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  • One of the best setup openings to employ in chess as a beginner or an intermediate is known as the King's Indian setup, which actually can be played with both sides, and it's a great tool to kind of get you going, get you developed, and play the middle game from there.


  • So let's jump into it.


  • The King's Indian setup looks like this, and it can be played in a variety of move orders, but I recommend starting with the knight, and then let's just have our opponent develop naturally.


  • Your next move is g3 and bishop g2.

    你的下一步棋是 g3 和象 g2。

  • I'm going to play normal moves as well.


  • Then you castle, and then you play d3, and d3 is designed as an anti-e-pawn move, okay?

    然後你攻城,然後下 d3,d3 被設計成反兵棋,明白嗎?

  • So the reason you can play d3 a little bit earlier, like for example, what if I played like this and I took the full center?

    所以,你之所以能提前一點打出 d3,比如說,如果我這樣打,我打滿了中鋒,會怎麼樣?

  • That's all right.


  • You need to not get attacked.


  • That's why the pawn comes to d3, and then in a slightly different move order, we reach again our little shelter for the bishop, the fianchetto, and the castle with the King.

    這就是為什麼兵會走到 d3,然後以稍有不同的走法順序,我們再次到達我們為象提供的小庇護所,即 "先手",以及國王的城堡。

  • Now, this structure is very, very interesting, and the next few developing moves, especially if you're first starting out, you can finish your development in the following ways.


  • You've got to commit this bishop, so that will either happen on g5 and then make this capture if you're attacked, but let's say your opponent does this and you can't bring the bishop out this way, then you can go b3.

    你必須投入這隻象,所以要麼在 g5 上投入,然後在受到攻擊時吃掉這隻象,但假設對手這樣做了,而你無法通過這種方式將象帶出來,那麼你可以走 b3。

  • So something like h6-b3, you develop the bishop out this way, and then you can put this knight like this.

    是以,像 h6-b3 這樣的下法,你可以將象向外發展,然後可以像這樣放馬。

  • And all of this is setting up an eventual pawn push in the center of the board either to e4 with your e-pawn two squares or either with your c-pawn.

    所有這些都是在為最終將棋子推向棋盤中央做準備,要麼將 e 兵推至 e4 兩格,要麼將 c 兵推至 e4 兩格。

  • You cannot, and I recommend that you do not do both because what will happen is you will lock in your pieces.


  • But I recommend that you choose one of the two so that you have some sort of command in the center of the board, and then you try to play from there.


  • Now, the King's Indian is very flexible, it's very tough to kind of predict exactly how our opponents are going to set up, but generally from here on out, we are going to usually start to try to create an attack on the same castled king.


  • Now what does that look like?


  • So for example, we'll play something like e4, right?

    例如,我們會下 e4 這樣的棋,對嗎?

  • And if our opponent does something like this, just hypothetically speaking, we're going to try to create a kingside attack.


  • And usually that involves either moving the knight to h4 or back to e1.

    這通常需要將馬移至 h4 或退回 e1。

  • And I know it's like, wait, what?


  • Why would I undevelop my pieces?


  • Well, now you want to start some sort of f-pawn attack, so something like f4 to then mobilize the forces that way.

    那麼,現在你想開始某種 f 兵攻擊,比如 f4,然後以這種方式調動兵力。

  • And that also can be played in the same regards with knight h4.


  • So once you get that out there, playing with your pieces, you're going to start to learn the dynamics between the knights and the bishops and how they work together.


  • Now you don't necessarily have to play on the kingside, you also could employ a strategy of expanding on the queenside, that's also completely okay and completely reasonable.


  • But this is the King's Indian setup with the white side, all right?


  • That's in three minutes, congratulations, you learned it.


  • Another way, you know, if you don't like your pieces positioned in this way, as I said, you can develop your pieces out like this, make this trade, and the reason why I say this is that this allows you to play your knight out to c3 with pressure on d5, and then after castles, again, trying to put this pawn in the center, and it's okay for you to have your knight attacked, you can swing your knight back and you're looking for this aggressive f-pawn push.


  • You should remember this because once we flip the board here in a moment, this is exactly what you're going to get with the black pieces as well.


  • So let's flip the board, all right, let's flip the board, here we go.


  • The King's Indian can be played against anything that white plays.


  • I'm going to start out with e4 because with e4 you actually do have to move the pawn first.

    我將從 e4 開始,因為走 e4 時,你實際上必須先移動兵。

  • If you move the knight right away, you're going to get attacked, you're in a totally different opening called the Alekhine Defense, this is not what you want.


  • So with black, I would say just play d6 first, all right, play d6 first.

    是以對於黑棋,我會說先下 d6,好吧,先下 d6。

  • Now this is not called the King's Indian Defense with black, but it's the King's Indian setup, it's called the Pierce Defense, and you should be familiar with white's two most critical attacking methods.


  • There is the Austrian attack, the three-pawn attack.


  • You will need to know a weapon here of some sort and basically white just, you know, tries to get aggressive and blow you off the board very quickly.


  • Go look at a couple of videos or top-level games with the Austrian attack, it does not win for white, it's just a little bit scary to play with the black pieces.


  • And the other way that white can play very aggressively is bishop e3, queen d2, and basically, you know, just go after your dark-squared bishops.


  • So here, when you see them setting up like this, I would delay castling, and if they're trying to castle queenside, I would maybe try to play a6, b5, or c6, b5, and start to kind of mobilize on that side of the board.

    是以,在這裡,當你看到他們這樣佈局時,我會延遲投子,如果他們試圖在皇后邊投子,我也許會嘗試下 a6、b5 或 c6、b5,並開始在棋盤的這一邊進行某種調動。

  • The opening is not designed for you to absentmindedly play your moves and not care about what your opponent is doing, you do need to pay attention to how they're setting up as well.


  • So in king's pawn, king's Indian positions, or Pierce Defense positions, be mindful of how they're setting up.


  • If they're not setting up in one of these two ways, they're just playing like this, then the setup is the same.


  • Bishop g7, again, that pawn is protecting the push, so if it pushes, you take it, you always take it.

    象 g7,同樣,這顆棋子是保護推子的,所以如果它推,你就吃掉它,你總是吃掉它。

  • They cannot push that early, you know?


  • I've seen stuff like this, you know?


  • I've seen move 3, take, take, take the queen, all right?

    我已經看到第3步了 吃掉 吃掉 吃掉皇后 好嗎?

  • Like, this is not good for white.


  • And if they play normally and develop, you're going to do all the same stuff, get this bishop out here, the capture for the knight, this knight develops in the center of the board, and you play e5, all right?


  • Now, sometimes they play d4, the setup is all the same. d6, c4, you know?

    現在,有時他們會下 d4,佈局都是一樣的。

  • And again, there is opening theory here, but I, and king's Indian is one of the most deeply theoretically studied openings that exists, but I'm trying to give you the 10-minute rundown, so forgive me if I don't answer 30 moves of deep theory, but for the amateur player, for the 1500-level player, the 1000-rated player, these setups are just good ways to get started.


  • Knight f3, let's say here, and again, the bishop comes out, and in many cases, you know, again, you don't need to take this unless you get attacked, so you can just keep developing.

    馬 f3,比方說這裡,又是象出來了,在很多情況下,你知道,你不需要走這一步,除非你受到攻擊,所以你可以繼續發展。

  • And one way I like to push this pawn into the center of the board is to also slide this knight back to d7.

    我喜歡把這隻卒推到棋盤中央的一種方法是把這隻馬滑回 d7。

  • Once the bishop is out, you can slide the knight back, you've got big pressure on the center, and you're looking for e5, f5, you are looking for the e and f pawn attack once the center is closed.


  • You do not try to play f5 just by itself, all right?

    你不要只試著玩 f5,好嗎?

  • You need to play e5, close the center, and then get a same-side attack going on your opponent.

    您需要下 e5,封閉中央,然後向對手發動同側攻擊。

  • And that's honestly, basically it, because you can play this against anything, c4, king's Indian.


  • Knight f3, king's Indian.

    騎士 f3,國王的印度。

  • You've got the white side, knight f3, go for a king's Indian.


  • Just again, to review, if you've made it this far, you do need to play this to support the anti-attack on your knight, d3 does have to happen.

    再次回顧一下,如果你已經走到這一步,你確實需要下這步棋來支持你的馬的反擊,d3 確實必鬚髮生。

  • You can develop this bishop out either this way or this way, and ultimately, soon in the future, you will take control of the center and advance these pawns and try to attack your opponent.


  • And that's basically the entire, well, we're ending with a grob.

    這基本上就是整個過程,好吧,我們以一個 "Grob "結尾。

  • I was trying to click an empty square, but a little blooper there.


  • That's basically it, my friends.


  • You now know, after just 8 minutes, how the king's Indian setup works, and you can give it a shot with both colors.

    現在,您只用了 8 分鐘就知道了印度王的佈局是如何進行的,您可以用兩種顏色的棋來試一試。

  • If you mess it up, that's all right.


  • You need practice more than anything else.


  • For this video, I'm thinking, I've been leaving you prompts in the comments with what to answer.


  • Coffee or tea?


  • And how many cups of it do you drink a day?


  • How about we do that?


  • As always, like the video if you've enjoyed it, share it with somebody who needs an opening or wants a couple of basic opening tips, and subscribe if you haven't.


  • I'll see you in the next video.


One of the best setup openings to employ in chess as a beginner or an intermediate is known as the King's Indian setup, which actually can be played with both sides, and it's a great tool to kind of get you going, get you developed, and play the middle game from there.


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