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  • Oh that's what we're looking for, that pencil thin line in the snow.


  • Hey guys, Malcolm Moore here. Are you a fan of my new pink buff? Let me know. Anyway I digress, in today's video I'll be helping you take your carving from pedestrian to pro.


  • Carving is where you put the board on its edge and have the side cut of the board pull you across the slope in a smooth turn. Now good carving is where you leave a pencil thin line in the snow. That's an indication that the board hasn't been skidding at all. So let's start off real simply at the pedestrian end of the spectrum like I said. I'm here on the side of the piece and what I'm going to do is pick up a little bit of speed, rock onto my heel edge and try and make a nice smooth arc all the way across to the other side of the slope. To do this, ingredient one is speed. A little bit of speed helps with carving.


  • Ingredient number two is to have good heel edge posture. That means knees bent, hips back, head turning, looking where I'm going and if you're not entirely sure what good posture is, check this video out up here. I've explained good posture in great detail. So we've got speed, we've got good posture, the third thing we need to do is the lateral movement. By that I just mean we lean. We lean our body laterally into the slope to get the sidecut to engage and for it to pull us around the turn. Alright, let's jump in, let's give it a go.


  • Same exercise as before, just this time on the toe edge. So bend the knees, push the hips forward, sit in that toe edge position, lean into the slope and have the sidecut pull you across the peak.


  • Now if your line in the snow isn't really looking like that, it's looking a bit more like a slug left it, like it's a bit fat, not very pretty. It could be for a few reasons. Now you want to make sure you're not kicking your back foot out at the start of the turn. Trust that by engaging your board's sidecut that will be enough to pull you around across the slope. Now it could be that your posture is wrong. Good posture really is a key ingredient to good carving. It could be that just the back end of your board isn't quite gripping. You know we spend a lot of time getting beginners to get weight on their front foot because that's what starts off the turn but the back foot is actually important as well as for getting your whole board to grip, for getting grip across the whole of your sidecut. So maybe try applying a bit more pressure through the back foot.


  • That's what we're looking for, that pencil thin line in the snow. Perfect. So let's start linking those two turns together. All you need to do at the end of the turn is simply to extend your legs and stand up. As you do this that allows the board to flatten meaning you can roll it onto your new edge but it also helps you transition between your heel and your toe edge posture. As I stand up it brings my hips over the middle of the board meaning that I can then drop them forward into my toe edge position. Spin around. The same applies when we go from toe edge to heel edge. I'm coming across the slope, my knees are bent. When I want to change edge I stand up, my board flattens, my hips are across the middle of the board and I can sink them back into my heel edge position and complete the carve across the piece.

    這就是我們要找的,雪地上的鉛筆細線。好極了 Perfect.那麼我們開始把這兩個轉彎連起來吧在轉彎結束時,你需要做的就是伸直雙腿,然後站起來。這樣做可以讓滑板變平,這意味著你可以將滑板捲到新的邊緣,同時還能幫助你在腳跟和腳尖邊緣姿勢之間進行轉換。當我站起來時,我的臀部就會越過沖浪板的中部,這意味著我可以將臀部向前放下,進入趾部姿勢。轉圈當我們從腳尖邊緣轉到腳跟邊緣時也是如此。我正穿過斜坡,膝蓋彎曲。當我想換邊時,我站起來,我的衝浪板變平,我的臀部橫在衝浪板中間,我可以將臀部沉回我的腳跟邊位置,完成橫切。

  • That was great. We were getting the board to carve but we were just kind of being a passenger on the board and by that I mean we were just sitting the board on its edge and having the board take us around in that quite large radius turn.


  • Now that's fine for your mellow green slopes but you do that on anything a bit steeper and that boards going to start picking up loads of speed as you're making these really big turns with a lot of time spent in the full line. So what we want to start to do and where things get a bit more fun is when we can actually tighten up the arc of that turn. Tighten up the radius of those carves.


  • Now the way we do that is that we need to get the board to actually bend like this.


  • For it to bend like a banana or more professionally we need it to go into reverse camber. Now there's a few ways that we can do that. You can just take a bit more speed. You can lean laterally into the slope a bit more but the best way, the way that gives the best and the most immediate results is to actually push your legs into the board. The way we do that is simply to extend the legs. As you push your legs into the board you apply pressure through the middle of the board. You bend it like a banana. You push it into reverse camber and you increase the radius of your turn. No you don't. You decrease the radius of your turn. You make it smaller. I'm getting too technical here. Basically by pushing your legs into the board as you extend you're going to tighten up that turn. So that's what we're going to do now. Have a quick play with this. Push those legs out through the turn and you can kind of do it progressively through the turn or you can kind of pump it like you're riding a wave. Get that board to kind of nip back up the slope. All right let's give that a go.

    為了讓它彎曲得像香蕉或更專業,我們需要它進入反向外傾狀態。現在我們有幾種方法可以做到這一點。你可以加快一點速度。你可以向斜坡橫向傾斜一些,但最好的方法,也是效果最好、最立竿見影的方法,就是將你的雙腿真正地推入衝浪板。方法很簡單,就是伸腿。當你把腿伸進衝浪板的時候,你要通過沖浪板的中間施加壓力。就像香蕉一樣彎曲。你把它推向反外傾,增加了轉彎半徑不,你沒有。你減小了轉彎半徑把它變小我說得太專業了基本上,當你伸展的時候,把你的腿推到板子上 你就會把轉彎收緊。這就是我們現在要做的快速練習一下在轉彎時把腿伸直,你可

  • I'm getting too technical here. Basically by pushing your legs into the board you're going to tighten up that turn. You make it smaller. You push it into reverse camber and you increase the radius of the turn. You make it smaller. I'm getting too technical here. Basically by pushing your legs into the board as you extend you're going to tighten up that turn. So that's what I'm going to do now. Have a quick play with it. Awesome. So that is getting way more fun already. We can really influence the size and the shape of our carved turns. What you've probably started to feel as well is that as you release the pressure from that board, so you're pushing your legs into it, you bend it into reverse camber, when you then release that pressure the board really snaps you out of the turn. I could really feel it popping me out and in those turns

    我說得太專業了。基本上,把你的腿伸進滑板裡 你就能收緊那個彎道讓它變得更小你把它推到反向外傾角 然後增加轉彎半徑你把它變小了我說得太專業了基本上,當你伸展的時候,把腿伸進滑板裡 你就能收緊那個彎道這就是我現在要做的快速玩一下太棒了現在已經越來越有趣了我們真的可以影響雕刻轉彎的大小和形狀。你可能也開始感覺到了 當你釋放板子上的壓力時 你的腿就會壓到板子上 你就會把板子彎成反向的外傾角我能真切地感受到,在這些彎道中,它能把我彈出去。

  • I was using that to help with that extension movement as I rocked my way over from one edge to the other. You can do a couple of things with this. You could even take that snap and pop an ollie at the end of the turn. Make your edge change in the air. Pop off your toe edge carve, land into your heel edge carve. One thing that I really like to do is I like to progressively push my legs out through the turn, build the pressure up in the board and at the end of the turn I release it all and I snap my legs up underneath my body and try and get them high up on the slope to begin the next turn nice and early.

    當我從一個邊緣搖到另一個邊緣時,我用它來幫助伸展運動。你可以用它做很多事情。你甚至可以在轉體結束時做一個 "啪 "的動作。在空中改變你的邊緣。從你的腳尖邊緣切入,然後落到你的腳跟邊緣切入。我非常喜歡做的一件事是,在轉彎時逐漸將腿伸直,在滑板上形成壓力,在轉彎結束時,我將壓力全部釋放,然後將腿從身體下方彈起,儘量讓腿在斜坡上高高翹起,以便儘早開始下一個轉彎。

  • So rather than before when we were standing up and crossing our hips over the board, this time we're actually bringing the board underneath our body. We call it a cross under turn. Now this is really effective because you bring the board nice and high up to start the turn early but also because you've stuck your legs up underneath you, you're starting the turn in a crouch down position. You're in this low position ready to start extending your legs and applying pressure through the board right from the beginning of the turn. Whereas before we were standing up then sinking into this low position which you could then apply pressure from. Here you're doing these cross under turns, you can get pressure right from the start of the turn and this is what I start to call more high performance carving. So give me a watch, I'll film some in slow motion so you can really see the board snapping up underneath me. So from my heels to the toes I've got to bring it up underneath me and back up the hill. From the toes to the heels, same thing, I release that snap, pull the board underneath me, you see it lets me engage my edge nice and early and already I'm in that low strong position to start pushing out through the turn.

    是以,與之前我們站起來將臀部跨過滑板不同,這次我們實際上是將滑板帶到身體下方。我們稱其為 "下交叉轉體"。現在,這個動作非常有效,因為你把衝浪板抬得很高,提前開始轉體,但同時因為你把雙腿伸到了身體下方,所以你是以蹲下的姿勢開始轉體的。從轉彎一開始,你就處於這種低姿勢,準備開始伸展雙腿並通過滑板施加壓力。而之前我們都是先站立,然後下沉到這個低位置,然後再施加壓力。而在這裡,你要做的是交叉轉彎,你可以在轉彎一開始就施加壓力,這就是我所說的更高性能的雕刻。給我看一下,我會拍一些慢動作,這樣你就能清楚地看到滑板在

  • Perfect, that's as much as I could fit in at the end of the day. I've been super busy this week teaching loads of lessons and if you'd like to have a lesson with me, I live and I work out here in Alpe d'Huez in France. You can find all the details of the ski school

    很好,這是我一天中能說的最多的內容了。本週我一直在忙著教授大量課程,如果您想和我一起上課,我就住在法國的阿爾佩德韋斯(Alpe d'Huez),並在這裡工作。您可以找到滑雪學校的所有詳細信息

  • I work for down below. As always, if you've enjoyed this, please hit that like and that subscribe button for more content like this. Until next time, see you later.

    我在下面工作。和往常一樣,如果您喜歡這篇文章,請點擊 "喜歡 "和 "訂閱 "按鈕,以獲取更多類似內容。下次再見。

Oh that's what we're looking for, that pencil thin line in the snow.


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