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  • IELTS Topic-Based Vocabulary Produced and Broadcast by Parker English Unit 2 Positive Emotions Respectful Respectful When discussing sensitive topics, it is important to maintain a respectful tone to avoid offending anyone.

    雅思話題式詞彙 Parker English 製作播出 Unit 2 積極情緒 Respectful 尊重 在討論敏感話題時,保持尊重的語氣很重要,以免冒犯任何人。

  • Frank Frank The actress was known for her frank personality and always spoke her mind.

    Frank Frank 這位女演員以個性坦率著稱,總是直言不諱。

  • The actress was known for her frank personality and always spoke her mind.


  • Compassion Compassion is a strong word that describes a person's personality and character.

    同情 同情是一個強烈的詞,它描述了一個人的個性和品格。

  • Compassion Compassion can be an antidote to feelings of anger and resentment.

    同情 同情是憤怒和怨恨情緒的解毒劑。

  • Compassion can be an antidote to feelings of anger and resentment. Thrill The thrill of visiting a new city is what drives many travelers to explore the world.

    同情心是憤怒和怨恨情緒的解毒劑。 快感 遊覽新城市的快感是許多旅行者探索世界的動力。

  • Liberal Liberal Some argue that a more liberal approach to drug policy would reduce addiction rates and drug-related crime.

    自由派 有些人認為,對毒品政策採取更自由的態度,會降低吸毒上癮率和與毒品有關的犯罪率。

  • Proud Proud Agreeable Agreeable The conversation was quite agreeable with everyone sharing their thoughts and ideas.

    驕傲 驕傲 同意 同意 大家都分享了自己的想法和觀點,談話相當融洽。

  • The conversation was quite agreeable with everyone sharing their thoughts and ideas.


  • Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting In favour of In favour of The local community is not in favour of the construction of a new highway, as it would destroy natural habitats. Delight The mother was filled with delight as she watched her child take their first steps.

    鼓舞人心 鼓舞人心 鼓舞人心 鼓舞人心 贊成 贊成 贊成 當地社區不贊成修建新公路,因為這會破壞自然棲息地。 喜悅 看著孩子邁出第一步,母親滿心歡喜。

  • The mother was filled with delight as she watched her child take their first steps. Zeal The artist approached each painting with great zeal, pouring her heart and soul into every stroke.

    看著孩子邁出第一步,這位母親滿心歡喜。 熱心 藝術家以極大的熱情對待每一幅畫,每一筆都傾注了她的心血。

  • The artist approached each painting with great zeal, pouring her heart and soul into every stroke. Courage It takes courage to pursue your dreams, especially in the face of obstacles and uncertainty.

    藝術家以極大的熱情對待每一幅畫作,每一筆都傾注了她的心血。 勇氣 追求夢想需要勇氣,尤其是在面對障礙和不確定性時。

  • It takes courage to pursue your dreams, especially in the face of obstacles and uncertainty.


  • Fascinated Fascinated She was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and spent years studying astronomy.

    著迷 她被宇宙的奧祕深深吸引,花了多年時間研究天文學。

  • She was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and spent years studying astronomy.


  • Startle Startle The unexpected knock on the door startled her and she almost spilled her coffee.

    驚嚇 驚嚇 突如其來的敲門聲把她嚇了一跳,咖啡差點打翻。

  • The unexpected knock on the door startled her and she almost spilled her coffee.


  • Humorous Humorous The writer's humorous style made his novels popular with readers of all ages.

    幽默詼諧 作家幽默詼諧的風格使他的小說受到各個年齡段讀者的歡迎。

  • Confidence Confidence A lack of confidence can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential.

    信心 缺乏信心會阻礙個人充分發揮潛力。

  • A lack of confidence can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential.


  • Keen A photographer needs a keen eye for composition and lighting to take great pictures.

    敏銳 攝影師需要對構圖和光線有敏銳的洞察力,才能拍出好照片。

  • Please Please Try to please her parents by pursuing a career in law, but it wasn't what she really wanted.


  • She tried to please her parents by pursuing a career in law, but it wasn't what she really wanted. Daring The filmmaker's daring documentary exposed the truth about the controversial cult.

    她試圖通過從事法律職業來取悅父母,但這並不是她真正想要的。 大膽》 電影製片人大膽拍攝紀錄片,揭露了這個備受爭議的邪教的真相。

  • Triumphant The soldier's triumphant return was met with both praise and criticism.

    凱旋 阿兵哥的凱旋歸來受到了讚揚和責備。

  • Calm The yoga instructor encouraged her students to find their inner calm through deep breathing.

    平靜 瑜伽教練鼓勵學生通過深呼吸找回內心的平靜。

  • Refreshing The addition of fresh mint leaves added a refreshing taste to the salad.

    清爽 新鮮薄荷葉的加入為沙拉增添了清爽的口感。

  • Ecstatic The audience was ecstatic when the actor made a surprise proposal to his girlfriend on stage.

    欣喜若狂 當演員在舞臺上向女友驚喜求婚時,觀眾們欣喜若狂。

  • Touched Touched The audience was touched by the pianist's emotional performance, which brought tears to many eyes.

    感動 感動 鋼琴家動情的演奏感動了在場的觀眾,許多人熱淚盈眶。

  • The audience was touched by the pianist's emotional performance, which brought tears to many eyes.


  • Content Despite his humble job, he was still content with his life and grateful for what he had.

    滿足 儘管工作卑微,但他仍然對自己的生活感到滿足,並對自己所擁有的一切心存感激。

  • Ingenious The engineer's solution to the problem was truly ingenious and saved the company a lot of money.

    巧妙 工程師解決問題的辦法確實很巧妙,為公司節省了大量資金。

  • Modest The athlete gave a modest interview after winning the gold medal, thanking his team for their support.

    謙虛 這位運動員在獲得金牌後接受了採訪,感謝團隊的支持。

  • The athlete gave a modest interview after winning the gold medal, thanking his team for their support.


  • Rejoice Rejoice The children rejoiced when they found out school was cancelled due to the snowstorm.

    欣喜 欣喜 當孩子們得知學校因暴風雪而取消時,他們欣喜若狂。

  • Determined Determined The scientist was determined to find a cure for cancer and worked tirelessly to make it a reality.

    決心 決心 這位科學家決心找到治療癌症的方法,併為之不懈努力。

  • The scientist was determined to find a cure for cancer and worked tirelessly to make it a reality.


  • Hectic Hectic The restaurant is always hectic during lunchtime, with people rushing in and out.

    繁忙 餐廳午餐時間總是很繁忙,人們匆匆忙忙地進進出出。

  • The restaurant is always hectic during lunchtime, with people rushing in and out.


  • The scientist was determined to find a cure for cancer and worked tirelessly to make it a reality.


IELTS Topic-Based Vocabulary Produced and Broadcast by Parker English Unit 2 Positive Emotions Respectful Respectful When discussing sensitive topics, it is important to maintain a respectful tone to avoid offending anyone.

雅思話題式詞彙 Parker English 製作播出 Unit 2 積極情緒 Respectful 尊重 在討論敏感話題時,保持尊重的語氣很重要,以免冒犯任何人。

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    杜瑀恩 posted on 2025/02/24
Video vocabulary