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Hi guys, thanks for tuning in to another video on
大家好,感謝收看 的另一個視頻。
I'm Ian McCollum, and courtesy of the Shooters Outpost Museum in Hookset, New Hampshire, we are out at the range with a MAT 49, which I'm really excited about because I've never had the chance to actually shoot one of these before.
我是伊恩-麥科勒姆(Ian McCollum),在新罕布什爾州胡克塞特(Hookset)的射擊前哨博物館(Shooters Outpost Museum)的幫助下,我們在靶場使用了一把 MAT 49。
But that is not the full extent, because this is actually a Vietnamese captured MAT 49 that was re-chambered to 7.62 Tokarev.
但這還不是全部,因為這實際上是越南繳獲的 MAT 49,被重新組裝成 7.62 託卡列夫型。
So, if you take a look here at the top of the receiver, there's a big ol' K stamped on it.
所以,如果你看看接收器的頂部,就會發現一個大大的 K 字樣。
And we have a big ol' K stamped onto our magazine as well.
我們的雜誌上也有一個大大的 K 字樣。
The magazine has been slightly modified to securely hold 7.62 Tokarev.
彈匣略有改動,可安全裝載 7.62 託卡列夫子彈。
And I'm really curious what this is going to be like to shoot.
Now, it's a little unfortunate perhaps that I haven't shot a 9mm one to have something to compare it to.
現在,也許有點遺憾的是,我還沒有射擊過 9 毫米口徑的槍支,是以無法與它進行比較。
But, well, this should be fun anyway.
You ready?
That is extremely easy to control.
It bounces a little bit, but minimal recoil, just pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
它有一點反彈,但後坐力很小,只是 "啪、啪、啪、啪"。
Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
I can even pretty much keep a sight picture through that while I'm shooting.
And thanks to the uncomfortable wire stock, you can actually get a sight picture on these instead of some of the other French automatic weapons that I've tried that have these just for some reason consistently weirdly low iron sights like the MAS 38 and the Chauchat.
而且由於採用了不舒服的金屬絲槍托,你實際上可以在這些槍上看到瞄準鏡,而不是我試過的其他一些法國自動武器上的瞄準鏡,它們只是出於某種原因始終保持著奇怪的低鐵瞄準鏡,比如 MAS 38 和 Chauchat。
This one, yeah, you can actually get a reasonable sight picture.
It's perhaps a bit small of an aperture, but very, very pleasant to shoot.
Unfortunately, I have now emptied my one magazine, so I have to go reload it.
Needless to say, the French lost a bunch of these at the end of Indochina.
And most of the ones that are in the United States, like this one, are actually bring backs from Vietnam, where the French lost the guns to the Viet Minh during the Indochina fighting.
The Vietnamese had them for a time, some they left in 9mm, some they rechambered for 7.62 Tokarev.
越南人曾一度使用過這種武器,其中一些被改裝成 9 毫米口徑,另一些則被改裝成 7.62 託卡列夫口徑。
And then American soldiers during our Vietnam War would periodically capture them.
They're really quite good submachine guns, and were very popular with the Vietnamese.
But then it's American soldiers capturing them and bringing them back to the US that has supplied virtually all of them that we have here in the country.
There is, by the way, no selector switch.
There is no manual safety, there is just a grip safety on here.
So, a little bit of behind the scenes for you guys.
That first magazine was commercial PPU, you know that blue box, commercial ammo, which some people are going to say is underpowered.
第一個彈夾是商用 PPU,就是那種藍色盒子的商用彈藥,有人會說這種彈藥威力不足。
This is actually surplus 7.62 Tokarev, which in theory ought to be a bit more spicy.
這實際上是多餘的 7.62 Tokarev,理論上應該更辣一些。
And this thing is just as controllable with that surplus as it was with the commercial ammo.
Until you run out.
I really have to say this is as good as I had been led to believe, if not perhaps better.
This is an extremely comfortable gun to shoot.
It's really awesome.
I wish I had more than one mag.
I also wish I had the mag loading tool.
One of the downsides of these things, and kind of all large capacity single feed magazines, is that they are really quite difficult to load with just the thumb and not a loading tool.
But ... so I've been putting about 20 in it each time, because that's about the extent my thumb can do.
但是......所以我每次都放 20 個左右,因為我的拇指只能放這麼多。
That's the other thing, you have to get used to the fact that the magazine sits in there all the way up to this stop.
So if you're going to load it, grab it down here.
You grab it up here like a typical subgun mag, and then you end up like ...
So, down there, mag goes in, bolt back.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed the video.
Big thanks to the Shooter's Outpost Museum in Hookset for giving me access to this super cool example of a MAT 49.
非常感謝胡克塞特(Hookset)的射手前哨博物館(Shooter's Outpost Museum)讓我有機會接觸到這款超酷的 MAT 49。
Oh, and it jammed.
Little bit more of a maglet dump.
Man, that is just smooth and fantastic.
Well done, France.