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  • On Monday 12 February 2024, 103,978 passengers left the city of Las Vegas through Harry Reid International.

    2024 年 2 月 12 日星期一,103978 名乘客通過哈里-裡德國際機場離開拉斯維加斯市。

  • It was a new record for the airport, the most passengers ever screened by TSA officers in a single day, and it explains why this Monday is known as Exodus Monday, the Monday right after the Super Bowl.

    這創下了機場的新紀錄,也是美國運輸安全管理局(TSA)人員單日檢查旅客最多的一天,這也解釋了為什麼這個星期一被稱為 "出埃及記星期一"(Exodus Monday),即超級碗比賽結束後的星期一。

  • Included in those 100,000 passengers were staff from airports in New Orleans, the host city for the 2025 Super Bowl.

    這 10 萬名乘客中包括來自 2025 年超級碗主辦城市新奧爾良機場的工作人員。

  • They were there to enjoy the game, but more importantly to observe and learn from the enormous logistical challenges faced by the city's airports.


  • Planning for their own challenge started more than a year out, and this is an account of how the Super Bowl almost breaks airports and how the airports stay unbroken.


  • The biggest challenge for Super Bowl airports isn't the number of passengers, it's the number of planes.


  • Nearly 30% of flights that landed in Las Vegas on the Thursday before the game in 2024 were private jets, while a record 984 landed in Miami for Super Bowl 54.

    在 2024 年比賽前的週四降落在拉斯維加斯的班機中,有近 30% 是私人飛機,而在第 54 屆超級碗比賽期間,有創紀錄的 984 架飛機降落在邁阿密。

  • And while you probably haven't considered this before, it's not the take-off and landing that causes the logistical problem, it's the parking.


  • You see, the number of available parking spaces for planes is regularly outstripped by the actual number of planes, and here's how that's managed.


  • The Federal Aviation Administration, or the FAA, work with the NFL to create a special event reservation prior permission required, or PPR system, that all business aircraft must use.


  • This gives a certain number of slots to each airport's fixed base operator, or FBO, companies given the permission to operate and provide aeronautical services at airports.

    這就為每個機場的固定基地運營商或 FBO(獲准在機場營運和提供航空服務的公司)提供了一定數量的時段。

  • FBOs can then schedule customers into these slots, and the amount and length of those are decided by FAA.

    然後,FBO 可以為客戶安排這些時段,而時段的數量和長度則由 FAA 決定。

  • So for Super Bowl 59, slots are available in five airports in the New Orleans metropolitan area.

    是以,在第 59 屆超級碗比賽中,新奧爾良大都會區的五個機場都有空位。

  • The FAA expect about 600 aircraft will be parked at local airports during Super Bowl week, and some of these spots will be long-term or overnight, but when those run out, the only option for many will be drop and go reservations.

    美國聯邦航空局預計,在超級碗比賽週期間,當地機場將停放約 600 架飛機,其中一些停機位將是長期或過夜的,但當這些停機位用完後,許多人將只能選擇空降和預訂。

  • This is when a private jet will drop its passengers off at an airport before taking off again to park at a different airport, and then returning only when they're scheduled to leave again from the first airport.


  • So if you're lucky enough to be how easy is it to secure one of these spots?


  • Well, the PPR system is strictly first-come, first-served, but for billionaires who book late, there are workarounds.

    好吧,PPR 系統嚴格遵守先到先得的原則,但對於那些預訂較晚的億萬富翁來說,也有變通的辦法。

  • Obviously, they could park at airports further away where the reservation system isn't in place, but there's a risk that spaces could run out there too.


  • Alternatively, private jet providers will proactively obtain slots before they've actually been requested by customers, meaning that in theory they could hold slots back for the right customer.


  • But as you might expect, chartering a private jet is not cheap.


  • For an event like the Super Bowl, the cost typically falls between $2,000 and $15,000 per hour, while FBOs will also charge landing fees, which can range between $750 and $3,000.

    對於 "超級碗 "這樣的活動,費用通常在每小時 2,000 美元到 15,000 美元之間,而 FBO 還將收取 750 美元到 3,000 美元不等的著陸費。

  • So that's challenge number one.


  • Challenge number two for airports is dealing with commercial flights.


  • Unsurprisingly, these ramp up massively for an event like the Super Bowl.


  • As an example, on a typical weekend, United Airlines will fly 40 flights a day to Las Vegas using Boeing's 737 planes that have a capacity of about 172 passengers.

    例如,在一個典型的週末,美國聯合航空公司(United Airlines)每天將使用波音公司的 737 飛機飛往拉斯維加斯 40 個班機,這些飛機的載客量約為 172 人。

  • On Super Bowl weekend in 2024, they flew in 75 flights a day to the city using Boeing's 777s, with a significantly larger capacity.

    在 2024 年的超級碗週末,他們使用運力大得多的波音 777 飛機每天飛往該市 75 個班機。

  • For Super Bowl 59 week in New Orleans, the FAA expects nearly 7,000 takeoffs and landings.

    在新奧爾良舉行的第 59 屆超級碗比賽週期間,美國聯邦航空局預計將有近 7,000 架次的飛機起降。

  • And consequently, air traffic control at some airports will operate for longer hours, easing traffic by rerouting planes, and imposing altitude restrictions or ground delay programs.


  • And next, there's the challenge of moving the huge number of passengers through the airport without causing extra delays.


  • Now, airports capable of hosting an event like the Super Bowl are generally designed to cope with this kind of strain.


  • Upon construction, architects will work with specialist consultants to create a peak capacity figure based on factors like the number of runways, space to park planes, the number of terminals, local airspace, and other things.


  • With this in mind, facilities like corridors, gates, check-in facilities, and lounges are designed accordingly.


  • And while everyone hates queuing at an airport, when, where, and how you queue is usually part of a deliberate design to create the most efficient overall flow of traffic.


  • For Super Bowl week, Transportation Security Administration workers, otherwise known as the TSA, are brought in from other states to ensure that security checks can remain open for longer.

    在 "超級碗 "週期間,運輸安全管理局(又稱 TSA)的工作人員會從其他州調來,以確保安檢工作能夠持續更長時間。

  • In 2024, 77 staff came to Las Vegas from 33 different airports across the country to help with this.

    2024 年,77 名工作人員從全國 33 個不同的機場來到拉斯維加斯,協助開展這項工作。

  • You see, Super Bowl airport planning starts a year out for a reason.


  • And it's this detail that makes the airport's playbook so effective.


  • What may seem on the surface like mundane bureaucracy is actually the remarkable and essential collaboration of thousands of workers.


  • New Orleans expects up to 150,000 visitors to its city this Super Bowl weekend, and the airports are merely one example of an industry among many going to extreme logistical lengths, all for the sake of a game of football. in the world, offering exclusive stories and unrivaled insight.

    新奧爾良預計將有多達 15 萬遊客在這個超級碗週末來到這座城市,而機場只是眾多行業中的一個例子,這些行業為了一場橄欖球賽而在後勤方面做出了極大的努力。

  • You can try The Athletic for free for 30 days by clicking the link in the description.

    點擊描述中的鏈接,您可以免費試用《The Athletic》30 天。

On Monday 12 February 2024, 103,978 passengers left the city of Las Vegas through Harry Reid International.

2024 年 2 月 12 日星期一,103978 名乘客通過哈里-裡德國際機場離開拉斯維加斯市。

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