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  • Here's a weird little social skill.

  • Introducing yourself, right?

  • This is like kind of an awkward thing to do.

  • And if you do it wrong, it's really awkward.

  • So here's a video, little formula on how to introduce yourself.

  • First, nonverbal.

  • So actually two parts of introducing yourself.

  • It's the verbal, what you say, but it's also the nonverbal.

  • Like I can have the perfect words, but look terrible.

  • Watch.

  • Hi, I'm Vanessa and I'm so happy to be here and meet you as the host of this event.

  • Like even though the verbal is good, like I look terrible.

  • So you have to match them.

  • So let's start with the nonverbal first.

  • If you feel like smiling, this is the perfect time to smile, but I only want you to smile.

  • If it's authentic, there is nothing worse than a fake smile.

  • Hi, I'm Vanessa and I'm so happy to be here.

  • So only smile if it's authentic.

  • If it's not, it's okay if you don't have a smile, but if you feel happy to be there, actually show the smile.

  • Second, nonverbally, you want to show if you're going to have some sort of touch or physical greeting.

  • So especially if you're in person, are you going to handshake?

  • Are you going to hug?

  • Are you going to high five?

  • Or do you want nothing?

  • This doesn't apply on video, but in person, if you're going to handshake, I want you to blade.

  • So hi, I'm Vanessa.

  • So nice to meet you.

  • Okay.

  • So you're going to put your hand out to show, I am about to give you a handshake.

  • This is going to avoid the most awkward moment for humans, which is are we going to handshake or hug?

  • Are we, are we going to fist bump, high five, hug, oh, side hug, awkward, cheek it, right?

  • You avoid that.

  • So if you want a handshake blade, if you want to hug, do the both hands open.

  • If you're on video or you're on stage, I highly recommend a nonverbal greeting from afar.

  • So hi everyone.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • Happy to be here.

  • A simple visible hand, visible hand also helps the brain see a friend, not foe.

  • We're not hiding anything.

  • So visible hand or open shake for a hug to be very clear.

  • And the last one is what I call full fronting, not full frontal, full fronting.

  • That is that you're angling your toes, your torso and your head towards the person that you're meeting.

  • We don't really like it when someone is, Hey, nice to meet ya.

  • We like it when a body is fully angled towards us.

  • So that is angling my head, my torso and my toes towards the person, especially if you're moving in towards them.

  • This works on video.

  • This works on stage.

  • If you're on stage, even like gesturing with your whole audience.

  • So hi everyone.

  • So nice to be here.

  • So I'm full fronting with everyone that's in front of me or the room that's in front of me.

  • Okay.

  • That's the nonverbal.

  • The verbal first, a quick greeting.

  • Hi, howdy.

  • Hello.

  • Welcome.

  • One word, right?

  • Just a quick one.

  • Second, your name slowly.

  • This is the biggest mistake we make when we introduce ourself.

  • And I am guilty of it, which is we rush through our name because we're nervous.

  • We think people have heard it before.

  • We just stumble over it.

  • So we swallow our name or rush through it.

  • The way that I used to do this is hi, I'm Vanessa.

  • No one even knows that.

  • So if you're in a casual setting, first name only, hi, I'm Vanessa.

  • If you're in a formal setting and introducing yourself in front of an audience, people who don't know you, hi, I'm Vanessa Van Edwards, full name slowly.

  • I know it sounds painfully slow to you, but it's worse when you rush through it because it signals low confidence.

  • So one word greeting.

  • Hi.

  • Howdy.

  • Hello.

  • Welcome.

  • Aloha.

  • Your name slowly.

  • Then I like to have just a very quick positive word.

  • I'm so happy to be here.

  • I'm so honored to be here.

  • I'm so excited to be here.

  • Or if you're leading, I'm so thrilled to be leading this meeting.

  • I'm so happy to be hosting this party.

  • I'm really happy to introduce my other friends.

  • Like one positive word.

  • It kind of injects a little bit of positivity in the, in the interaction and it sets you up for success.

  • We like people who use positive words.

  • So word, name, positive thing.

  • Then you're going to add your title or reason for being there.

  • So depending on where you're introducing yourself, are you hosting the party?

  • Are you leading the meeting?

  • Do you need to say who you are?

  • Your job title, your title that day.

  • So I could say, I introduce myself all the time in front of presentations.

  • So I would say, hi, I'm Vanessa Van Edwards.

  • I'm so honored to be here and I'm a recovering awkward person, right?

  • That's my funny one.

  • You could also say, um, and I'm lead marketer here.

  • I'll be leading the call.

  • So what's your title and reason for being there?

  • And lastly, if you want to, you can add a fun fact.

  • You don't have to, you don't have to, but if you're brave enough, it always breaks the ice.

  • So this could sound like, hi, I'm Vanessa.

  • I'm so happy to have you all at my home tonight.

  • We'll be serving lots of alcohol to hopefully relax you and not help you be nervous, right?

  • Like whatever it is that you're saying as a little bit of a fun fact.

  • Um, you can also have a fun fact about the meeting or a fun fact about your host, but really the first part is the most important.

  • So opening word, you're full fronting.

  • You are hopefully smiling.

  • If you feel like it, bonus points for eye contact.

  • You're going to say your name slowly, a positive word, your reason for being there.

  • And if you're brave enough, a fun fact.

  • By the way, introducing yourself as step one in a conversation, what should you do next?

  • How do you ask a conversation starter?

  • How do you have great conversation?

  • I highly recommend checking out my conversation mastery course, where I take you through all the steps, very practical actual steps on how to have amazing conversation with anyone.

  • So if you want the next steps, go check out that course.

  • I would love to have you.

Here's a weird little social skill.

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