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  • Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another video by yours truly.


  • I got on Twitter and saw that Wuthering Waves dropped what I believe to be some very like massive significant news to their game and their marketing for it hasn't been the greatest.

    我在 Twitter 上看到,《呼嘯浪潮》發佈了一些我認為非常類似於他們遊戲的重大消息,而他們的市場營銷卻不是最出色的。

  • I'll admit.


  • I mean, yes, sure.


  • They put out a tweet right here and it's definitely a thread on their website, but this is like game changing news.


  • If you ask me, we're getting an elemental system apparently based off of this.


  • What I've seen, we're getting a whole elemental system, which admittedly, as much as I praise


  • Wuthering Waves, it's had one of the most worthless elemental systems that I've ever seen.


  • It's just like, bro, you might as well just take the elements out the game because we don't even use the map apart from your little debuff that you put on bosses to just pretty much, you know, split up what characters belong to what it was kind of useless.

    這就好比,兄弟,你還不如直接把元素從遊戲中抽離出來,因為我們甚至都用不上地圖,除了你在 Boss 身上放的小 debuff,你知道的,就是把角色的歸屬分得清清楚楚,這有點沒用。

  • And so this I'm really excited about.


  • Let's go ahead and get into it first.


  • Spectral Frazzle effect.


  • I already kind of knew what it did because the MC, the Spectral MC, has it built into their kit.

    我已經有點知道它的作用了,因為 Spectral MC 套件中就有這個功能。

  • And then there's a new set that also has it.


  • But this is like a whole dot.


  • This is a whole dot effect.


  • This is completely new, which would trip me out.


  • And I guess it's coming in with Phoebe, but I don't believe it's only pertinent to Phoebe.


  • I think it's just going to be whoever has the Spectral Frazzle buff built into their kit.

    我認為,誰的裝備中內置了 "光譜閃爍 "BUFF,誰就能勝出。

  • Which blows my mind because what that means is Kudo Devs is still evolving their combat, which is so cool to me.

    這讓我大吃一驚,因為這意味著 Kudo Devs 仍在不斷改進他們的戰鬥,這對我來說太酷了。

  • Like we're getting new combat disruptive mechanisms put into the game and we're I don't even remember what month we're on.


  • We're definitely coming up on a year here eventually.


  • What is it like May?


  • But I'm looking at this and what I see is it's quite literally a copy and paste mathematically from Genshin Impact.


  • Their formula, their elemental reaction system, a large portion of their elemental reactions are completely dependent on your level, the enemy's defense, and the enemy's elemental resistance.


  • That's literally the elemental reaction system for the large, I mean, for the vast elemental reactions in the game.


  • That's how it functions.


  • And so generally when you want to do maximum damage, your character has to be level 80.

    是以,一般來說,當你想造成最大傷害時,你的角色必須達到 80 級。

  • Whoever's trying to trigger these buffs, you want them to be as high as the level as possible because the scaling's insane.

    不管是誰想要觸發這些 BUFF,你都希望他們的等級越高越好,因為縮放是非常瘋狂的。

  • Like if you're level 70 and then you're level 80, that debuff, Spectral Frazzle for example, it's going to be significantly higher in damage.

    例如,如果你的等級是 70 級,而你的等級是 80 級,那麼這個 debuff(例如 Spectral Frazzle)的傷害就會大幅提高。

  • And so this means you're going to have to start taking your characters up to level 80.

    是以,這意味著你必須把角色升到 80 級。

  • Pretty much.


  • We'll continue going on further down the line.


  • But the only way for you to deal more damage is if you can reduce the enemy's defense, which there's some characters in the game that can already do that, or you can reduce their elemental resistance.


  • Again, Spectral Rover can literally reduce elemental resistance at E6, and I think the

    同樣,光譜漫遊者可以在 E6 級降低元素抗性,我認為

  • Havoc Rover can as well.

    Havoc Rover 也可以。

  • So now we're going to start like being on the lookout for characters that reduce defense and reduce elemental resistance.


  • And then you're going to go, okay, I'm going to pair that with this dodge play style.


  • That sounds exciting.


  • That sounds fun.


  • That's what Spectral Frazzle does.

    這就是 Spectral Frazzle 的作用。

  • Now let's go ahead and read it and then we'll go over these down here because this all looks,


  • I'm excited about this guys.


  • I'm especially excited about this.


  • Y'all saw my thumbnail.


  • Let me go, let me go, you know, Kung Fu Panda might be making a comeback with this thing right here, bro.

    讓我走,讓我走,你知道,功夫熊貓 可能會捲土重來,就在這裡,兄弟。

  • All right.


  • Let me go ahead and look at this.


  • Certain spectral attacks inflict a stackable Spectral Frazzle effect.


  • Sounds like dot.


  • Spectral Frazzle effect deals spectral damage to the target at regular intervals during its duration.


  • That's what I meant.


  • That's what sounds like dot.


  • While reducing one stack of Spectral Frazzle effect.

    同時減少一個疊加的 Spectral Frazzle 效果。

  • Now this is interesting because what this is saying is once they take the damage, then a stack goes away.


  • The damage inflicted by Spectral Frazzle effect depends on the resonator's level, defense, and damage resistance.


  • And the number of Spectral Frazzle effect stacks.

    以及 Spectral Frazzle 效果的疊加次數。

  • So yeah, however many stacks you have, the level of you, and then the defense and resistance of the enemy.


  • It is not influenced by the resonator's attack, crit rate, or other factors.


  • Yeah.


  • Very similar to dot and HSR, but also similar to elemental reactions and Genshin Impact.

    與圓點和 HSR 非常相似,但也與元素反應和玄心衝擊相似。

  • Inflict negative status on enemies.


  • Okay.


  • Perform enhanced resonance skill when Rover Spectro has more than 50% of diminutive, diminutive, diminutive, there we go, sound to inflict two stacks of Spectral Frazzle effect and shimmer on the target.

    當漫遊者幽靈的微不足道、微不足道、微不足道、有了,聲音超過 50%時,施放強化共鳴技能,對目標造成兩層幽靈之怒效果並閃爍。

  • Now what's funny is these, like this description was already in the game.


  • And when I was looking at it, I was like, what the fuck is a shimmer?

    當我看到它時,我就想,"微光 "是什麼鬼東西?

  • I didn't know what a shimmer is.


  • Now we know the significance of shimmer.


  • So targets affected by shimmer retain their Spectral Frazzle effect stacks, even though the effect normally decreases stacks upon dealing damage.

    是以,受微光影響的目標會保留其 "光譜微光 "效果堆疊,儘管該效果通常會在造成傷害時減少堆疊。

  • So, you know, up there, it literally said, if you do a tick, it takes the stack away.


  • Well, if you put shimmer on them, it retains the stacks.


  • What that means is you're going to be on the lookout for, I guess, particular Spectral characters that can inflict shimmer on a target.


  • That way you can ensure that you always have maximum Spectral Frazzle stacks to do maximum dot damage.

    這樣,你就能確保自己始終擁有最大的 Spectral Frazzle 疊加值,從而造成最大的 dot 傷害。

  • Anyways, Resonance Liberation applies six stacks of Spectral Frazzle effect to all targets in range.

    總之,"共振解放 "會對範圍內的所有目標疊加六層 "光譜眩暈 "效果。

  • That's for the Rover in particular.


  • So the Rover's value is aging like wine with these new implementations of a combat system.


  • That's pretty cool.


  • Now my next question is how many stacks is the cap, which I haven't seen that disclosed yet.


  • Phoebe, Phoebe has an ability called Confession.


  • Phoebe and her Confession status is adept at afflicting Spectral Frazzle effect on enemies.

    菲比和她的 "懺悔 "狀態善於對敵人施加 "光譜模糊 "效果。

  • Heavy attack Starflash applies five stacks of Spectral Frazzle effect to the target.

    重型攻擊 "星閃 "會對目標疊加五層 "光譜眩暈 "效果。

  • Okay, so just her heavy attack, five off ramp.


  • Upon entering the Confession status, Phoebe can immediately perform heavy attack Starflash twice.

    進入懺悔狀態後,菲比可以立即施放兩次重攻擊 "星閃"。

  • So that's ten stacks.


  • Okay.


  • How many cap?


  • Where is the stack cap at?


  • Because this already sounds like a shit ton of stacks.


  • Resonance Lib inflicts eight stacks of Spectral Frazzle.


  • This is just for Phoebe in particular.


  • Yeah, so Phoebe's a Spectral Frazzle stacking machine.


  • If multiple Resonators apply Spectral Frazzle effect to the same target, its base damage is determined by the highest level Resonator.


  • Okay, now this is massive, especially for casual players and people who don't want to get sweaty with rotations and have a brain fog of, oh, who do I do it with first?

    好了,現在這就很重要了,尤其是對於那些不想為輪換而大汗淋漓,也不想為 "哦,我該先和誰做呢?"而傷腦筋的休閒玩家來說。

  • Doesn't matter.


  • They're going to pick the highest level character that's inflicting it on your team and make that the representation of the stacks.


  • So if you have a level 70 Spectral Rover and a level 80 Phoebe both inflicting Spectral

    是以,如果你有一個 70 級的光譜漫遊者和一個 80 級的菲比,它們都會造成光譜

  • Frazzle, the level 80 Phoebe is the one it's going to prioritize as the stack value.

    Frazzle,80 級的 Phoebe 會優先疊加值。

  • That's huge.


  • That means you're going to always do the maximum damage.


  • So that's good.


  • Now this says, in addition to the inherent effects of negative status, some Resonators receive extra bonuses when battling foes with negative status.


  • This is where they, this is where the good old gotcha concept comes in, right?

    這就是他們,這就是 "捉弄人 "這一古老概念的由來,對嗎?

  • There is, we're going to sell you to pull on the limited banner characters because it's a surprise, guys.


  • The limited banner characters they're promoting are going to have a bit more bang for their buck with the Spectral Frazzle negative status.

    他們正在推廣的有限旗幟角色將因 "光譜噴嘴 "的負面狀態而獲得更多的收益。

  • Phoebe's going to be obviously one of them.


  • Phoebe in her Absolution status gains increased combat strength against enemies with Spectral

    菲比在 "赦免 "狀態下,對帶有 "光譜 "的敵人的戰鬥力增強

  • Frazzle effect.


  • Basically she's stronger when they have Spectral Frazzle stacks.

    基本上,當他們堆疊了 Spectral Frazzle 時,她就會變得更強。

  • Her heavy attack benefits from an enhanced damage multiplier, and under Absolution she can hit, she can perform it four times.

    她的重擊可以獲得增強的傷害倍率,在 "赦免 "狀態下,她可以進行四次重擊。

  • The outro skill also boasts an enhanced damage.


  • What the, what is that?


  • Brother, I didn't see that in the livestream.


  • She just floating across the sky, bro, like, damn, what in the LUT?


  • That looks really cool.


  • I need to, I need to check her out.


  • I still haven't looked at, I still haven't seen anything on her, actually, apart from the livestream.


  • Okay, negative status effects can be enhanced by certain weapons.


  • Ooh, Sonata effects and Echo skills.


  • Choose your tactics wisely by selecting weapons and Echoes that boost your combat effectiveness.


  • So it seems like you're going to be trying to build certain Echoes and a whole entire build revolving around the Spectral Frazzle effect.

    這樣看來,你似乎要圍繞 Spectral Frazzle 效果來構建特定的回聲和整個構建。

  • That sounds really cool.


  • To be honest.


  • If you're a Dot player, you're going to enjoy that playstyle, I would imagine.


  • Other negative effects.


  • Tectone.


  • Tectless.


  • He's going to enjoy that.


  • Now, this is the important part, because I want to see what they cooked up here with these elements.


  • Did they differentiate the elements enough to make them feel unique and distinctive?


  • Or is it kind of like a lazy design?


  • That's what I'm looking forward to seeing here.


  • Aero Erosion.


  • I'm really excited about this one because, you know what I'm saying, my Kung Fu Panda love is still top shelf tequila, guys.


  • Jian Shen, otherwise.


  • A certain aero attack will inflict stackable aero erosion on enemies.


  • Aero erosion inflicts aero damage on the target at regular intervals as long as it lasts, with more stacks resulting in greater damage.


  • Okay.


  • This sounds exactly like Spectro Frazzle, but it seems like it's the literal one-to-one concept of Spectro Frazzle.

    這聽起來和 Spectro Frazzle 一模一樣,但似乎是 Spectro Frazzle 的字面一對一概念。

  • Put some stacks on them, they're going to take damage in intervals, just like Spectro

    給他們加一些疊加,他們會在間隔時間內受到傷害,就像 Spectro 一樣

  • Frazzle.


  • The more stacks, the more damage, and then it lasts as long as, obviously, you're able to inflict aero erosion with the character.


  • So I imagine they're going to implement this into character's kits retroactively the same way they did with Spectro Rover, I think.

    是以,我認為他們會像對待 Spectro Rover 一樣,追溯性地在角色套件中加入這一功能。

  • On one end of the spectrum, my Kung Fu Panda is going to be doing some more damage if I just pop an ult and do what I always do with her, except now she's doing dots on top of the damage she's doing.

    在光譜的一端,我的功夫熊貓會造成更多的傷害,如果我只是彈出一個 Ult,然後像往常一樣使用她,只不過現在她在造成傷害的基礎上還會造成點傷害。

  • I'm really hoping that's the case.


  • But on the other end, this seems a bit lackluster.


  • I feel like the wind element, I mean this is stepping into subjective territory, objectively


  • I think they're lazy because it's kind of the same concept as, it's actually the same concept as Spectro Frazzle.

    我覺得他們偷懶了,因為它的概念和 Spectro Frazzle 是一樣的。

  • Subjectively, I don't like it just because I feel like the wind element could be a bit more, I don't know, it's got, I feel a bit more expression due to its literal element, the wind element.


  • I feel like what they could do, maybe, is, I don't know, regenerate energy, regenerate concerto meter, regenerate forte circuit, pull enemies in.


  • I'm not saying these have to be like the actual ideas, but I feel just giving the wind element another dot effect, kind of lazy if you ask me, you know what I mean, at least kind of separate it a bit, hell, it's just the same thing, just the wind element from the Spectro

    我並不是說這些一定要和實際的想法一樣,但我覺得只是給風元素增加一個點的效果,要我說有點懶,你知道我的意思,至少要把它分開一點,見鬼,這只是同樣的東西,只是來自 Spectro 的風元素。

  • Frazzle.


  • But, like I said, if it increases my Kung Fu Panda's damage, then eh, I ain't really tripping on that.


  • Alright, let's look at the Havoc Bane.

    好了,讓我們來看看 "浩劫之刃"。

  • Certain Havoc attacks will inflict Havoc Bane on enemies.


  • Havoc Bane accumulates stacks automatically, oh, interesting, while it remains active.

    當它處於激活狀態時,"浩劫詛咒 "會自動累積堆疊,哦,有意思。

  • Okay, so you don't have to stack it up, it'll stack itself up once you inflict the Havoc


  • Bane.


  • Interesting, okay.


  • Once it reaches its maximum stacks, it deals Havoc damage to the target, removes Havoc


  • Bane, and applies Havoc Bane to nearby characters.

    並對附近的角色施放 Havoc Bane。

  • Oh, now that is a good cook.


  • That is called cooking, being distinctive, and being unique.


  • So it seems to me like it works akin to the Quantum element in HSR.


  • Once it reaches its maximum stack threshold, boom, explode for some big damage, hopefully.

    一旦達到最大堆疊閾值,"轟 "的一聲,希望能爆炸造成一些大傷害。

  • But it removes the Havoc Bane after that, and then spreads to nearby enemies.

    但之後它就會移除 "浩劫之刃",並擴散到附近的敵人身上。

  • That sounds fucking cool, that's some Diablo ARPG type shit there.

    這聽起來真他媽酷,簡直就是《暗黑破壞神》的 ARPG 類型。

  • Yeah, I like that, I really, really like that.


  • Oh man, that sounds so cool, now I'm jealous.


  • I wish my Kung Fu Panda had something like that, man, she's just got some weak-ass DOT over here.

    我真希望我的功夫熊貓也有這樣的東西,夥計,她這裡的 DOT 功能太弱了。

  • Maybe that DOT does some damage to her.

    也許 DOT 會對她造成一些傷害。

  • Like I said, if it really brings my Kung Fu, alright, alright, stop coping, smack.


  • Fusion Burst.


  • I'm expecting some type of burn, probably another DOT, who knows.

    我期待著某種類型的燒傷,可能是另一種 DOT,誰知道呢。

  • Certain fusion attacks will inflict stackable Fusion Burst on enemies.

    某些融合攻擊會對敵人造成可疊加的 "融合爆發"。

  • Okay, sounds like DOT.

    好吧,聽起來像是 DOT。

  • Once Fusion Burst hits its max stacks, it ignites, oh, nevermind, and removes those stacks, just like the Havoc Bane, dealing Fusion damage.

    一旦 "聚變爆發 "達到最大疊加值,它就會點燃,哦,算了,並移除這些疊加值,就像 "浩劫之刃 "一樣,造成聚變傷害。

  • Oh, but it does not apply it to nearby characters, it doesn't spread like a fucking virus the way Havoc Bane does.

    哦,但它不會傳染給附近的角色,也不會像 "浩劫魔咒 "那樣像病毒一樣傳播。

  • It just removes the stacks just like Havoc Bane, explodes, and then GG's.

    它會像 "浩劫之刃 "一樣移除堆疊,爆炸,然後 GG。

  • So that means, more than likely, I guarantee you Fusion is gonna have a very, it's gonna have a much more potent explosion multiplier than Havoc Bane, because it doesn't spread, right?

    所以這意味著,很有可能,我向你保證,"融合 "的爆炸倍率會比 "浩劫之刃 "高得多,因為它不會擴散,對吧?

  • So it's just like a big nuclear bomb, based off what I'm reading.


  • No spread.


  • Havoc Bane, bomb, boom, not as strong, but spreads.

    Havoc Bane,炸彈,爆炸,沒有那麼強,但能擴散。

  • That's how I'm reading that from those two.


  • I like that, that's still differentiating, it's a hell of a cook.


  • I was expecting a burn DOT, honestly, so I actually really like that.

    老實說,我還以為是燃燒 DOT,所以我真的很喜歡。

  • Glacial, without reading it, freeze, right?


  • Why the hell would you not have freeze on the ice element, come on now.


  • Sudden glacial attacks will inflict stackable glacial chafe on enemies.


  • As glacial stacks increase, the target speed gradually decreases, okay, so it gets slower.


  • Upon reaching max stacks, the target is frozen and the stacks are removed.


  • That's what I would imagine.


  • Now, as long as they balance this, I think it's gonna be fine.


  • In fact, I actually love freeze playstyles, I love building around them, especially again in ARPGs and stuff.

    事實上,我很喜歡定格玩法,我喜歡圍繞這些玩法進行構建,尤其是在 ARPG 等遊戲中。

  • But freeze can be a very broken thing.


  • Obviously, like completely taking away an enemy's mobility or their ability to move at all, especially when pertaining to bosses inside of a game where combat is very significant, that could be broken.

    很明顯,比如完全剝奪敵人的機動性或移動能力,尤其是在戰鬥非常重要的遊戲中涉及到 BOSS 時,這可能會被破壞。

  • So as long as they balance it, right, and you're not just perma-freezing bosses, can't move, I mean, god, Carlotta's already broken, bro, holy shit.


  • You gonna make her more broken and they can't move?


  • As long as that's balanced, I think this will be great too, and I'm sure they will.


  • You've gotta handle it with care, it's one of those elements, you gotta handle it with care.


  • Electro Flare, just, I mean, this sounds like we'll be getting another, like, what do you do?


  • It's just like, god, right?


  • Just zap.

    只需 "啪 "的一聲。

  • I feel like Electro's one of the elements where you just zap the most.

    我覺得 "電子 "是最容易被忽視的元素之一。

  • Certain Electro attacks will inflict stackable Electro Flare on enemies.


  • While Electro Flare is active, it weakens the target's attack, with more stacks further reducing their strength.

    當 "電光火石 "處於激活狀態時,它會削弱目標的攻擊力,疊加次數越多,攻擊力越低。

  • Why is the Electro element the only element getting the short end, bro?

    兄弟,為什麼只有 "電子 "元素吃虧?

  • Why we getting cucked over here?


  • What in the name?


  • No!

  • Who let him cook?


  • Who at the kudos devs department tried to cook that bullshit up?


  • Don't nobody want that?


  • Oh, god, bro.


  • Y'all was doing so good!


  • All jokes aside, I don't like that, I really don't.


  • That shit is ass-cheeked Chronicles, bro, that is a skill issue, but, what, literally, it's the only element that just didn't get no DPS increase.

    這就是《屁股臉編年史》,兄弟,這是一個技能問題,但是,從字面上看,這是唯一一個沒有獲得 DPS 提升的元素。

  • This shit gotta protect yourself, be safer increase.


  • Everybody else got the cool shit, man, what the fuck?


  • You know, one thing I like about Kudo, though, is if the Electro element ends up looking like god damn Geo element in Genshin Impact, they will listen and they will adapt and change accordingly.

    不過,我喜歡工藤的一點是,如果 "電元素 "最終看起來像 "玄心衝擊 "中該死的 "地理元素",他們就會傾聽,並做出相應的調整和改變。

  • Feedback, you know, respective, be constructive about it, be like, yeah, nah, this shit just ain't it, bro.


  • And I'm sure they'll change it in due time, but nah, nah, that looks booty-cheeks, I don't know who let him cook with that one.


  • That's my reaction, overall, super cool that they're finally putting the god damn elemental system into play in this game, dear god.


  • Brother, like I said in the beginning, this shit was worthless, who the fuck you put elements in the game for?


  • Now we're finally getting something cool.


  • You guys comment down below, let me know your thoughts, I'm probably gonna go back into my Monster Hunter Wilds black hole, again, if you guys don't know already, I'm making


  • Monster Hunter Wilds content, it's gonna take away from my gacha content 1 billion percent,

    怪物獵人荒野》的內容會讓我的 gacha 內容減少十億分之一、

  • I'm only one man, I can only work as hard as I can, covering both games, you know, gacha content and Monster Hunter Wilds.

    我只有一個人,我只能盡我所能地工作,同時負責兩款遊戲,你知道的,gacha 內容和《怪物獵人荒野行動》。

  • If you wanna check that out, I'll leave a link down below in the description box, you guys can go subscribe to the channel, only if you're interested in playing Monster Hunter, if not, you know, belay that, disregard that.


  • That's gonna wrap up this content for this lovely day today, peace, love, and happiness as always, and until next time.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another video by yours truly.


Subtitles and vocabulary

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