixture for one to two minutes.
Then you're going to rinse out your mouth very thoroughly, but because the concentration is less than the 40% that you would see when you go to the dentist, you're going to have to do this a few times a week.
然後徹底漱口,但由於濃度低於看牙醫時的 40%,所以每週要做幾次。
I would recommend doing it two to three times a week for a few weeks to see the big change, but it's going to work.
You will be amazed, and I do want you to comment down below when you see the results.
The whole point of this is to do it safely and gradually.
This way, you won't damage your gums or the enamel on your teeth.
That was simple.
Now let's talk about oil pulling.
現在,讓我們來談談 "拔油"。
You probably have heard this on the internet where people are taking coconut oil, and they put it in their mouth, and they kind of swish it around for a period of time, right?
What is that doing?
What is that all about?
This is actually an ancient practice, and they didn't just use coconut oil back then.
They used sesame seed oil, so you can do that too, but coconut oil is less bitter, and it's going to take some coconut oil, and you're going to keep it in there for 10 to 20 minutes.
他們用的是芝麻油,所以你也可以用芝麻油,但椰子油的苦味較少,需要用一些椰子油,在裡面放 10 到 20 分鐘。
You're just going to keep swishing it around your mouth.
Coconut oil is very high in something called lauric acid, which is a very powerful antimicrobial for bacteria, fungus, candida, and especially the microbe in your mouth that causes bad breath.
There was even a study in the Indian Journal of Dental Research showing this procedure as effective as prescription mouthwash in reducing gingivitis.
Most people do it like three times a week.
I want to talk about something even more interesting, the relationship between sugar or glucose and vitamin C.
我想談談更有趣的事情,即糖或葡萄糖與維生素 C 之間的關係。
What I wanted to reveal about this is that glucose has a similar chemistry to vitamin C.
我想揭示的是,葡萄糖與維生素 C 具有相似的化學性質。
They compete together.
You've probably heard of scurvy before.
Scurvy is a disease that happened to sailors and other people way back in the day where they basically did not have enough vitamin C.
壞血病是一種發生在水手和其他人身上的疾病,在當時,他們基本上沒有足夠的維生素 C。
At that time, it wasn't even recognized.
One thing that vitamin C does is support your collagen.
維生素 C 的作用之一就是支持膠原蛋白。
When you're really deficient in vitamin C, you can get pink toothbrush because your gums will bleed if you consume a lot of sugar or chew gum a lot.
當你真的缺乏維生素 C 時,你可以用粉紅色牙刷刷牙,因為如果你攝入大量糖分或經常咀嚼口香糖,牙齦就會出血。
The vitamin C that you're taking or from the foods, the glucose will block the vitamin C from going in.
你服用的維生素 C 或從食物中攝取的維生素 C 會被葡萄糖阻擋,無法進入體內。
Sugar depletes vitamin C from the body.
糖會消耗體內的維生素 C。
It'll definitely show up as one of the first signs in the gums.
You're flossing your teeth and all of a sudden it bleeds easily.
That's an early sign.
The cells in the tissue of your gums are no longer tight.
They're kind of loose.
You have these holes, very similar to having leaky gut or even leakiness in your arteries.
That would make a pathogen enter that area and get into the body, into the bloodstream.
I don't know if you know this fact, but they've isolated dental bacteria in the placking of arteries and also in the placking in the brain in Alzheimer's.
We want to keep the bacteria from going into the body through the mouth.
Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video.