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  • I've been having fun looking at 3DCoat recently, initially looking at the texture painting capabilities to complement Blender, but taking a closer look I've learned that there is a huge amount to the program.

    我最近一直在研究 3DCoat,起初只是想看看它的紋理繪製功能是否能與 Blender 相得益彰,但仔細一看,我才發現這個程式的內容非常豐富。

  • This video is a rundown of the features of the latest release of 3DCoat 2024 and why I think it could be a great partner to Blender in your 3D workflow.

    這段視頻簡要介紹了最新發布的 3DCoat 2024 的功能,以及為什麼我認為它可以成為 Blender 在 3D 工作流程中的最佳搭檔。

  • Now it's important to say that this video is sponsored by 3DCoat.

    有必要說明的是,本視頻由 3DCoat 贊助。

  • They reached out to me and asked me to do a video of their new release and gave me the program for free.


  • As always I don't promote anything I don't leave in or use myself and I've been interested in the program for a while now as an alternative to Blender in regards to texture painting.

    像往常一樣,我不會推廣任何我自己沒有使用過的東西,我對這個程式感興趣已經有一段時間了,它是 Blender 紋理繪製的替代方案。

  • As many of you know the texture painting in Blender is it's fine but there's lots of room for improvement so I'm glad to have the excuse to test it out and it didn't disappoint.

    很多人都知道 Blender 中的紋理繪製還不錯,但還有很多需要改進的地方,所以我很高興能有機會對它進行測試,它也沒有讓我失望。

  • Now I'm not thinking of replacing Blender it's far more of a complementary program and interestingly 3DCoat has recently created an app link with Blender so you can take objects made in Blender and easily send them to 3DCoat and back again for rendering so it works in conjunction with Blender really well but more on that later.

    有趣的是,3DCoat 最近創建了一個與 Blender 相連接的應用程式,這樣你就可以將 Blender 中製作的對象輕鬆發送到 3DCoat,然後再返回進行渲染,是以它與 Blender 的配合非常好,但稍後會詳細介紹。

  • Firstly a quick introduction to 3DCoat. 3DCoat is an all-round modeling, texturing, sculpting, UV mapping, texture baking program in many ways similar to Blender.

    首先簡要介紹一下 3DCoat。3DCoat 是一款集建模、貼圖、雕刻、UV 貼圖、紋理烘焙於一身的全能軟件,在很多方面都與 Blender 相似。

  • The sculpting tools are a little bit more refined than what you see in Blender and the texturing and material tools are closer to something like Substance Perhaps giving a little bit more options to the hand-painted stylized workflow but they're similar there's automatic UV mapping and they've got great retopo tools that seems more advanced than in Blender and the baking tools are much easier and much quicker.

    雕刻工具比在 Blender 中看到的更精緻一些,紋理和材質工具更接近 Substance,也許能為手繪風格化工作流程提供更多選擇,但它們是相似的,都有自動 UV 貼圖,都有很棒的重修工具,似乎比 Blender 中的更先進,烘焙工具也更簡單快捷。

  • You can bake from a high poly mesh you can automatically bake out cavity maps things that are quite awkward and a bit painful sometimes in Blender but like I say I'm not looking to replace Blender it's seeing if it's going to and work together in a good workflow.

    你可以從高聚物網格中進行烘焙,也可以自動烘焙出空洞貼圖,這些在 Blender 中有時會很麻煩,但就像我說的,我並不是要取代 Blender,而是要看看它是否能在一個良好的工作流程中協同工作。

  • So let's take a closer look at some of these features.


  • So it's a very quick rundown of what 3DCoat can do with regards to texturing.

    以上就是 3DCoat 在紋理製作方面的簡要介紹。

  • Here's quite a fun model it's one of their default models.


  • You can see the different layers here we've got a normal map, ambient occlusion, cavity mask.


  • If you haven't got things like the ambient occlusion and the cavity and you bring a model in it can bake one for you and if I go across to the smart materials this is the most fun and click on something like the brass here.


  • I've got a material preview option here and you can see exactly what that texture is going to look like.


  • There's an old copper one here which looks good.


  • If I double click on these I can change some of the parameters.


  • Let's zoom in a touch so you can see what's going on there.


  • Something like the cavity you can change the edge wear, the width of that as well to make it a bit more stylized perhaps.


  • When I'm happy I can fill the layer.


  • I'll create a new layer and add in something like this paint look here.


  • Again I can go to the parameters and decide exactly what that might look like.


  • I'll bring the preview down here and I'll show you that I can start painting on this.


  • So this whole side here could be this sort of blue color.


  • I've got lots of different brush options here.


  • I'll just change the size of that so you can see those and you can see the effect that that's having.


  • I can then of course change the color to something like a red and have that on the other side.


  • Again I've got my preview down here showing me exactly what that's going to look like before I even apply it.


  • I've got the eraser so I can erase from this layer and have sort of a patchy paint look there.


  • I'll just cancel those smart properties add new layer.


  • I should really label these but it's just a demonstration.


  • Let's put the dust in now so you can see the results of the dust.


  • I can paint that in or I could just fill this whole layer with some dust I think.


  • So right click fill entire layer and we've got some dust in there now.


  • It's already looking awesome with these smart materials.


  • Let's get some rust in there as well so another layer.


  • Cancel those settings.


  • Another layer.


  • Rust.


  • See what that's going to look like in my material preview and that looks pretty interesting.


  • Maybe I'll paint this one on this time.


  • So I'll move my material preview down here.


  • Paint some of that rust on in different places and you've got lots of these different options.


  • Choose this gun metal one down here.


  • That looks fun doesn't it.


  • And again I could paint this on in one location.


  • Maybe this bolt here for some reason is gun metal and you can mask out areas.


  • I can go into this layer and start editing it.


  • Maybe the foot has some metal as well for some weird reason and you can see this is great fun isn't it.


  • So you can see the kind of functionality it's got there just in the textures and that's one of the things that most interests me.


  • The ease of doing that compared to something like Blender where you have to set up all these smart materials yourself and it's very difficult to have that kind of layer function with masks which 3D Coat does really well.

    在 Blender 中,你必須自己設置所有這些智能材質,而且很難使用遮罩層功能,而 3D Coat 卻能很好地做到這一點。

  • And if you're wondering it has an extensive library of smart materials, PBR materials and so forth.

    如果你想知道,它還有一個龐大的智能材料庫、PBR 材料庫等。

  • Now the thing that's new to 3D Coat 2024 is the new app link.

    現在,《3D 塗層 2024》的新功能是新的應用程序鏈接。

  • So I can go from Blender to 3D Coat and back to Blender really easily.

    是以,我可以很輕鬆地從 Blender 轉到 3D Coat,再回到 Blender。

  • So I've got my monkey that I want to texture.


  • I can press N on my keyboard and with the 3D Coat app installed I can go across to the app link and press send.

    我可以按鍵盤上的 N 鍵,安裝 3D Coat 應用程序後,我就可以進入應用程序鏈接並按發送鍵。

  • Then when I open up 3D Coat you should see this import object for per pixel painting.

    然後,當我打開 3D Coat 時,你就會看到這個按像素繪製的導入對象。

  • It asks you the size of the maps that you want.


  • I'll go for 2k and press ok.

    我選 2K,然後按 OK。

  • So now I can use one of my smart materials, let's say this metal just here.


  • When I click on that it asks me to create a curvature map and it will bake out these maps for me.


  • So after a couple of seconds you can see my material preview here.


  • Maybe this blue one, right fill entire layer.


  • So I could go to the brass now.


  • This one asks for an ambient occlusion layer so I can press ok.


  • Set the ambient occlusion parameters.


  • I'll just press ok and I'll just paint some random brass over here.

    我按下 OK 鍵,然後在這裡隨意塗抹一些黃銅。

  • I'll just turn the opacity up to 100% so I can have a nice brass material over here.

    我把不透明度調到 100%,這樣這裡就會有一個漂亮的黃銅材質。

  • I could turn off this material preview and start painting all over the place with some brass.


  • Then when I'm happy I can go file, open in external app and it tells me all the textures that it's changed is millimeters to meters I think.


  • So it doesn't come in really huge.


  • Export, then go back across Blender, click on the get back, go across to the shading workspace and you can see it's got my painted model there with all the textures set up which you can see just there.

    導出,然後回到整個 Blender,點擊 "返回",進入著色工作區,你可以看到那裡有我繪製的模型和所有設置好的紋理,就在那裡。

  • So another really impressive feature there.


  • Now another reason I like 3d coat and where Blender's slightly lacking is the use of layers and not only layers we have layer masks and clipping masks.

    現在,我喜歡 3D 外衣的另一個原因,也是 Blender 稍顯不足的地方,就是圖層的使用,不僅是圖層,我們還有圖層蒙版和剪切蒙版。

  • So not only can you build up your painting in layers and be able to turn off and on the layers or adapt just that layer, you can also use clipping masks so you only affect a certain area.


  • If you use Photoshop at all then you'll be used to clipping masks and they work in very much the same way.

    如果你使用過 Photoshop,那麼你就會習慣剪貼蒙版,它們的工作方式基本相同。

  • Another area that looks really helpful and useful is the automatic retopology tools.


  • It's not something I've had much of a chance to play with yet but from this demonstration here they look exceptional.


  • The those that are particularly scared of retopology they've got an automatic tool.


  • This has similarities to something like quad remesher and again looks very impressive. 3d coat is also known for its great sculpting capability.

    這與 quad remesher 有相似之處,看起來也非常令人印象深刻。3d coat 也以其強大的雕刻能力而聞名。

  • Many compare it to Zbrush.

    許多人將其與 Zbrush 相提並論。

  • It can deal with very high density meshes and really fine details and obviously combined with other things like the retopology it works very well.


  • I must admit I found the brushes to be a little bit more refined.


  • I know you can edit the brushes in blender and so forth but in certain ways 3d coat has edged this one.

    我知道你可以在 Blender 等軟件中編輯筆刷,但在某些方面,3d coat 比它更勝一籌。

  • One really clever feature was the VDM pick and paste tool.

    一個非常聰明的功能是 VDM 挑選和粘貼工具。

  • Kind of like the clone stamp brush for VDM textures.

    有點像 VDM 紋理的克隆圖章筆刷。

  • You can take a sculpted portion of a mesh, copy it and paste it onto a different part of the mesh and because 3d coat is voxel based it did deal with VDM brushes particularly well.

    由於 3d coat 是基於體素的,是以它能很好地處理 VDM 筆刷。

  • It's also got a nice library of alpha brushes as well.


  • Another feature that's new to me is this idea of volumetric painting.


  • So you can have different layers and different PBR materials with those layers.

    是以,您可以在這些圖層中使用不同的圖層和不同的 PBR 材質。

  • So when you sculpt down into an object you can have a different PBR underneath.

    這樣,當你雕刻一個物體時,就可以在下面使用不同的 PBR。

  • You can imagine that's really good for a creature with blood and veins underneath the skin or in some of these examples a concrete block with damage and a different PBR texture representing that.

    你可以想象一下,這對於皮膚下有血液和血管的生物來說,或者在某些例子中,對於有損傷的混凝土塊和代表損傷的不同 PBR 紋理來說,都是非常不錯的選擇。

  • And the last one I want to focus on another really interesting one again new to me is normal map to mesh.


  • So you can take your normal maps and then turn it into a sculpted mesh.


  • I can think of loads of use cases for this and I'm really impressed that they've managed to figure this one out.


  • Now there are lots of features that I've not mentioned.


  • They've got things like live boolean, they've got these interesting things called fractures, basically complex texturing, clever things like tiling textures that rotate so they don't look like tile textures.


  • But these are just the things that I'm excited about in 3D Coat 2024.

    但這些只是我對《3D 塗層 2024》感到興奮的地方。

  • It really is a huge program.


  • Now there's different ways of purchasing 3D Coat.

    現在,購買 3D Coat 的方式多種多樣。

  • You can have a permanent license for 379 euros, you get 12 months of free updates and then you can make a yearly update for just 45 euros with the next 12 months of free updates.

    您可以花 379 歐元獲得永久許可證,並獲得 12 個月的免費更新,然後只需 45 歐元就可以每年更新一次,並獲得接下來 12 個月的免費更新。

  • You've got things like a rent to own option as well and you can see the options and prices there.

    您還可以選擇 "以租代購 "等方式,在這裡您可以看到各種選擇和價格。

  • The monthly subscription is just over 20 euros and that's a cancel anytime and you get all the updates of course.

    每月訂閱費用僅為 20 多歐元,而且可以隨時取消,當然還能獲得所有更新。

  • Now as well as 3D Coat, there's an option of Textura.

    現在,除了 3D Coat 外,還可以選擇 Textura。

  • So it's a slimmed down version of 3D Coat mainly for texture painting, permanent license being 120 euros or a monthly subscription of 10.

    是以,它是 3D Coat 的精簡版,主要用於紋理繪製,永久許可證價格為 120 歐元或每月 10 歐元。

  • Now there is an educational version where you can get 3D Coat Textura for free but there's no commercial use allowed.

    現在有一個教育版本,你可以免費獲得 3D Coat Textura,但不允許用於商業用途。

  • So that's 3D Coat 2024 and I'm quite excited to see how it fits into my workflow.

    這就是 3D Coat 2024,我很期待它如何融入我的工作流程。

  • I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and I think it's going to be a great advantage for my 3D models.

    我已經用了幾個星期了,我認為它將成為我製作 3D 模型的一大優勢。

  • I'm really interested to hear from anybody that's using 3D Coat with Blender at the moment.

    我很想聽聽目前正在使用 3D Coat 和 Blender 的人的意見。

  • Let me know how you're getting on and how you use it and as always if you've got any questions or thoughts then do comment below.


  • Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.


I've been having fun looking at 3DCoat recently, initially looking at the texture painting capabilities to complement Blender, but taking a closer look I've learned that there is a huge amount to the program.

我最近一直在研究 3DCoat,起初只是想看看它的紋理繪製功能是否能與 Blender 相得益彰,但仔細一看,我才發現這個程式的內容非常豐富。

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