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  • Now, if you guys at home are on the hunt for a new job this year, you are not alone.

  • More than half of Americans have said that they plan to look for new positions in 2025.

  • And if you're one of them, listen up.

  • LinkedIn is out with its annual report, Exploring Jobs on the Rise.

  • This year, almost half of the roles didn't even exist 25 years ago.

  • LinkedIn Senior Editor-at-Large Jesse Hempel is here to tell us where to look for a new job, and to share all of the best details and tips for a great interview.

  • Welcome, Jesse.

  • Hello, everyone. How are you?

  • Hello.

  • We are great.

  • So, we're not looking for new jobs.

  • We're very happy.

  • But for those of us, us in general, and like all of us who are, what are the industries people should be looking at?

  • It's a great question, and my first answer is not going to surprise you.

  • I don't know if you've heard of this artificial intelligence trend.

  • Oh, yeah. What do they call it?

  • AI?

  • AI. Well, here's the thing.

  • This part's not going to surprise you.

  • Technical skills are in demand.

  • If you are building or even thinking about building some technical skills to support an AI career, you should be doing it.

  • But here's the thing.

  • You don't need technical skills to be working in AI.

  • And there are many jobs on our list this year, like AI consultant, that actually require strategic and business skills.

  • And so, anybody can be working in AI.

  • I'm blown away by that data point we came in on, that 44% of jobs that exist today didn't exist 25 years ago.

  • What a topsy-turvy world this is.

  • Well, I mean, think about me.

  • I came into my job as a magazine writer, and now I mostly host Hello Monday, our podcast.

  • What was a podcast?

  • Right, right.

  • What was a podcast?

  • But of course, the really exceptional opportunities that did not exist years ago, there are the AI opportunities, but there's the fact that AI kind of sneaks into every job that you have, and it changes the role, right?

  • And you're also seeing growth in the travel and events industries.

  • Why is that?

  • Well, I think that we're enough years after COVID that people are back, but people and really I think you see corporations, they want guidance, and they want guidance from professionals.

  • And by the way, travel is not the only place where you're going to see people in roles like physical therapists, frontline workers.

  • There is a demand for a type of customer service we haven't seen in a while.

  • So if you're going to make a switch, where do you begin?

  • And then if you get a job interview, how do you sound like you know what AI is and how do you do it?

  • Asking for a friend.

  • Well, you're going to sound like you know what AI is because you're going to get to know what AI is.

  • But the first question you ask is like, how do I even begin to think about making a switch?

  • Stop thinking about what you have as a job.

  • Yes, you look great on television as an anchor, but you can take everything that you use every day to do the job that you have, Tony, and put it to use in some other way.

  • So the right way to think about your job is a basket of skills.

  • And the first question to ask yourself is, which of these skills can I put to use somewhere else?

  • And where are the places where I can build some new skills to complement those skills and have an entirely new opportunity?

  • But how do you build those skills?

  • I mean, we don't all have money to go get a master's degree or whatever it is.

  • And you shouldn't.

  • You should not go back to school for four years.

  • Why should you do that in a world where you can find everything you need at your fingertips?

  • Now, first of all, I think a lot of people don't know that employers are really interested in re-skilling their employees.

  • So the first place to look is to see what your boss offers.

  • That might take the form of coaching.

  • It might take the form of online skills, online courses.

  • And beyond that, we know there are so many online course opportunities, like on LinkedIn.

  • We have a whole host of opportunities available for free the next month.

  • Wow.

  • Just so you can begin to do that work. - That's great.

  • But I'm just going to say, then you need to apply it.

  • And there are lots of places in your life where you can practice.

  • And there are places you maybe aren't thinking about, you're already doing a lot of work, like the PTA at your kid's school, or if you're a part of a church or a synagogue and you're working on a project.

  • That's such good advice, to kind of look for all the places where you can apply those skills.

  • Jesse, thank you so much.

  • Thank you so much. Really appreciate it.

Now, if you guys at home are on the hunt for a new job this year, you are not alone.

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