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  • Let's go back to the person who's listening to us who wants to take the plunge, wants to start doing resistance training.


  • They're clinging to what you said a while ago that, hey, I can get some really good results if I'm in the gym 30 minutes twice a week.

    他們還在堅持你剛才說的,嘿,如果我每週兩次,每次 30 分鐘,就能取得非常好的效果。

  • I know that Mike trains eight hours a week, but I don't need to be Mike.


  • It's a lot.


  • Tell me what a program looks like.


  • Let's construct the program for the ...

    讓我們來構建一個程序 ...

  • Let's do it as a young ...


  • Let's start with a young person.


  • Let's start with a young person who actually has been somewhat active throughout their life, but it's mostly been in sports.


  • They play tennis.


  • They play ...


  • They did cross country in high school.


  • They've just never been a gym rat, but they've listened to this podcast enough.


  • They've listened to you enough to know, hey, there's value in developing strength and I'd like to have some hypertrophy.


  • I want to look a little better.


  • Sure.


  • Okay.


  • So I'm coming to you.


  • I'm 40 years old.

    我今年 40 歲。

  • I'm kind of a little intimidated if I'm truthful, right?


  • Don't know what to do. I have a whole pack bounced to make you more intimidated.

    不知道該怎麼辦 我有一整包彈丸,可以讓你更害怕。

  • So what's our two 30-minute day workout look like?

    那麼,我們每天兩個 30 分鐘的鍛鍊時間是怎樣的呢?

  • Yeah.


  • So I'll describe to you what week one could look like and then I'll tell you how to scale that afterwards.


  • It's not just the same every single week.


  • So what you want to do is if you're training twice a week, let's call it Monday and Thursday for simplicity, you do want some symmetry.


  • So you don't want a situation which you train with weights Monday, Tuesday, and then you take the rest of the week to do other stuff.


  • If you only train twice a week, you want it to be roughly evenly spread.


  • So Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, Friday, that sort of thing.


  • And because your muscles don't take usually a whole week to recover, but if you push them hard, maybe at most half a week, you can train every major muscle group of your body in every single session that you do.


  • So both Monday and Thursday, we'll have every major muscle group being trained.


  • Routines that have the muscle groups separated are called split routines, you know, chest one day, back the next.


  • Mostly pro bodybuilders are the only ones that benefit from that sort of thing and there's a lot of nuance about how to execute that sort of thing.


  • So whole body training is probably best for almost everyone who is trying to get the health benefits, longevity benefits, the aesthetic benefits, and so on and so forth.


  • So the next thing you want to do is you want to conserve time, but you want a high degree of effect.


  • And that's going to impose some recommendations on us that do both of those things.


  • One recommendation is to choose lifts, to choose exercises that involve two components.


  • One is large muscle masses, so you're not going to be doing a lot of like forearm curls or tibialis anterior calf raises, where like the muscle you're training is like as much muscle as your pinky finger and that's about it.


  • You're going to be training muscles like the quadriceps, the glutes, the hamstrings, the musculature of the back, the chest, the shoulders, the arms, etc.


  • And choosing exercises that train those muscles, preferably not just one muscle at a time.


  • So then we're using muscles very efficiently because we're pushing multiple muscles to their limits in one exercise.


  • This is generally going to be compound movements, multi-joint movements.


  • Things like pull-ups, pull-downs, barbell and dumbbell bent over rows that, for the back at least, engage the forearm flexion muscles, the biceps, etc.


  • They engage actually the muscles of the forearm themselves through your grip.


  • They engage the posterior aspect of your deltoids, the rear delts.


  • They engage almost every muscle in the back all at the same time.


  • Now you do one set of bicep curls, but I do one set of underhand pull-ups.


  • I got my biceps checked off and I got three other muscles checked off.


  • You just have one.


  • One of my absolute grotesque pet peeves is to see personal trainers in major cities training their regular clients, housewife who's 55, and having her do like rear delt cable fly one at a time.

    我最討厭的一件事就是在大城市看到私人教練訓練他們的固定客戶,55 歲的家庭主婦,讓她一次做一個後三角纜飛。

  • I'm like, oh my God, is that one made of time?


  • And also is there some kind of physique show which the judges said she needs bigger rear delts but nothing else?


  • That's the only reason you should be doing that nine times out of ten.


  • So compound movements, close grip bench presses, push-ups, overhead presses, upright rows, squats, deadlifts, etc., etc., etc., these are the kind of movements that train multiple muscles at the same time and thus they are insanely time efficient because you do a few exercises and you're like, holy crap, that's all of my upper body.


  • If you do some kind of a rowing machine, you do some kind of machine or barbell or dumbbell that's a close grip press, you do some kind of upright row situation, then you've technically trained kind of every single muscle in your upper body to a substantial extent because every single exercise trains three or four muscles at a time.


  • So those are the kind of movements we're going to be leaning into the most.


  • What about for the lower body?


  • Same idea.


  • Besides the deadlift and the squat, RDL.


  • So various stiff-legged deadlift or good morning, RDL is the same category of movement.

    是以,各種硬腿舉重或早安,RDL 都是同一類動作。

  • That trains your entire back, specifically your spinal erector musculature which is insanely important for healthy aging.


  • I could talk about that ad nauseum and then it trains your glutes and it trains your hamstrings and it trains your sartorius and parts of your adductors and it actually trains your calves too.


  • Holy crap, that's one exercise.


  • You integrate some kind of lunging pattern into that or some kind of squatting pattern, be it a hot squat, leg press, barbell squat, you name it, and all of a sudden, you run out of muscles to train in your lower body because everything has been done to a high degree of diligence.


  • Again, compound movements.


  • Again, I see 45-year-old financial advisors who don't have a lot of time.

    同樣,我看到 45 歲的財務顧問沒有太多時間。

  • They have family obligations.


  • They have work obligations.


  • They have other hobbies and they're doing like leg extensions in the gym.


  • I'm always like, man, I hope that guy's hurt and has a good reason to be doing those because if he's not squatting or lunging or doing leg presses or something, he's just using up time in the gym, training one thing at a time for no good reason at all.


  • So invariably, you've been asked this a thousand times, but when this person's coming into this situation and they don't have a high training history, what are the tools you use to teach them how to do these compound movements safely, especially the lower body ones, right?


  • So squats and deadlifts, admittedly, they're not going to be starting out with a ton of weight, but- That's the biggest tool.


  • Yeah.


  • It's starting out with low weight.


  • There is no movement the human body can do, which unloaded and not pushing the muscles and tendons to their extreme has any higher risk probability than any other movement.


  • So you can start with a deadlift or a squat that's body weight or less.


  • You can brace your arms on a Smith machine and unload yourself while you squat.


  • That may be where you have to start.


  • You take multiple sets like that that are very submaximal, ideally you're there with a personal trainer.


  • If not, you can just go to YouTube and type in the name of your exercise and it'll pop up.

    如果沒有,您只需在 YouTube 上輸入您的練習名稱,它就會彈出。

  • We have a huge library for free on YouTube.

    我們在 YouTube 上有一個巨大的免費圖書館。

  • Actually the RPI Per Trippi app, which is one of our apps in our app suite, has every exercise you'll ever see in there has a video demonstration one click away.

    實際上,RPI Per Trippi 應用程序是我們應用程序套件中的一個應用程序,裡面的每項練習都有視頻演示,只需點擊一下即可觀看。

  • So you look at that, ideally you would have a personal trainer because live communication about how to exercise is irreplaceable.


  • Because on a video, we're assuming that your assessment of what that is is your assessment of what you're doing, which is very difficult.


  • Oh my God, you walk into the gym and they're like, I'm squatting.


  • You're like that, and that's not a squat.


  • I don't know what the hell someone told you or what video you're looking at.


  • That ain't it.


  • If you have a personal trainer, they can be like, ooh, that's really good, but I want you to move your hips back more.


  • I want you to move down more, so on and so forth.


  • But basically the first time you're ever with someone in a session, all you do is you take them through those movement patterns, fine tune their technique with lots of encouragement, and you're not seeking perfection, you're just seeking basic competency.


  • Get your heels on the ground, get you squatting all the way down, get your back nice and straight.


  • Listen, that's all we want.


  • You'll do three or four of those, what are really warm-up sets, and you'll just kick them out of the gym.


  • Three or four warm-up sets per exercise.


  • It's a teaching session.


  • They never even lifted heavy.


  • They never pushed to failure, but because they're so unaccustomed to lifting, they'll get sore, and it's enough tension and disruption that they will grow muscle.


  • The next time they come in, you work them through a different series of movements.


  • Let's call it Monday-Thursday movements.


  • The next week they come in, and you do the same workout except maybe that last set of every movement after a few technique-oriented sets.


  • You ask them to go for slightly more repetitions, maybe not five but now ten, or you put a little bit of weight on the bar, something that gets them like, ooh, okay, I feel it, this is a And then over time, slowly every week, you increase the weight a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more, until several weeks later their technique looks real good, which most people can learn really good techniques.


  • It's not that complicated in a few weeks, and now they're like kind of struggling with their weights.


  • We're finally up to a weight and rep combination that's challenging them physiologically every set, not just neurologically for how to do the technique.


  • That three or four-week sort of entry period is amazing because it takes the probability of injury and just almost completely eliminates it because you're not just going in there and seeing how strong you are on the first day, which believe it or not, a lot of people are inclined to do.


  • It's profoundly stupid.


  • It's reserved for like high school or junior high kids.


  • Whatever, you're in ninth grade, fuck it, max out.


  • Don't do that when you're an adult.


  • It's profoundly stupid, especially if you're in your 40s and 50s and 60s, and like you don't want a torn pec.

    這是非常愚蠢的,尤其是如果你已經 40 多歲、50 多歲和 60 多歲了,而且你不想胸肌撕裂。

  • You drive a truck for a living, your pec is required for that sort of thing.


  • After that sort of easing in period, you're now competent to movement.


  • You feel yourself competent as a member of general gym culture.


  • You don't feel lost.


  • A big part of a problem of getting people to go to gyms and actually stick with it is there's this understanding that people have, which is itself relatable but inaccurate, that the gym is for people that know things.


  • It's their place.


  • It's for that jacked guy.


  • It's not for me.


  • The thing is that jacked guy, to paraphrase another comedian, like he's been in the gym enough.

    用另一個喜劇演員的話來說,就是那個 "大塊頭 "好像在健身房鍛鍊夠了。

  • He should take a few days off.


  • You're big.


  • You did it, buddy.

    你做到了 夥計

  • The people who really need to be in the gym are the ones who aren't in the gym.


  • The gym is an infinitely welcoming place.


  • Almost all the jacked people are super nice in real life.


  • They're not judging you.


  • They're just staring off into space.


  • They're ultra selfish.


  • They don't care about you.


  • If you don't know what you're doing, you can always ask them and it almost certainly will give you free advice until you're blue in the face.


  • After a few weeks of being in the gym with a trainer, you're like, this is my place.


  • I belong here.


  • I'm starting to push a little hard.


  • Then over time, you just increase the load on the bar a little bit.


  • If you're no longer getting sore or really tired, sore and tired in such a way that you need until next Thursday to get sore and tired, you start increasing the number of working sets that you're doing.


  • Because working sets wise up until this point was just one working set really if you think about it.


  • In the first week or two, zero working sets.


  • They're all practice sets because you're so untrained.


  • They're work sets for you, but they're not to anyone else that's watching.


  • A few weeks in, one work set.


  • A few weeks after, two work sets and so on and so on and so on until you're doing anywhere between three and six working sets per exercise.


  • There's another twist here for the person that wants to save a lot of time and actually get some cardiovascular benefits as well.


  • You take exercises that are responsible for training muscles that can be paired with other exercises which train muscles that are totally or mostly unrelated.


  • If I do a seated dumbbell shoulder press, I rack those dumbbells, I can walk over and do some goblet squats and essentially there's almost no muscle overlap or I can do some deadlifts and there's just no muscle overlap whatsoever.


  • I could do some seated dumbbell shoulder presses, put it down, nice hard set, good job, two sets left.


  • I could sit for the average of one or two minutes and scroll on my phone, but if you're really time conscious and you want extra cardiovascular benefit, what you can do is as soon as you've finished with one group of muscles, you take five or ten seconds, shake it out, breathe it out, hit the next working set for that paired exercise.


  • While you're doing that exercise, the muscles for the first exercise are actually recovering locally.


  • When you're done with that exercise, five or ten seconds later, it's set two for the first exercise.


  • You pair these unrelated work sets together, unrelated exercise, such that when you've done four sets of one exercise, let's say a close grip bench press that trains the pushing muscles of your body.


  • If you've paired that with a row or a lat pulldown, then really you've done eight total working sets and you've just knocked off 80% of your entire upper body in an amount of time that the dumbbell press by itself guy has just finished only his front belts and triceps.

    如果你再配上一個划船或上舉,那麼實際上你一共做了八組工作,在啞鈴推舉只完成前腹和肱三頭肌的時間裡,你已經完成了整個上半身 80% 的運動量。

  • Rest times in the gym, outside of getting a drink or just trying not to faint, are probably not your best friend if you're just going for general health, general aesthetics, this kind of stuff, especially beginning.


  • You're either working one muscle group or several with one exercise, or you're transitioning between exercises, or you're working the other one, or you're setting up your weights for your next machine that you're going to be doing, which means as soon as you get in and warm up, it's go, go, go, go, back to back to back to back to five or ten seconds for transition to catch your breath barely, but you're not going to be talking to a lot of people at the gym other than, how many sets do you have left in that machine, that kind of stuff.

    你要麼在練習一個肌肉群,要麼在練習幾個肌肉群,要麼在練習之間轉換,要麼在練習另一個肌肉群,要麼在為下一個要做的器械準備重量,也就是說,只要你一進來熱身,就開始 "走,走,走,走","背靠背","背靠背","背靠背","背靠背"、這意味著你一進入健身房做熱身運動,就得開始、開始、開始、開始,背靠背、背靠背、背靠背,五到十秒鐘的過渡時間讓你勉強喘口氣,但你不會和健身房裡的很多人說話,除了 "你那臺器械還剩幾組 "之類的話題。

  • And so that allows us to condense a lot of work.


  • Most people will need something like 15 to 30 total working sets for their whole body per session.

    大多數人每次訓練需要 15 到 30 組全身訓練。

  • You can condense that into 30 minutes, but you're working almost the entire time, and it's generally a good idea to do sets of 10 to 30 repetitions, because those kinds of loads, you don't need a ton of time to have your best performance.

    你可以把時間壓縮到 30 分鐘,但你幾乎全程都在工作,一般來說,做 10 到 30 次為一組,這是個好主意,因為這種負荷,你不需要太多時間就能達到最佳狀態。

  • You can get good enough performances with a short time for recovery, and because it's a lot of reps, not only does it get you very meaningful strength increases, because the absolute load is lower, much lower injury risks.


  • Like you do one rep maxes all the time, you're going to have a coming one way or another.


  • You'd never touch any weight that's heavier than a 10 rep max.

    你永遠不會碰任何比最大 10 次重量更重的重量。

  • The probability of injury on any one given set is much, much smaller.


  • And because it's a higher volume of work, you get a great hypertrophy stimulus, and you get great cardiometabolic benefits.


  • If you're breathing insanely heavy the entire time and sweating like a, you know, insert favorite analogy here, then you will be kind of one and twoing that session for a resistance training check mark and a pretty decent cardiovascular training check mark, especially if these are compound multi-joint exercises that require you supporting your body in space.


  • You do a set of 15 barbell squats, followed by a set of 15 push-ups, your cardio's working.

    你做一組 15 個槓鈴深蹲,然後做一組 15 個俯臥撐,你的有氧運動就成功了。

  • I mean, that's what they torture boxers with, and their cardio is outlandish, back to back to back to back.


  • It's resistance training, it's cardio, it's both.


  • You have two sessions like that per week, each one lasting 30 minutes.

    每週有兩次這樣的課程,每次 30 分鐘。

  • You have two sessions of zone two, zone three cardio, where you're really trying, and four sessions total like that per week, with good sleep and good body weight, good nutrition, you're well on your way to when you see your healthcare provider every year, and he asks you, are you trying to die sooner or later, and you tell them what you do, most of them will be like, well, that's way more than most of my patients do.


  • And if you look at the American College of Sports Medicine requirements, various requirements of what constitutes rigorous physical activity, you're getting well into the mix, with a sum total, if we think about it, of two to three hours of difficult physical activity of any kind in a week.


  • So when people say, I don't have time for exercise, I get it, I get it.

    所以,當人們說 "我沒時間鍛鍊 "時,我明白,我明白。

  • I don't have children, or I've heard that when you have children, time dilates like a black hole type of stuff.


  • But you can probably make time, at least for that resistance training session.


  • Will it be ultra easy?


  • No way, it's going to be really tough.


  • I don't train like that, I need my break, dammit, I'm trying to be lazy and scroll on Instagram between sets.

    我不這樣訓練,我需要休息,媽的,我想偷懶,在兩組之間瀏覽 Instagram。

  • But if I wanted to get the maximum results for the minimum amount of time, we're working all the time.


  • And over time, you start with one or two paired sets like that, you get up to three or four paired sets like that, on five to eight exercises per session, holy crap, that is a lot of work.


  • And it will train your entire body in one session, and you will require one to three days of rest afterwards.


  • Guess what, you rest for three days, you come back, you rest for three days, you come back.


  • There's two workouts in a week, each one takes about half an hour.


  • And if you ever want the workouts to take less time, work faster, and rest less.


  • And a lot of people want to hear like the hack for how to get really awesome results with very little time spent in the gym, but they don't want to hear how to get the hack actually going, because they're like, well, hold on, what's going to hurt?


  • Like, yeah, it's going to hurt, it's going to be miserable.


  • Unless you accept the fact that, you know, all the benefits of endorphins and everything like that.


  • It's kind of like, you know, how do you become a millionaire?


  • So you're very, very good at something, you have very, very good people skills, and you grind for years at starting your empire, like, ah, man, I want to like win a lottery ticket or something, I didn't want all this.


  • Like, everyone knows that's how you become a billionaire, I don't want that.


  • So yeah, you know, you can thumbnail and title this how you like, but it's cool to say, yeah, listen, one hour a week, and you can have amazing benefits of health, quality of life.

    所以,是的,你知道,你可以隨心所欲地縮略圖和標題,但說 "是的,聽著,每週一小時,你就能在健康和生活品質方面獲得驚人的益處 "是很酷的。

  • But I'm here to tell you real talk, because at RP, that company that I represent, we just have a policy of never lying to people ever, because we're doing this to honestly help people, and business-wise, if you start lying to people, it's hard to unweave the rainbow after that.

    但我在這裡要告訴你們實話,因為在 RP,也就是我所代表的那家公司,我們的政策就是永遠不對別人撒謊,因為我們這樣做是為了真誠地幫助別人,而從商業角度來說,如果你開始對別人撒謊,以後就很難再編織彩虹了。

  • It's going to be tough.


  • But also, there is now more and more research accumulating that doing difficult things physically is good for your mental health.


  • There's a lot of publicity lately to cold plunges, you know, Huberman and all that stuff.


  • And a cold plunge, because it's so annoying, kind of makes you more grateful for the not pain you're engaging in the rest of the day, and it's really good for you.


  • I have one better.


  • You do a 30-minute session of back-to-back-to-back, compound, free motion or dumbbell or barbell or even machine work, and sweat your balls off and huff and puff, the rest of the day seems like a breeze, and the endorphin kick is massive.

    你做 30 分鐘的背靠背、複合式、自由動作、啞鈴、槓鈴甚至器械練習,汗流浹背,氣喘吁吁,一天的剩餘時間似乎都是輕而易舉的,內啡肽的作用也是巨大的。

  • It's like surviving a traumatic episode.


  • So the cold plunge has some benefits, I'm not entirely sold that they're enormous or to an extent whatsoever in many cases, but this kind of exercise has benefits that if we just took one by one time to talk about in this podcast, we could talk about nothing else and do four podcasts in a row, that kind of massive benefit.

    是以,"冷跳 "有一些好處,我並不完全相信它們是巨大的,或者在很多情況下是什麼程度的,但這種鍛鍊的好處是,如果我們只是花一個一個的時間在這個播客中談論,我們可以不談別的,連續做四個播客,那種巨大的好處。

Let's go back to the person who's listening to us who wants to take the plunge, wants to start doing resistance training.


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B1 US 訓練 肌肉 練習 健身房 深蹲 鍛鍊

簡單有效的 2 天初學者力量訓練計劃 | Mike Israetel 和 Peter Attia (Simple and effective 2-day strength training program for beginners | Mike Israetel and Peter Attia)

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    yacki99 posted on 2025/02/13
Video vocabulary