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Hi, I'm Eric, and this is Remarkable Paper Pro.
大家好,我是 Eric,這裡是 Remarkable Paper Pro。
Paper Pro is the ultimate paper tablet for writing, reading, and thinking without distractions.
Paper Pro 是一款終極紙質平板電腦,可讓您心無旁騖地寫作、閱讀和思考。
In this video, I will walk you through everything you need to know from unpacking it to setting it up to how it can fit your workflow.
Let's get started.
In the box, you'll find your Paper Pro, a USB-C charging cable, a quick start guide, and legal documentation. Marker and Marker Plus are incredibly precise tools for paper-like writing.
包裝盒裡有 Paper Pro、USB-C 充電線、快速入門指南和法律文件。 Marker 和 Marker Plus 是非常精確的工具,可實現紙張般的書寫效果。
Marker Plus has a built-in eraser.
Marker Plus 內置橡皮擦。
When you need to erase something, flip it upside down and erase like you would with a normal pencil.
Your marker comes with six spare marker tips.
Each tip should last you several months.
If you feel like your writing isn't as crisp as it should be, just replace the tip.
Pull out the worn tip, then insert a fresh one.
Your marker attaches magnetically to Paper Pro.
您的標記可通過磁力吸附到 Paper Pro 上。
While attached, your marker will also charge.
Book Folio and Type Folio add smart, stylish protection to your Paper Pro.
Book Folio 和 Type Folio 為你的 Paper Pro 提供智能、時尚的保護。
Type Folio also features a built-in keyboard so you can take type notes.
此外,Type Folio 還配備了一個內置鍵盤,方便你打字記錄。
The Folio is attached magnetically to Paper Pro.
Folio 通過磁力吸附在 Paper Pro 上。
Open the front cover, align your device, and it will snap into place.
The front cover automatically puts your Paper Pro to sleep when you close it and wakes it when you open it.
關閉 Paper Pro 時,前蓋會自動進入休眠狀態,打開時又會自動喚醒。
And the marker strap keeps your marker securely attached while you're on the move.
The first time that you turn on your remarkable Paper Pro, the device will guide you through a quick setup process.
首次打開非凡 Paper Pro 時,設備會引導您完成快速設置過程。
Here's a walkthrough.
Press and hold the power button to turn on your remarkable.
Start by attaching your marker.
Next, you'll see how the display refreshes itself.
Now connect to Wi-Fi and download the latest software.
現在連接 WLAN 並下載最新軟件。
Scan the QR code to pair your device with a remarkable account.
掃描 QR 碼,將設備與非凡賬戶配對。
Create an account or log in, then tap the link in the verification email.
While you're on this page, activate your free Connect trial to keep your notes safe and accessible.
Download the desktop and mobile apps from the app stores on your computer and smartphone and pair those as well.
Finally, protect your remarkable with a passcode, then select your language and which hand you write with.
That's it.
Feel free to start exploring Paper Pro on your own, or keep watching for a guided tour of what it's like to use a paper tablet.
您可以開始自行探索 Paper Pro,也可以繼續觀看導覽,瞭解使用紙質平板電腦的感受。
Let's go.
Let's take a look at some of the note-taking features on remarkable Paper Pro.
讓我們來看看非凡 Paper Pro 的一些筆記功能。
This is the home screen.
Here, you can browse your files, create new folders, notebooks, and quicksheets, and search for files and folders.
In the menu, you can filter the files on your device, see files you've moved to the trash, access tutorials and guides, and open the settings.
You navigate on Paper Pro with taps and swipes.
您可以通過輕點和輕掃在 Paper Pro 上導航。
Swipe down from the top of the display to close a file.
Swipe right to go to the previous page.
Swipe left to go to the next page.
If you're on the last page, tap the button to add a new page.
Swipe up or down with one finger to scroll, and with two fingers to pan.
Pinch to zoom.
Tap the display with two fingers to undo, and with three fingers to redo.
Swipe down from the top of the display with two fingers to open the drawer, where you can see recent and favorite documents.
Swipe down from the upper right corner to access quick settings, where you can adjust the brightness of the reading light, see the battery level, and toggle flight mode.
Swipe up from the bottom of the display, then drag the cursor to quickly browse between pages in a file.
Let's create a new notebook and start writing.
To create a notebook, tap Notebook.
Give your notebook a name, like Weekly Kickoff.
給你的筆記本起個名字,比如 "每週啟動"。
Select one of the dozens of built-in note-taking templates, then tap Create.
從幾十種內置筆記模板中選擇一種,然後輕點 "創建"。
Tap the button to open the toolbar.
Here, you'll find all the tools and features you need to take notes.
Tap Writing Tools to see all the different pens and colors available on Paper Pro.
輕點 "書寫工具",查看 Paper Pro 上提供的所有不同筆和顏色。
Try taking notes with the fineliner or ballpoint pen, writing a header with the marker, coloring with a pencil or paintbrush, or adding emphasis to your notes with the highlighter or shader.
You can set two writing tools so you can quickly switch back and forth while you're taking notes.
Like the fineliner in blue ink and a yellow highlighter.
If you make a mistake, use the Eraser tool or the built-in eraser on MarkerPlus.
如果出錯,請使用橡皮擦工具或 MarkerPlus 的內置橡皮擦。
You can also add typed text to your notebooks.
Tap Text to type using the on-screen keyboard.
In the Formatting menu, you can choose between different paragraph styles, title, subheading, and body text, and add bullet points and checkboxes.
Use the Selection tool to edit your notes.
Strike through typed notes or circle handwritten notes to select them.
Then, you can move and scale, cut and paste, apply formatting, and even convert your handwritten notes to typed text.
If you need to convert an entire page of notes, you'll find that option in the Share and Convert menu.
如果需要轉換整頁筆記,可以在 "共享和轉換 "菜單中找到該選項。
Add tags to your files to make them easy to find when you have a lot of notes, PDFs, and Go to Page Overview to see all the pages and tags in a file.
為文件添加標籤,當你有大量筆記、PDF 文件時,可以輕鬆找到它們;轉到 "頁面概覽",查看文件中的所有頁面和標籤。
Or, go to Tags in the menu to see all the tags you've used across all your files.
或者,轉到菜單中的 "標籤",查看你在所有文件中使用的所有標籤。
And when you've finished taking notes, you can email them to your colleagues directly from your Paper Pro.
記完筆記後,還可以直接從 Paper Pro 通過電子郵件發送給同事。
With Remarkable, you can keep all your paperwork in a single digital system.
使用 Remarkable,您可以將所有文書工作保存在一個數字系統中。
Let's explore what you can do with Remarkable Desktop and mobile apps.
讓我們來看看 Remarkable 桌面和移動應用程序能做些什麼。
With the Remarkable Desktop app, you can take and edit notes on your computer, create a notebook, or keep working on notes that you've taken on Paper Pro.
有了 Remarkable Desktop 應用程序,你可以在電腦上記錄和編輯筆記,創建筆記本,或繼續處理在 Paper Pro 上記錄的筆記。
You'll recognize the features from your Paper tablet, like the text formatting menu, the selection tool, handwriting conversion, and more.
你會認出 Paper 平板電腦上的功能,如文本格式菜單、選擇工具、手寫轉換等。
Select a file to export it to your computer, and drag and drop a file to import it to your Paper Pro.
選擇文件可將其導出到電腦,拖放文件可將其導入到 Paper Pro。
Use Screen Share to present what's on your Paper Pro in the Desktop app.
使用 "螢幕共享 "在桌面應用中展示 Paper Pro 上的內容。
If you're on the go and you can't use your Paper Pro or laptop, try the Remarkable mobile app.
如果您在旅途中無法使用 Paper Pro 或筆記本電腦,可以試試 Remarkable 移動應用程序。
As long as you're connected to the internet, work that you do on one device becomes available on your other devices in seconds.
And all your work is encrypted and stored securely in the cloud.
The way that you work on Remarkable is up to you, whether you prefer handwritten notes, typed notes, or both.
在 Remarkable 上工作的方式由你自己決定,無論你喜歡手寫筆記、打字筆記,還是兩者兼而有之。
Here's how you can combine handwriting and typing for a best-of-both-worlds approach to note-taking.
When you're writing on typed folio, use your marker to annotate the typed text.
If you need more space to annotate, tap Text in the toolbar to adjust the margin width.
如果需要更多空間進行註釋,可輕點工具欄中的 "文本 "來調整邊距寬度。
When you use the highlighter, you can choose to have the stroke snap to the typed text, and a diagonal stroke highlights an entire paragraph.
Move typed text around and your annotations move too.
For an angle that's better for combining handwriting and typing, push the backrest out and lower the device.
Press this button on the keyboard to turn your marker into an editing tool.
Now you can select, format, and move typed text all with your marker.
Press the button again to go back to annotating.
Paper Pro has a built-in reading light, so you can keep working even in the dark.
Paper Pro 內置閱讀燈,即使在黑暗中也能繼續工作。
To adjust the reading light on Paper Pro, open Quick Settings by swiping down from the upper-right corner of the display, or just tap the battery indicator.
要調整 Paper Pro 上的閱讀燈,請從顯示屏右上角向下輕掃打開 "快速設置",或直接輕點電池電量指示燈。
Tap the bar to turn the light on or off, or adjust the brightness.
You can also adjust the keyboard brightness in Quick Settings.
That's an introduction to Remarkable Paper Pro, the ultimate paper tablet.
這就是 Remarkable Paper Pro 的簡介,終極紙板。
For more tips on how to get organized, improve your workflow, and find focus, check out the learning and inspiration hub using Remarkable.
如需瞭解更多關於如何井井有條地工作、改進工作流程和找到工作重點的技巧,請查看 Remarkable 的學習和靈感中心。
You'll find it at
您可以在 上找到它。
Thanks for watching.