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So he's stunned, right?
And his mother, doing what any mother would do, knowing her kid, says, "Did you cheat?"
他的母親像其他母親一樣瞭解自己的孩子 說:"你作弊了嗎?"
Get my dad said, no.
That's not the story and this is what I want you to understand.
So I'll give you a great story.
My dad had gone to a Toastmasters early on and heard one of the most successful magazine entrepreneurs in the world speak.
He comes back and tells me, he said, "Well this guy was failing out of high school, he was struggling, he was raised by a single mom in the Midwest, but he promised his mother, he would take a test called the SAT."
他回來告訴我 他說 "這個人高中沒考上 他在掙扎" "他由中西部的一個單親媽媽撫養長大" "但他答應了他媽媽" "他要參加一個叫SAT的考試"
So he takes the SAT in May, his junior year, doesn't expect anything.
是以,他在高三那年的五月份參加了 SAT 考試,並不抱任何期望。
Well, he gets a 1480 out of 1600.
好吧,他在 1600 分中得到了 1480 分。
So he's stunned, right?
That would be, for the smart people that listen to your podcast - (Tom) That's insane.
Insane, yeah.
Cognitive dissonance.
But it's a hard test.
And you, you know, it's a variety of different things.
So, he gets to score and his mother, doing what any mother would do, knowing her kid, says, "Did you cheat?"
所以,他得分了 他的母親,做任何母親都會做的事,瞭解她的孩子,說:"你作弊了嗎?"
She knows her son.
and he said, "I swear to God, I tried to cheat but the way the numbers were and the scantrons and the bubbles, you couldn't cheat."
他說:"我對天發誓,我試圖作弊" "但數字、掃描儀和氣泡的方式 你無法作弊"
So she says, "You mean to tell me you really got that score?"
He said, "Yeah, I got the score."
So he's stunned, Tom.
所以他驚呆了 湯姆
So as my dad's telling me this story, I'm like, okay.
So he says, "All right, so what he decides is because he realizes he's smart and he's going into his senior year, he says, 'I'm going to go to class.'"
於是他說,"好吧,他的決定是因為他意識到自己很聰明 而且他馬上就要上高三了,他說,'我要去上課了'。"
Now he starts to go to class, he doesn't hang out with who he did when he didn't go to class, all right?
Teachers see him in class and they said, "Hey, maybe, Franklin Pierce, maybe we missed the boat on this kid."
老師們在課堂上看到他就說 "嘿,也許,富蘭克林-皮爾斯 也許我們錯過了這個孩子"
So they start to treat him differently.
Well, as the guy would tell the story, he graduates, goes to a Community College, goes on to Wichita State, goes on to the Ivy League and becomes this massively successful magazine entrepreneur.
So I said, "Okay, well the guy was always smart, he just needed a standardized test to unlock it."
於是我說:"好吧,這傢伙一直都很聰明 他只是需要一個標準化測試來證明"
My dad said, "No, that's not the story and this is what I want you to understand."
He said, "12 years after all this guy's success, he gets a letter in the mail from Princeton, New Jersey.
他說:"在這個人取得所有成功的 12 年後,他收到了一封來自新澤西州普林斯頓的信件。
Doesn't think anything about it, the next day his wife says, 'You're going to open it.'"
He opens it, true story, turns out the SAT board will periodically review their test taking procedures in the policies.
他打開一看,是個真實的故事,原來 SAT 委員會會定期審查政策中的考試程序。
The year he took the test, he was one of 13 people sent the wrong SAT score.
參加考試的那一年,他是 13 個送錯 SAT 分數的人之一。
His actual score was a 740 out of 1600.
他的實際得分是 740 分(滿分 1600 分)。
And he said, "People think my whole life changed when I got the 1480."
他說:"人們認為,當我拿到 1480 時,我的整個人生都改變了。"
"But what happened, my whole life changed when I started acting like a 1480."
"但當我開始像個1480的人時" "我的整個人生都改變了"
And what is a 1480 do?
1480 是做什麼的?
"He goes to class."
I think the lesson my dad was trying to teach me, um ultimately, was in addition to my language, what I do, not how I feel about my past is going to determine who I am in the future.
This is a really interesting part of what you say, that the past isn't predictive.
你所說的 "過去並不能預測未來 "是一個非常有趣的部分。
So, talk to me more about that because I I would say most people would say that the past is definitely predictive.
Right, which is great but they'd be wrong.
So they would be wrong and the simple fact of the matter is the past is real.
So the only thing that makes it predictive is if my behavior stays the same.
So I started thinking about a car.
If a car's going backwards, it can't automatically go forward, so it has to shift into neutral and then it stops.
Then at that point, you can either go forward by changing your behavior or you can go backwards by doing the same stupid shit you were just doing.
In fairness to my dad, when he was raised and he was teaching the only thing was positive and negative.
So if you weren't negative, you had to be positive.
But that just never made sense to me.
And if we could just learn how to not be negative, how to not externalize negative, then ultimately that would help them more than ever trying to be told to be positive.