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  • Can you afford to live in Japan on an average salary?


  • The average single person's salary in Japan is 4.58 million yen.

    日本單身人士的平均工資為 458 萬日元。

  • Around 2.7% of us are foreigners who live and work in Japan.

    我們中約有 2.7% 是在日本生活和工作的外國人。

  • The top 5 most common industries that we foreigners work for are manufacturing, retail, IT, service and education.

    我們外國人最常從事的五大行業是製造業、零售業、IT 業、服務業和教育業。

  • Let's say I'm an average English teacher here in Japan.


  • My monthly wage is 280,000 yen per month.

    我的月工資是 28 萬日元。

  • Let's see how much I'm left with after we minus out the average cost of living.


  • Here's a general breakdown of the expenses.


  • Breaking down taxes can always be confusing.


  • In Japan, expect an income tax and a residence tax to come out of your paycheck every month.


  • There will also be an amount taken to cover employees' health insurance, pension, employment insurance, which includes unemployment coverage too.


  • The amount of tax taken from your pay will vary depending on where you live, how much you currently make and how much you made in the previous year.


  • The health insurance deduction will depend on which one you're on.


  • Luckily, if you're a full-time employee, the company you're working for will sort this all out for you.


  • So, to keep it simple, expect to see around 15% to 25% of your paycheck deducted to cover these taxes and insurances.

    簡單地說,就是要從工資中扣除 15% 到 25% 左右來支付這些稅費和保險。

  • So, as an average English teacher making 280,000 yen a month, I should expect to be left with around 224,000 yen after all the tax and insurance deductions.

    作為一名月薪 28 萬日元的普通英語教師,在扣除所有稅費和保險費後,我應該能剩下 22.4 萬日元左右。

  • Hold on.


  • Hi.


  • Did you know that if you apply for Fursato Noza, you will receive locally sourced goods, anything from mentaiko to strawberry and even steaks?

    你知道嗎,如果您申請 Fursato Noza,你就會收到當地採購的商品,從明太子到草莓,甚至牛排,應有盡有。

  • It's a system where you can pay taxes to a local government that is different from your own.


  • Ah!


  • Rent is usually going to cost anywhere between 50,000 to 70,000 yen for a one-bedroom.

    一房間的租金通常在 5 萬至 7 萬日元之間。

  • This rate varies per city, depending on how new the building is.


  • And how close it is to the station.


  • Apartment hunting?


  • Keep these things in mind.


  • Avoid spending more than 30% of your gross income on rent.

    避免將總收入的 30% 以上用於支付房租。

  • If you are unprepared to commit to an apartment with all the moving fees, consider living in a share house.


  • Utilities are typically included in the price and the house is typically furnished.


  • Also, living outside of the heart of big cities will considerably be cheaper.


  • So, if you work in Tokyo, check out apartments in Chiba or Saitama.


  • Utilities, including electricity, gas and water, cost around 13,000 yen per month, but can fluctuate with the season.

    包括電、煤氣和水在內的水電費每月約為 13,000 日元,但會隨季節變化而波動。

  • Here are some of the things you can do to lessen your monthly utilities.


  • Change your lights to LEDs.

    把燈換成 LED 燈。

  • Try to use your AC at no lower than 27 degrees.

    儘量使用不低於 27 度的空調。

  • In the winter, invest in a kotatsu as it eats less energy.


  • And use a water filter.


  • For example, your shower, to save water.


  • That's the living arrangement covered.


  • So, with that, let's go shopping.


  • I just got all my groceries for the week.


  • The average single household spends around 10,250 yen a week on food and drink.

    單個家庭平均每週在食品和飲料上花費約 10 250 日元。

  • So, I should expect to spend around 41,000 yen on food and drink a month.

    我每月在飲食方面的花費應該在 41 000 日元左右。

  • To break it down, expect to spend around 2,600 yen for cereals such as rice, bread and noodles, 4,300 yen for meat and fish, 5,100 yen for fresh fruit and vegetables, 4,700 yen for drinks and liquor, 9,900 yen for eating out, and other household ingredients like dairies and oils.

    細分一下,購買米飯、麵包和麵條等穀物的費用約為 2,600 日元,購買肉類和魚類的費用約為 4,300 日元,購買新鮮水果和蔬菜的費用約為 5,100 日元,購買飲料和酒類的費用約為 4,700 日元,外出就餐的費用約為 9,900 日元,以及購買乳製品和油類等其他家庭用品的費用。

  • Snacks and pre-prepared foods can add up to around 14,000 yen a month.

    小吃和預製食品的費用每月約為 14,000 日元。

  • Hi, I'm back again.


  • Did you know that shopping at your yaoya, your local vegetable or fruit stand, will get you discounted produce?


  • Think of this place as an outlet that sells ugly produce that the supermarket don't accept anymore.


  • Also, learn to look around.


  • Not all supermarkets are created equal.


  • Some offer cheaper meat and dog buying options, while others sell imported products, which are more upscale.


  • Transport and communication services are estimated to cost around 23,000 yen a month.

    據估計,交通和通信服務費每月約為 23 000 日元。

  • Oh, use point cards whenever you can.


  • They are available in supermarkets, pharmacies, bookstores, and public transportation.


  • For example, JR East has a point system that gives you points whenever you take the train.

    例如,JR 東日本有一個集點系統,只要乘坐火車就能獲得積分。

  • And if you get a job in Japan, most companies here will cover your commute.


  • When you subscribe to a phone plan, take advantage of any campaigns that give you cash back or points at your electronic store.


  • You can buy more furniture or appliances at a discounted price by using those points.


  • That about covers all of your basic living expenses.


  • Whatever's left can be put towards your savings, travelling more of Japan, or the more fun things in life.


  • Whatever that may be for you.


  • We hope this video has given you a glimpse of what it's like to earn and spend yen in Japan.


  • Keep in mind that the actual cost will depend on variable other factors.


  • For more information, don't forget to check out our Gaijin Pop blog post, which provide a complete breakdown of the average wages and cost of living in Japan.

    如需瞭解更多資訊,請不要忘記查看我們的 Gaijin Pop 博客文章,其中提供了日本平均工資和生活費用的完整細目。

  • If you like these types of videos, find our other videos about life in Japan on our channel.


  • See you next time.


Can you afford to live in Japan on an average salary?


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