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  • Okay, if you've clicked this video, you're probably thinking about playing Honkai Star Rail, and if you've seen any of the promotional material, you probably realize that it's a pretty story-heavy game.


  • And story-heavy games tend to have a lot of new stuff to remember, especially sci-fi games, like this one.


  • And that steep learning curve often makes for a confusing first few hours while you wrap your head around what's going on and what it all means.


  • But not this time!


  • This time, dear viewer, you have me, Ashikai, lore and theory enthusiast, to assist you in understanding this brand new world of Honkai Star Rail.

    這一次,親愛的觀眾,有我,傳說和理論愛好者 Ashikai 來幫助你們瞭解這個全新的鴻海星軌世界。

  • So this video is a gentle, mostly spoiler-free introduction to the world and lore of Honkai Star Rail.


  • The general idea here is to help ease you into some new terminology and give some more context for how the world within the game works, so you're not totally blindsided and confused or overwhelmed when you pick up the game for the first time.


  • Now, I did say mostly spoiler-free, because there will be some minor spoilers for the first hour-ish of the game just because the context is needed.

    我說 "基本無劇透",是因為遊戲的前一個多小時會有一些小劇透,因為需要了解背景。

  • But before we begin, I know a good chunk of you are probably wondering, do I need to play Honkai Impact 3rd to understand the story of Honkai Star Rail?

    但在開始之前,我知道你們中的很多人可能都想知道,我需要玩《鴻海衝擊 3》才能瞭解《鴻海星軌》的故事嗎?

  • Because, you know, they both have Honkai in the title.

    因為,你知道,它們的標題中都有 "本會"。

  • And the truth is, no, no you don't.


  • While playing Honkai Impact may increase your enjoyment of Honkai Star Rail, the two games take place in entirely different universes, so even if characters in Star Rail share looks and names with characters from Honkai Impact, they're not the same people, so you don't need to worry about not knowing their backstories or anything.

    雖然玩過《Honkai Impact》可能會增加你對《Honkai Star Rail》的樂趣,但這兩款遊戲發生在完全不同的宇宙中,所以即使《Star Rail》中的人物與《Honkai Impact》中的人物有相同的長相和名字,他們也不是同一個人,所以你不必擔心不知道他們的背景故事或其他什麼。

  • There is one exception to this rule, though, but we'll talk about him later.


  • But if you are still worried that you might be missing out on some important lore or world-building by not playing Honkai Impact, I will start this video by explaining the most relevant part of Hoyo's multiverse setup that carries over from the world-building of Honkai Impact.

    但是,如果您仍然擔心不玩《鴻海衝擊》會錯過一些重要的傳說或世界構建,那麼我將在本視頻的開頭解釋《鴻海衝擊》世界構建中最相關的部分,即 Hoyo 的多元宇宙設置。

  • It's short, simple, and it'll probably get explained independently in Star Rail at some point anyway, but here you go.


  • Now, within Hoyo's multiverse setup, which I will now just call the Hoyoverse, there are two primal forces, the Imaginary Tree and the Sea of Quanta.

    現在,在霍約的多元宇宙設置中(我現在將其稱為 "霍約宇宙"),有兩種原始力量,即虛構之樹和量子之海。

  • So it might be easier to think of them as the Tree of Order and the Sea of Chaos.

    是以,把它們看作 "秩序之樹 "和 "混沌之海 "可能更容易理解。

  • It's a gross oversimplification, but I think it's easier for the unfamiliar people to conceptualize it this way, since the forces of order and chaos are generally at odds with each other, and the Imaginary Tree and the Sea of Quanta are trying to devour each other, so same kind of concept.


  • Now, metaphorically speaking, the Sea of Quanta is basically this pool of infinite possibilities, from which grows this Imaginary Tree, which takes those possibilities and orders them, branching out into countless directions.


  • The leaves that sprout at the end of these branches each contain an entire universe in and of themselves, and because these universes are part of this Imaginary Tree, they all operate based on the laws of the, quote, Imaginary.

    這些樹枝末端長出的葉子本身就包含了一個完整的宇宙,由於這些宇宙都是這棵 "虛構之樹 "的一部分,是以它們的運行都遵循 "虛構 "法則。

  • So this Imaginary Energy from the Imaginary Tree makes up the basis that is called Honkai, in Honkai Impact, but Starwheel just calls it Imaginary Energy.

    是以,這種來自虛構之樹的虛構能量構成了在 "本凱衝擊 "中被稱為 "本凱 "的基礎,但星輪公司只是稱其為 "虛構能量"。

  • Imaginary Energy is pretty important in Starwheel, as eons and paths, which we will go over in a bit, are very powerful entities made up of Imaginary Energy.

    虛能在星輪中非常重要,因為我們稍後要討論的 "辰 "和 "路 "都是由虛能構成的非常強大的實體。

  • It basically makes the world go round.


  • Regardless of how it manifests, though, Imaginary Energy is likely the reason why Honkai Impact and Honkai Starwheel share the Honkai in their names.

    無論其表現形式如何,"虛能 "很可能就是 "鴻海衝擊 "和 "鴻海星輪 "名稱中包含 "鴻海 "的原因。

  • But that's really it.


  • That's where the connections between the games end, and where our introduction to the unique world of Starwheel begins.


  • But if you're still worried you're missing out on something, I will leave a link to Island XD's guide to Honkai Impact for Starwheel players.

    但如果你還擔心錯過什麼,我將為星輪玩家留下 Island XD 的鴻海衝擊指南鏈接。

  • Now, let's set all that Impact talk aside and get familiar with the world of Starwheel.

    現在,讓我們拋開所有關於 "影響 "的話題,來熟悉一下星輪世界。

  • Let's start by talking about paths.


  • Starwheel's concept of paths, and those who walk a path, are known as Path Striders.

    星輪的 "路徑 "概念和那些走在 "路徑 "上的人被稱為 "路徑黽勉者"。

  • Paths are basically philosophical ideas given some kind of metaphysical form through the accumulation of Imaginary Energy, which makes them incredibly powerful forces.


  • By believing in and practicing the concepts of a chosen path, a person can draw on the powers of that path and become a Path Strider.

    一個人只要相信並實踐所選道路的理念,就能汲取該道路的力量,成為一名 "道路黽勉者"。

  • Now, like I said, a path is a philosophical idea or a concept.

    正如我所說,"路徑 "是一種哲學思想或概念。

  • Those who follow a path believe in its philosophy.


  • For example, Path Striders of the path Destruction may believe that the universe is a mistake and therefore must be destroyed.

    例如,"毀滅之路 "的 "陌路人 "可能認為宇宙是個錯誤,是以必須毀滅。

  • However, mortals are not bound to any one singular path any more than they are bound to any one way of thinking.


  • If their philosophy changes, their path can change as well.


  • For gameplay purposes, paths manifest as a type of class, if you will.


  • Those who follow the path of Abundance, for example, might be considered to have the class of a Healer or a Cleric, while someone following the path of Destruction has abilities more like a Fighter or a Berserker.

    例如,走 "富足 "之路的人可能會被視為治療師或牧師,而走 "毀滅 "之路的人則更像戰士或狂戰士。

  • Now, if one finds themselves completely committed to a path and manages to explore the deepest parts of it to truly comprehend it in its entirety, they may transcend their mortal form and become something known as an Aeon.

    現在,如果一個人發現自己完全致力於一條道路,並設法探索其最深層的部分,真正理解其全部內容,他們就可能超越凡人的形式,成為一種被稱為 "永生 "的東西。

  • Now, you'll notice I did not specify that the One Ascending had to be human, and that's because they don't.

    現在,你會注意到我並沒有說明 "昇天者 "必須是人類,這是因為他們不是人類。

  • Any sentient life form, whether organic or inorganic, has the capability of becoming an Aeon, so that includes things like Artificial Intelligence.


  • As for what an Aeon actually is, they are something like the embodiment or master of a path.


  • While they're not traditional gods, they are beings of god-like proportions.


  • To put it into context, they're kind of like an ocean, while a Path Strider is a mere droplet of water.


  • And while they are ageless, they are not actually immortal, as they can be killed by either another Aeon or by ceasing to walk their path.


  • Because remember, they're the embodiment of their path, so without their path, they're basically nothing.


  • This means that an Aeon is forever bound to their path, and they cannot stray from it.


  • The Aeon of Destruction can't just wake up one day and decide to walk the path of Harmony, for example.

    例如,"毀滅永恆 "不可能一覺醒來就決定走上 "和諧之路"。

  • To become an Aeon, you trade your ability to change for incredible power derived from one singular path.


  • Now as god-like entities of cosmic proportions, an Aeon's interest in mortals may vary, with some Aeons choosing to meddle more than others, but ultimately the lives of mortals are small and inconsequential to them.


  • Sometimes, though, a person with a powerful affinity or talent within a given path will pique the interest of an Aeon.


  • This is known as drawing the gaze of an Aeon.


  • Those who have been gazed upon by an Aeon become something called an Emanator, which is kind of like the Aeon's will given mortal form.

    被永恆之神凝視過的人就會成為一種叫做 "伊曼特 "的東西,這就像是永恆之神的意志被賦予了凡人的形式。

  • Emanators are extremely powerful and often attract other followers of the same paths.


  • In doing so, they form something called a Faction, which is really just a fancy way to group followers of an Aeon together under one kind of cohesive label.

    在這樣做的過程中,他們組成了一個叫做 "派系 "的東西,這其實只是一種花哨的方式,把某個永恆之神的追隨者集中在一個有凝聚力的標籤下。

  • Now, though Factions tend to follow the will of an Aeon, forming a Faction doesn't necessarily guarantee any sort of special blessing or assistance from the Aeon, regardless of whether or not a Faction contains an Emanator.


  • In the end, Factions are just people bound by a common way of thinking, so it's handy to know the philosophy of each Aeon and their path in order to understand the goals of their associated Factions.


  • Although, since Factions are mortal creations, their understanding of their Aeon's path can often be twisted or far removed from its original intended meaning.


  • The meaning of things is pretty subjective, after all.


  • Currently, there are 18 known Aeons, but only 7 of these Aeon's paths are available to playable characters.

    目前,已知有 18 個 Aeons,但其中只有 7 個 Aeons 的路徑可供遊戲角色使用。

  • Every Aeon will play a role in the story at some point, and I will probably make a video going over all 18 at some point, but there are only two that we're going to familiarize ourselves with today.

    每個永旺都會在故事中扮演一定的角色,我可能會在某個時候製作一個視頻,介紹所有 18 個永旺,但今天我們要熟悉的只有兩個。

  • Those are Akavili, the Trailblaze, and Nanook, the Destruction.

    它們是 "開拓者 "阿卡維利和 "毀滅者 "納努克。

  • Akavili was one of those rare Aeons that enjoyed mingling with mortals.


  • In fact, they're considered to be the Aeon that was closest to mortals.


  • They were also responsible for laying down the rails for the Astral Express train system throughout the universe, and they invited mortals to board these trains.


  • Those who did so joined the Trailblaze path and formed the Faction known as the Nameless.


  • Akavili would often adventure alongside their path striders, making them very unique among the Aeons.

    阿卡維利人經常與他們的 "黽勉者 "一起冒險,這使他們在 "宙斯 "中非常獨特。

  • But I'm using past tense here because Akavili died in a mysterious accident that derailed the Astral Express and wrecked many of its train cars.


  • Without the Astral Express, the Nameless also vanished.


  • But as luck would have it, one of those broken trains landed on the planet Himiko was from.


  • She managed to repair it, reforming the Nameless Faction and making the Trailblaze path accessible once again.


  • This is the Astral Express train car that we board as a player.


  • Now, rumor has it that Akavili's heart is in the core that powers the Astral Express, and that's what allows the train to travel across the galaxy, but there's no evidence to support that claim.


  • But there must be some level of truth to the nature of the core of the train, if only because without the power of an Aeon, travel via the Express would be difficult for just a normal path strider.


  • Unlike the free-spirited and benevolent Akavili, the Aeon of Destruction known by the name Nanook believes that the birth of the universe was a mistake and desires the destruction of all civilizations.

    與自由善良的阿卡維利不同,名為納努克的 "毀滅永恆 "認為宇宙的誕生是個錯誤,並希望毀滅所有文明。

  • Their followers are known as the Antimatter Legion, or just the Legion, and actively attack civilizations with the goal of total annihilation.

    他們的追隨者被稱為 "反物質軍團",或簡稱 "軍團",以徹底毀滅為目標,積極攻擊各種文明。

  • Nanook is the one responsible for the distribution of Stellarons throughout the universe, and Stellarons play a huge motivating role in StarRail's story.


  • So while we don't really understand Nanook's motivations beyond destroy everything, he is a key Aeon to pay attention to because of his connection to the Stellarons.


  • So what is a Stellaron?

    那麼,什麼是 Stellaron?

  • Well, a Stellaron is widely believed to be a seed of destruction, created and distributed by Nanook the Destruction.


  • They're also called the Cancer of All Worlds.


  • These seeds fracture reality and spawn rifts that lead to interdimensional spaces called Fragmentums, and those attract monsters, so you can see why that would be problematic.

    這些種子會破壞現實,產生裂縫,通向名為 "碎片 "的跨次元空間,而這些空間會吸引怪物,所以你可以理解為什麼會出現問題。

  • The genius Herda claims that Stellarons are actually a type of lifeform, since they do appear to have some sentience and have been known to communicate with those of a certain aptitude.


  • She also claims that Stellarons can tether themselves to an Aeon's path, and that they are capable of responding to the cumulative desires of a world or planet that it happens to find itself on.


  • In certain circumstances, it can even fulfill those desires, but that comes at a cost.


  • Stellarons are the seeds of Nanook, after all, and even if they can perform miracles, they ultimately bring disasters.


  • Now within the first hour or so of the game, we, the player, and the crew of the Astral Express will learn that the Trailblazer has a Stellaron inside of their body, of all places.

    現在,在遊戲開始的一個多小時內,我們玩家和 "星際快車 "的船員們就會知道,"開拓者 "的身體裡有一個 "星龍"。

  • This is highly unusual, and while it seems to be pretty stable in there, it's too risky for the Trailblazer to stay in any one place for too long.


  • If the Stellaron becomes unstable for any reason, they could bring destruction to any ship, space station, or planet that they happen to be on.

    如果 Stellaron 因任何原因而變得不穩定,它們可能會給其所在的任何飛船、空間站或星球帶來毀滅。

  • Luckily, the Nameless aboard the Astral Express are quite experienced in dealing with the Stellaron, since simply having an unstable Stellaron within range of the train tracks can cause the train to come to a complete stop, and it won't move again until the offending Stellaron has been neutralized.


  • But as long as the Stellaron inside the Trailblazer's body is stable, the Astral Express can move unimpeded.


  • If it becomes unstable, though, well, there are at least people around who can deal with it right away.


  • All in all, the Astral Express is the safest place for the Trailblazer to be.

    總而言之,Astral Express 是開拓者最安全的地方。

  • I've mentioned the Nameless faction quite a bit, but I haven't really talked about them individually, so let me rectify this now because as members of this faction ourselves, we'll be spending a lot of time with them.


  • To start, we have the elegant scientist Himiko, also known as the one who found and repaired the Astral Express, and that kinda makes her the boss.


  • She might also look pretty laid back, but Welt says she's extremely driven and may be chasing a very big but unknown dream.

    她可能看起來很悠閒,但 Welt 說她非常有動力,可能正在追逐一個非常偉大但未知的夢想。

  • Now, she does share looks and name with a popular character from Honkai Impact, but it's very important to note that they are not the same person.

    現在,她確實與《Honkai Impact》中的一個人氣角色有著相同的長相和名字,但重要的是,她們並不是同一個人。

  • Next, we have Dan Hong, who's level-headed and clever.


  • He boarded the train to escape a path that he doesn't like to talk about, and he kinda functions as the train's guardian.


  • He says he's running from something or someone, but he can't quite seem to remember what or who it was, though he's never stayed in one place for too long until he came aboard the Astral Express.


  • Like Dan Hong, March 7th has a bit of a foggy past.

    和丹紅一樣,3 月 7 日的過去也有點迷霧重重。

  • She was found by the Nameless floating through space inside of a big chunk of weird magic ice.


  • She doesn't remember anything about her past, so they just named her after the day that they found her, which was March 7th.

    她對自己的過去一無所知,所以他們就用發現她的那天,也就是 3 月 7 日,給她起了這個名字。

  • She's excitable, carefree, and at times a little bit careless, but you can always count on her for optimism and her trusty camera.


  • Welt is among the oldest members of the Astral Express and is from the planet Earth, a planet that no one else seems to have heard of before.

    Welt 是 Astral Express 最古老的成員之一,他來自地球,而這個星球似乎沒有人聽說過。

  • Long after the Honkai threat on Earth had been dealt with, Welt found himself forced to travel into space with a friend to deal with another threat.


  • Unfortunately, his ship passed through a portal and broke down, stranding him until he got picked up by the Astral Express.


  • He's searching for a way back home, though, but until then, he's just kinda chillin'.


  • Now, Welt is the only character who's actually from the world set in Honkai Impact, and so far, all references to that game are only relevant to his personal backstory.

    現在,Welt 是唯一一個真正來自《Honkai Impact》世界的角色,到目前為止,所有與該遊戲相關的內容都只與他的個人背景故事有關。

  • I think it's possible that, through Welt, we might learn more about the true nature of the events that occur in Honkai Impact, but I'm not convinced that any of those revelations will be impactful to the story of StarRail.

    我認為,通過 Welt,我們有可能更多地瞭解到《本海衝擊》中所發生事件的真實面目,但我並不相信這些啟示會對《星際軌道》的故事產生影響。

  • That said, if you want to learn more about him, most of his really interesting story beats and accomplishments are actually found in comic form, so I'll leave some links to those in the description box if you're interested.


  • And that leaves us with the player character, the Trailblazer.


  • The Trailblazer has a pretty well-defined and sassy personality, and does have voiced lines throughout the game, unlike some of Hoyoverse's previous player characters.


  • The Trailblazer is a character with no known past or family, and in fact, they appear to be completely synthetic, created by a mysterious faction known as the Stellaron Hunters.

    開拓者是一個沒有已知過去或家庭的角色,事實上,他們似乎完全是由一個名為 "恆星獵人 "的神祕派別合成的。

  • During the first hour of the game, two Stellaron Hunters, Kafka and Silverwolf, infiltrate Herda's space station, and create the Trailblazer as a vessel to house a Stellaron that was being kept by Herda.


  • While their exact motives are unclear, the Stellaron Hunters seem to want the Trailblazer to board the Astral Express in order to reach the end of their story, whatever that means.


  • Still with no past, no ties to any planet in particular, and a ticking Eon Bomb of unknown purpose in their body, the Trailblazer doesn't really have anything except that singular goal of reaching the end of their story to guide them.

    開拓者沒有過去,與任何星球都沒有特別的聯繫,身體裡還有一顆用途不明的 "定時炸彈",除了到達故事終點這個唯一的目標之外,開拓者沒有任何其他東西可以指引他們。

  • Now this is just speculation on my part, but the Astral Express was created by the Eon Akavili, and Akavili's origin planet is known as Pagana.

    這只是我的猜測,但星際快車是由 Eon Akavili 創造的,而 Akavili 的起源星球被稱為 Pagana。

  • Pagana is the location where the silver rails of the Astral Express begin and end, so if the Stellaron Hunters want the Trailblazer to follow the path of the Trailblazer and reach the end of their story via the Astral Express, perhaps the Trailblazer's destiny lies in the final destination of Pagana.


  • As for the reasons behind the journey and what they might find when they arrive at the final stop of the Astral Express, you'll just have to play the game and find out for yourself.

    至於旅程背後的原因,以及他們到達 Astral Express 最後一站時可能會發現什麼,您只能自己玩遊戲來一探究竟了。

  • I, however, will be covering the lore of this game, including story recaps, summaries of in-game materials, character profiles, and so much more, so drop by whenever you need a break from combat.


  • Honkai Star Rail has a ton of compelling characters to meet, stunning locations to explore across the universe, and plenty of mysteries to uncover.

    Honkai Star Rail》中有大量引人注目的角色、令人驚歎的宇宙探索地點以及大量有待揭開的謎團。

  • And this is just the beginning.


  • So again, my name is Ashikai, and allow me to formally welcome you aboard the Astral Express with non-stop service to, well, anywhere you want to go.


  • So good luck, have fun, and I'll see you next time.


Okay, if you've clicked this video, you're probably thinking about playing Honkai Star Rail, and if you've seen any of the promotional material, you probably realize that it's a pretty story-heavy game.


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