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  • Hey everybody, how's it going? My name is Mayuko, and welcome back to my channel where we talk about tech, career, and life.

    大家好,最近怎麼樣?我叫 Mayuko,歡迎回到我的頻道,在這裡我們將討論技術、職業和生活。

  • So today, again, we're going to talk about salary negotiations.


  • So I posted a video recently about whether to negotiate your salary, and so today we're going to follow up and talk about how to exactly do that.


  • And this is from my conversation that I had with Sarah, who is the lead negotiator at Levels.FYI.

    這是我與 Levels.FYI 首席談判代表莎拉的談話內容。

  • She was on Mayuko's Corner, my show about leading a life that feels more you in both your life and tech career.

    她參加了我的節目 "Mayuko's Corner",這檔節目講述瞭如何在生活和技術事業中過一種更適合自己的生活。

  • Sarah, again, just has so much great information from her time as a tech recruiter at Amazon, Facebook, and Google to talk about the do's and don'ts about how to negotiate a salary.

    同樣,莎拉作為亞馬遜、Facebook 和谷歌的技術招聘人員,掌握了大量有用的資訊,她將為我們講述如何談薪。

  • So the topics covered today will be like, how do you answer, what are your salary expectations, and exactly what medium is best for having these conversations.


  • And before we get started, I wanted to say thank you to the sponsor of today's video, Skillshare.

    在我們開始之前,我想對今天視頻的贊助商 Skillshare 表示感謝。

  • As we're kind of in the mood to, like, learn new skills, like how to negotiate your salary, Skillshare is an incredible platform to learn a lot of great things.

    既然我們有心情學習新技能,比如如何談薪,那麼 Skillshare 就是一個學習很多好東西的絕佳平臺。

  • It's an online learning community for creative and curious people where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey.


  • Skillshare is curated specifically for learning, meaning there's no ads, and they're always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you.

    Skillshare 是專門為學習而設計的,這意味著沒有廣告,而且他們一直在推出新的高級課程,這樣你就可以集中精力,隨心所欲地發揮你的創造力。

  • And it's less than $10 a month with an annual premium subscription.

    如果訂閱年度高級服務,每月的費用還不到 10 美元。

  • While we're kind of on the topic of money, I found a really great course for how to build good money habits.


  • Justin Bridges, he's a fashion photographer and former finance pro, made this course, Modern Money Habits, Five Steps to Build the Life You Want.

    賈斯汀-布里奇斯(Justin Bridges)是一位時尚攝影師,也曾是金融專家,他製作了這門課程《現代理財習慣,五步打造你想要的生活》。

  • The course includes gaining insight about your current spending habits, and then also identifying small changes that prevent debt, and then creating a realistic plan for retirement.


  • And of course, because I know y'all are tech people or curious about tech, they have tons of great classes about coding as well.


  • So check out Skillshare, and the first 1,000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get a free trial of premium membership so you can explore your creativity.

    是以,請訪問 Skillshare,點擊描述中鏈接的前 1000 名訂閱者將獲得免費試用的高級會員資格,讓您盡情發揮您的創造力。

  • Thanks again to Skillshare, and now let's dive in.

    再次感謝 Skillshare,現在讓我們開始吧。

  • Okay, next I want to talk more about how do you actually negotiate specifically.


  • I have a lot of questions about this, but I guess the first question that I had, and I think this was one of the questions that I really was curious when we first started talking, was when a recruiter asks you what are your salary expectations, what's the best way, what's the golden answer, the do's and don'ts of how to respond to that question?


  • Don't give them that number, don't give them that range, because like I said, the range is really large.


  • You don't know where you'll land in that compensation band, and so I would recommend push back on that recruiter and ask, okay, I'm just really curious, what is the compensation band for this position?


  • And you don't have to answer anything, it doesn't matter. If you don't know the answer, just let them know.


  • Hey, I actually haven't put much thought into this, this is a really important thing, let me just take some time to think about this, and we can revisit this later.


  • And then, you know, usually recruiters are pretty respectful of that.


  • Another thing, too, is if you're in the state of Washington or California as a candidate, when you request for a compensation band, legally speaking, they have to share the minimum range with you.


  • And recently with Denver, too, they passed a law where when they post a job description, they have to mention the minimum salary range, too.


  • So, the recruiter can push for it, the recruiter can ask that isn't anything in place that, you know, tell them that they can't ask, but ask the candidate to compensate.


  • That's really good to know. I think in the past I recommended to you all, my viewers, that you should say, I expect to be compensated competitively, which is fine.


  • But I think, instead, flipping the question to them, right? Because as soon as you put out a number out there, you basically might already be giving yourself away at a discount, which is great for the company.


  • Because then they're like, wow, we get someone of this caliber for this cheap? Great, let's just like keep on with their number, when in fact you're actually worth a lot more.


  • Exactly, and it's just like, you know, once you give a number, the recruiter will hold you to it.


  • So, you say $230K in total compensation, they will give you exactly that, like nothing more, nothing less. And let's say you start interviewing with another company and they give you $300K.

    所以,如果你說總報酬是 23 萬美元,他們就會給你這個數,不多也不少。比方說,你去另一家公司面試,他們給你 30 萬美元。

  • You can't come back and be like, we're just kidding, like now I want $300K. You know, now the recruiter can say, wow, he came back, you know, and tell me the other competing offer, which means that he really, he or she really wants this position.

    你不能回來說,我們只是開個玩笑,我現在想要 30 萬美元。你知道,現在招聘人員可以說,哇,他回來了,你知道,並告訴我其他競爭者的報價,這意味著他真的,他或她真的想要這個職位。

  • I'm not going to move the needle, and they will eventually cave and accept this offer. You know, from a really aggressive recruiter, they'll do that. And then another thing too, when they give you the range, don't say yes, don't say no, let's say you flip it back on them and say, hey, I'm just really curious, what is the compensation then for this position?

    我不打算移動針,他們最終會屈服,接受這個報價。你知道,如果招聘人員真的很積極,他們就會這麼做。還有一點,當他們給你範圍時,不要說 "是",也不要說 "不",假設你反過來對他們說,嘿,我真的很好奇,這個職位的報酬是多少?

  • And let's say the recruiter tells you, all right, well, the range is $100K to $120K, how does that sound to you? Do you like this number? Avoid saying, yeah, no, that sounds great, or no, that's really low. Keep things a little bit more open-ended by saying, that's a really good start. So that you have room for yourself to negotiate later.

    假設招聘人員告訴你,好吧,範圍是 10 萬至 12 萬美元,你覺得如何?你喜歡這個數字嗎?避免說 "是的,不,這聽起來不錯,或者不,這實在太低了"。保持開放的態度,說 "這是個很好的開始"。這樣,你以後就有了談判的餘地。

  • For sure, yeah. It's like, you leave it as lukewarm as possible for as long as possible is what I'm hearing.


  • Exactly. With negotiation, you want to be, you want to use really neutral verbiage here. You don't want to undershare, but you don't want to overshare at the same time.


  • So then at what point do you actually give a number, or who should be the first one to give a number then, I guess?


  • Yeah, so even at the very end, when the recruiter, you know, share with you the good news, like, all right, the team really loves you, they thought you do really well on ABCD, see a lot of growth potential in you, you know, we're ready to move on to the offer stage, what are you looking for?


  • Even at that stage, I still would recommend don't give your number. Sometimes you want to take this call to really understand the compensation philosophy. Like, they can't just be pushing for a number when you don't tell you, when they don't tell you, like, what goes into it, right?


  • You can't make a decision without being informed. So push it back on them and say, truthfully, you know, I've been really busy prepping for the interview, I haven't put much thought into it. If you don't mind just kind of going over the compensation structure with me first, and then we can go over perks and benefits, and then we'll take it from there.


  • And, you know, once they go over everything again, you can just push it back on them one more time saying, you know, this is a little bit newer for me and everyone has different compensation structure. I know I'm not comparing Apple to Apple. If you don't mind just sharing the numbers with me first, it would be super productive or effective or super helpful for me. I would greatly appreciate it.


  • It's almost like a game of poker of just, like, just waiting for them to fold, just, like, waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting, and then having them be the first to show their hand.


  • Exactly. And, like, once the recruiter has to explain everything for you, they were just like, I might as well just share your number now.


  • Right.

  • And I'm going to have to explain it later.


  • Right. And like you mentioned at that stage, you've, like, already gone through the entire interview process. You've got a sense for the company culture. You've got a sense of what they're looking for in this role. You have their compensation philosophy together. You can piece all of those together, even, that when they give you a number, you have the data and information to be able to confidently say, like, actually, based on what I know and what I've learned, I think I'm this much instead.


  • Exactly. And you want to do a lot of the asking good questions during that call, like asking about the bonus structure. How does that work? Typically, like, when it's a payout, is it once a year? Is it twice a year? Is there any other bonuses on top of, you know, what you guys offer and things like that?


  • And for companies that don't offer a bonus, that's the perfect window for you to use that as a leverage against them. Like, hey, since you don't offer me any bonus, what I want to be mindful of is inflation and, you know, living costs that just keep going up.


  • So essentially, if I don't take this into consideration now, the longer I stay with the company, essentially, the less my take-home pay is going to be. And I don't want to be in a position where salary is a thing for me to have to leave the company. So I hope you understand where I'm coming from. They can't say no to that. You're going to be the biggest asshole if you say no after that request.

    是以,從本質上講,如果我現在不考慮這一點,我在公司呆的時間越長,我的實得工資就會越少。我不希望因為薪水問題而不得不離開公司。所以,我希望你們能理解我的想法。他們無法拒絕如果你拒絕了他們的要求 那你就是最大的混蛋了

  • Right. That's true. Yeah. Use all of that knowledge you learned in AP econ to talk about inflation, to talk about money and use all of that to your advantage. This whole conversation of this back and forth between yourself and a recruiter, recruiter has a hiring manager and other folks behind them to make decisions about all of this. But what's the best format to be having this conversation?

    沒錯That's true.是啊 Yeah.利用你在AP經濟學中學到的知識 談談通貨膨脹 談談錢 把這些都用在你的優勢上你和招聘人員之間的來回對話,招聘人員背後有招聘經理和其他人員來做決定。但是,進行這種對話的最佳形式是什麼呢?

  • Yeah, good question. So typically I would recommend do that over via email. You know, after the recruiter tells you we would love to move forward, they go over the compensation structure with you, perks and benefits, let them know this is a lot of good information. Let me just take some time to process all of this and get back to you later. Would that make sense for you? Would that work for you?


  • As a recruiter for myself, it's so much easier to, you know, kind of follow the thought process. Sometimes it's really hard to like maybe when I'm on the phone, someone just pinged me. I got distracted. Maybe they were asking me 140, but I misheard them and I wrote down 104, for example.

    作為一名招聘人員,我自己要做的就是,你知道的,按照思維過程去做,這樣就容易多了。有時候真的很難,就像我在打電話的時候,有人剛給我發了簡訊。我分心了也許他們問我 140,但我聽錯了,我寫下了 104,例如。

  • So just to have everything on paper is so much easier for the recruiter to, you know, not make any mistake when it comes to numbers there. And let's say if I have to get an approval from their manager, it's so much easier for me to just kind of forward that email to the manager or the compensation team.


  • So as a candidate, you have so much more control over your narrative, because you could be saying the perfect thing, but communication goes both ways, also dependent on what the other side is perceiving that message. So if this person misunderstood what you were saying, and this person is relaying all this information to the team, you don't know what went wrong in that process.


  • Like things can go sideways really fast. Or maybe this recruiter just explained something completely off and the manager could take it the wrong way. And that kind of what could potentially jeopardize your relationship with the manager. It makes life so much easier on you to do it over via email.


  • Because a lot of the time too, I would see this happen with my friends where they, you know, I'll prep them like ask for this much. And they were like, yep, nope, I got it. And then we would rehearse it. And then when they're on the phone, they get so nervous that they start to like discount themselves. Like, well, I guess like, I mean, I kind of want 300k, but like, I would be okay with 250. And I'm just like,

    因為很多時候,我也會看到我的朋友們出現這種情況,他們,你知道的,我會事先跟他們說要這麼多。然後他們會說,好的,不,我知道了。然後我們會排練然後當他們在電話裡的時候 他們就會緊張到開始給自己打折扣比如說,我想,我是說,我想要30萬 但25萬我也沒問題我就想

  • I'm just like, Oh,


  • I'm just like, the best analogy to think of this too is when you send the recruiter an email, and then you have a call with them after it's just the analogy of like, when you watch a movie and you read the book before the movie so much easier to understand, right? Versus if you just watch the movie, and you've never seen the never read the book before, you have no idea what's going on in the movie.


  • So that's like kind of taking the call without priming the recruiter, like what you're going to talk about, and you have to explain everything live. They're just gonna sit there and be like, okay, like, I guess it makes sense, but I'm not sure. So email is the best way to go easier for you to lay out your thought process. They're much easier for the recruiter to share all that information with the team, you have so much more control over your narrative.


  • Thank you all so much for watching the video. I really hope you liked it. Make sure to check out the other video I did about salary negotiations featuring Sarah. And if you'd like to just watch the recording of the live stream I did on Muco's Corner, then you can become a member today by clicking the Join button down below and get access to the full recording.

    非常感謝大家觀看視頻。真的希望你們喜歡。一定要看看我做的另一個關於薪酬談判的視頻,主角是 Sarah。如果你想直接觀看我在 Muco's Corner 上的直播錄製,那麼今天就可以點擊下面的 "加入 "按鈕成為我的會員,獲取完整的錄製內容。

  • My members help make Muco's Corner a reality and also supports me and my channel and allows me to do what I do. And if you haven't already, the other way you can support me is by clicking subscribe. So take care and I'll see you in the next video. Bye!

    我的會員們幫助 Muco's Corner 成為現實,同時也支持我和我的頻道,讓我能做我該做的事。如果您還沒有訂閱,您還可以通過點擊訂閱來支持我。保重,下期視頻再見。再見!

Hey everybody, how's it going? My name is Mayuko, and welcome back to my channel where we talk about tech, career, and life.

大家好,最近怎麼樣?我叫 Mayuko,歡迎回到我的頻道,在這裡我們將討論技術、職業和生活。

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