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  • It's been 10 years since Vantablack claimed the title of Blackest Black, astounding the world with its ability to darken materials beyond recognition.

    自 Vantablack 榮獲 "最黑之黑 "稱號以來,它已經走過了 10 個年頭,它讓材料變黑的能力震驚了世界。

  • This proprietary coating completely obscures an object's surface features, causing it to appear like a dark 2D void.


  • But over the past decade, coatings have gotten even darker, and Vantablack is no longer the world's Blackest Black.

    但在過去的十年中,塗料的顏色變得更深,Vantablack 不再是世界上最黑的黑色。

  • Scientists have unlocked new techniques for producing increasingly absorptive materials, mostly by accident.


  • And good news for goths everywhere, you might be able to buy some of this stuff yourself one day.

    還有一個好消息要告訴各地的 "哥特 "們,說不定有一天你們也能買到這些東西。



  • In the search for Blackest Black, there are two things to consider.

    在尋找 "最黑的黑 "的過程中,有兩件事需要考慮。

  • What do we mean by black, and how do we measure it?

    什麼是 "黑",如何衡量 "黑"?

  • Black is generally considered the absence of colored light.


  • Humans perceive color when our brains interpret signals from our eyes, where tiny receptors go ping when they're hit by light with the correct wavelengths.

    當我們的大腦解讀來自眼睛的信號時,人類就能感知顏色。當眼睛中的微小感受器被正確波長的光線照射時,就會發出 "嗡嗡 "聲。

  • So if an object is neither emitting nor reflecting enough of that visible light, our receptors don't get triggered, and we perceive the thing as black.


  • But visible light isn't all there is.


  • To an infrared camera, I am positively glowing right now.


  • So from a broader physics perspective, black is defined as the absence of reflection at any wavelength.


  • And the lower a material's reflectance, the blacker it is.


  • However, you can pick and choose how you measure that reflectance and get different results.


  • Because 1.

    因為 1.

  • Even materials that look black aren't equally reflective, or should I say non-reflective, at every single wavelength.


  • And 2.

    和 2.

  • Your material might be better or worse at reflecting a beam of light depending on the angle the light is hitting it.


  • So if you were gunning for our record for Blackest Black, you could go for the lowest reflectance that only appears at a specific angle and for a specific wavelength of light.

    是以,如果你想打破我們的 "最黑 "記錄,你可以選擇最低反射率,這種反射率只出現在特定角度和特定波長的光線下。

  • But you'd probably have a beef with a research team that developed a material with a lower overall reflectance.


  • So scientists usually measure reflectance as the total light scattered in any direction.


  • A reflectance of 100% means your material is the whitest white, and 0% is the blackest black.

    反射率為 100% 表示材料最白,0% 表示材料最黑。

  • The terms aren't official, but super blacks tend to be materials with a reflectance of less than 0.5%, which is about 10 times less reflective than your blackest paints.

    這個術語並不正式,但超級黑往往是指反射率低於 0.5% 的材料,這比最黑的油漆的反射率要低 10 倍左右。

  • Meanwhile, ultra blacks are less than 0.05%.

    與此同時,極端黑人的比例不到 0.05%。

  • But what's happening to the 99.95%?

    但那 99.95%的人呢?

  • Well, that light gets absorbed by the molecules in the material and converted into a different kind of energy.


  • And eventually, the molecules emit that energy as heat.


  • That's why dark colors feel so warm after spending time in direct light.


  • All that absorption is why you've got everyone from astronomers to people trying to improve solar panel efficiency pursuing the blackest blacks.


  • If you can find something to paint the inside of your telescope, you can help wrangle any errant light rays from scattering around and messing up your astronomical observations.


  • Or if you find something that stops a solar cell bouncing a bunch of sunlight back into the atmosphere, you can maximize the amount of energy your solar panels can convert into electricity.


  • But before there were super black materials, there were normal black materials.


  • Humans have used black pigments to create art for at least 12,000 years.

    人類使用黑色顏料進行藝術創作至少已有 12000 年的歷史。

  • One example is charcoal, which is still popular in art classrooms across the world.


  • Charcoal is made through a process called carbonization, where organic material is burned using very little oxygen so that the big and complex carbon-based molecules break down and leave behind mostly pure carbon.


  • The purer the carbon in your final product, the darker your charcoal is.


  • That's because it's the carbon that's responsible for charcoal, as well as some other black pigments, being black.


  • Thanks to its atomic structure, carbon absorbs light across a wide range of wavelengths.


  • So if you have a really pure charcoal sample, you can get a reflectance less than 10% across the visible light spectrum.

    是以,如果你有一個真正純淨的木炭樣品,你可以在整個可見光光譜範圍內獲得小於 10% 的反射率。

  • But carbon isn't the only compound capable of absorbing light.


  • Humans used other pigments in art, such as squid ink, and that mostly gets its color from complex molecules called melanin.


  • You might remember that melanins are responsible for color pigmentation across the animal kingdom, including humans.


  • Then, starting in the 19th century, chemists discovered they could design pigment molecules.

    然後,從 19 世紀開始,化學家們發現他們可以設計顏料分子。

  • Colors like cadmium red, cobalt blue, and chromium green are named after the ingredients whose structure makes them reflect certain wavelengths of light.


  • These discoveries eventually led to a black paint with reflectance of less than 3%.

    這些發現最終造就了一種反射率低於 3% 的黑色塗料。

  • And if you're looking to create your own goth paradise, you can actually buy cans of the stuff.


  • But for a while, that was the best we could do.


  • Pigments could only get so dark.


  • And to get even less reflective, we needed some help from physics.


  • Thank you for watching this SciShow video.


  • SciShow has always needed people like you to support our work.


  • If you like learning, getting curious about your world, and watching videos that are made by people and backed by science, well, you're in the right place.


  • And together, we can fill the internet with stuff like that.


  • From January 13th to February 3rd, we're running a fundraiser to keep SciShow going another year.

    從 1 月 13 日到 2 月 3 日,我們將舉辦一次籌款活動,以使科學秀能夠繼續舉辦一年。

  • Go to slash postcard, or the links below, to support us and get your very own SciShow postcard, which will be signed by me and some of the other SciShow hosts.

    請訪問 slash postcard 或下面的鏈接,支持我們並獲得屬於自己的 SciShow 明信片,我和其他一些 SciShow 主持人將在明信片上簽名。

  • It's not just an object's chemical makeup that dictates how much light it absorbs, and therefore how black it is.


  • Structure can, too.


  • But for a long time, it was super tricky to create the super small structures you'd need to make blacks even blacker.


  • Then in 2002, a brand new record was set.

    隨後在 2002 年,又創造了一個全新的紀錄。

  • A material that reflected less than 0.5% of visible light wavelengths.

    可反射 0.5% 以下可見光波長的材料。

  • And researchers achieved this by chemically eroding the surface, creating microscopic, light-absorbing craters.


  • It was a huge leap in the search for the blackest black.


  • But unfortunately, the method didn't work very well at infrared wavelengths.


  • And for many practical purposes, these light-absorbing materials should be great at that, too.


  • Then in the 2010s, a brand new technique hit the scene, and it really seemed to knock all the previous records out of the park.

    到了 2010 年代,一種全新的技術橫空出世,它似乎真的打破了之前所有的記錄。

  • Now a little warning here, the materials we're talking about from now on are so black that your screen can't even express how black they are, so you'll have to trust us a bit when we tell you that these materials are really stunningly black.


  • Enter Vantablack, which claimed the world record for blackest black at the time.

    Vantablack 的出現打破了當時最黑的世界紀錄。

  • Vanta is actually an acronym for Vertically Aligned Nanotube Array.

    Vanta 實際上是垂直排列納米管陣列的首字母縮寫。

  • And by nanotube, they mean carbon nanotubes.


  • Because VACDNA doesn't really roll off the tongue.

    因為 "VACDNA "這個詞並不順口。

  • By the time Vantablack rolled around, academic labs and government research facilities like

    當 Vantablack 出現時,學術實驗室和政府研究機構如

  • NASA had already been working on this kind of technology for a couple years.


  • Here's how it works.


  • These super black coatings are created by growing forests of carbon nanotubes.


  • And carbon nanotubes are very appropriately named because they're nanoscale tubes of pure carbon.


  • Each of these trees are millionths of a meter tall, and billionths of a meter wide.


  • And together, a nanotube forest can trap light and bounce it around the trees until it's absorbed by the carbon atoms.


  • In other words, carbon nanotube forests are a perfect combination of the carbon-based black pigments and the structure-based absorption properties that scientists could achieve through chemical etching.


  • So super black Vanta coatings consistently reflect less than 0.5% of light across visible and infrared wavelengths.

    是以,超黑 Vanta 塗層對可見光和紅外線波長的反射率始終低於 0.5%。

  • Before Vantablack came on the scene, several labs had demonstrated near-perfect absorptionless than 0.1% in the visible and near-infrared bands.

    在 Vantablack 出現之前,一些實驗室已經證明了近乎完美的吸收率--在可見光和近紅外波段的吸收率低於 0.1%。

  • But in 2014, Vantablack coined the catchiest name and thereby got all the hype.

    但在 2014 年,Vantablack 創造了一個最朗朗上口的名字,從而獲得了所有的炒作。

  • As for the world record, well, the company's research is closely guarded.


  • The level of black was supposedly independently verified, but not publicly peer-reviewed.


  • If you go by those numbers, the original Vantablack had reflectances as low as 0.05%, at least for visible light.

    如果按照這些數字計算,最初的 Vantablack 的反射率低至 0.05%,至少在可見光下是如此。

  • And the record-breaking contest has only accelerated since then.


  • In 2015, a team created a super-efficient light absorber by suspending some funny-shaped nanoscale gold particles in water.

    2015 年,一個研究小組將一些形狀有趣的納米級金粒子懸浮在水中,創造出了一種超高效的光吸收器。

  • Using the same principle as the carbon nanotube forests, these gold particles use their shape to bounce light between one another until its energy is totally dissipated.


  • When you look at the numbers, the reflectance isn't quite as impressive as Vantablackless than 2% of light across both visible and infrared wavelengths.

    從數字上看,其反射率並不像 Vantablack 那樣令人印象深刻--可見光和紅外線波長的反射率都不到 2%。

  • But the gold particles are more reliable across a range of wavelengths than Vantablack was.

    但金顆粒在各種波長範圍內的可靠性都比 Vantablack 高。

  • And they require far less material than carbon nanotubes in order to absorb the same amount of light.


  • Together, that was good enough for the Guinness Book of World Records to dub these gold nanoparticles as the new Blackest Black.

    金氏世界紀錄》將這些金納米粒子稱為新的 "最黑的黑"。

  • Then, in 2016, Vantablack beat the record withwait for itVantablack 2!

    然後,在 2016 年,Vantablack 又打破了這一紀錄--等著瞧吧--推出了 Vantablack 2!

  • With this new iteration, they clarified that across a broad spectrum of wavelengths, and viewed from all angles, Vantablack 2 always reflects less than 1% of light.

    在新的版本中,他們明確指出,在廣泛的波長範圍內,從各個角度觀察,Vantablack 2 的反射率始終低於 1%。

  • But Vantablack isn't the current record-holder, and today's Blackest Black was discovered by accident.

    但 Vantablack 並不是目前的記錄保持者,而今天的 "最黑黑色 "也是偶然發現的。

  • In 2019, researchers were trying to boost the electrical conductance of aluminum.

    2019 年,研究人員試圖提高鋁的導電性。

  • And it turns out the ability to move electrons around is closely related to the ability to absorb light.


  • So the team wound up discovering a coding process that reflects less than 0.01% of visible and infrared light from all angles.

    是以,研究小組最終發現了一種編碼工藝,它從各個角度反射的可見光和紅外線都小於 0.01%。

  • It even reflected less than 0.005% of certain wavelengths, making this new material not just super, but ultra black.

    它對某些波長的反射率甚至低於 0.005%,是以這種新材料不僅是超級材料,而且是超黑材料。

  • The authors of this study think this could be due to a combination of factors, but mostly how they microscopically etched the surface of the aluminum before growing the nanotube forest on it.


  • This new ultra black coating made a big statement when an artist collaborated with the researchers to cover a $2 million diamond.

    當一位藝術家與研究人員合作,為一顆價值 200 萬美元的鑽石塗上這種新的超黑塗層時,這種塗層引起了轟動。

  • The piece was named The Redemption of Vanity and displayed at the New York Stock Exchange.


  • Now, so far, all these carbon nanotube-based coatings share a common weakness.


  • They might be shock and vibration resistant.


  • That makes them suitable for use on, say, the inside of a telescope that has to get to space via rocket.


  • But those tiny little nanotubes are delicate and easily destroyed by touch.


  • And this is the real reason we can't deck ourselves out in Vantablack merch.

    這就是我們不能把自己打扮成 Vantablack 商品的真正原因。

  • The carbon nanotube forests can only be grown on specific kinds of surfaces, and those tiny trees just aren't fit for everyday wear and tear.


  • But in 2023, a new record was set for an ultra black, touch-proof material.

    但在 2023 年,超黑防觸電材料創下了新紀錄。

  • It boasts a reflectance of less than 0.02%.

    它的反射率低於 0.02%。

  • The researchers managed this by making a surface with microcavities similar to the super black etching from 2002.

    研究人員通過製作與 2002 年的超黑蝕刻類似的微腔表面來實現這一目標。

  • Then they cast a mold of the microcavities and stamped the mold onto a polymer sheet.


  • That polymer can maintain that stamped structure when you touch it, meaning ultra black materials might finally be making their way into commercial daily use.


  • This is proof that carbon nanotubes don't have to be the future of really black materials.


  • In fact, in 2024, researchers accidentally made a super black material out of wood.

    事實上,在 2024 年,研究人員意外地用木材製成了一種超級黑色材料。

  • They were originally attempting to make wood more waterproof.


  • But they found that their plasma etching technique gave samples of basswood a light-absorbing texture reminiscent of the carbon nanotube forests.


  • They could also take advantage of lignins, the light-absorbing compounds naturally found in wood.


  • Altogether, their samples reflected about 0.7% of visible light.

    他們的樣品總共反射了約 0.7% 的可見光。

  • And the plasma etched wood still looked black when the team coated it with gold to improve the material's electrical conductance.


  • The team has dreams of deploying their super black wood to consumers, at least in the form of watches or jewelry.


  • But there's another way scientists might gift us some of the blackest blacks possible, by turning to nature itself for inspiration.


  • That's right, researchers have been studying ultra black animals.


  • As it turns out, some species of spiders, birds, and deep sea fish have evolved super light-absorbing coloring with reflectances as low as 0.05%.

    事實證明,某些種類的蜘蛛、鳥類和深海魚類已經進化出了超級吸光色素,其反射率低至 0.05%。

  • And the exact technique varies from creature to creature, but generally their ultra black appearances are thanks to a mixture of melanin pigments and micro-scale structures.


  • While humans have managed to create blacker blacks than anything we've found in the animal kingdom, 0.05% is right in line with the original vantablack.

    雖然人類已經成功地創造出了比我們在動物王國中發現的任何東西都要黑的黑色,但 0.05% 的黑度與最初的萬特黑是一致的。

  • And nature managed to do that just with evolution, across many different biomes, and a lot earlier than our human-grown records were established.


  • I guess that gives scientists a lot to reflect on when it comes to making the blackest black.


  • [♪ OUTRO ♪)]

    [♪ OUTRO ♪)]

It's been 10 years since Vantablack claimed the title of Blackest Black, astounding the world with its ability to darken materials beyond recognition.

自 Vantablack 榮獲 "最黑之黑 "稱號以來,它已經走過了 10 個年頭,它讓材料變黑的能力震驚了世界。

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