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  • What is killing our ability to focus?


  • In an era where we rely heavily on technology to accomplish our tasks, our capacity for deep thinking is being challenged.


  • With distractions constantly bombarding us, how can we reclaim our attention and ability to think deeply?


  • Hello, and welcome to Remarkable.


  • For more than a decade, we've created human-centric technology, tools that help you capture, refine, and elevate your thoughts in a world full of distractions.


  • In 2017, we defined the paper tablet category with the launch of Remarkable 1.

    2017 年,我們推出了 Remarkable 1,定義了紙質平板電腦類別。

  • In 2020, we made the paper tablet mainstream with Remarkable 2.

    2020 年,我們推出了 Remarkable 2,使紙質平板電腦成為主流。

  • And today, we're redefining the paper tablet again.


  • Remarkable 1 Remarkable 3 Remarkable 4 Remarkable 5 Remarkable Paper Pro is our next-generation paper tablet.

    Remarkable 1 Remarkable 3 Remarkable 4 Remarkable 5 Remarkable Paper Pro 是我們的新一代紙板。

  • It has a revolutionary color display for more expressive notes, an adjustable reading light so you can work comfortably anytime, anywhere, and an even better paper-like writing feel.


  • Here to help me tell you about Paper Pro is Remarkable's founder, Magnus von Berg.

    在這裡,Remarkable 的創始人 Magnus von Berg 將幫助我向大家介紹 Paper Pro。

  • Magnus, congratulations.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • This is a special day for us.


  • It's been a long journey, a lot of innovation, a lot of hard work.


  • How does it feel today?


  • It feels fantastic.


  • When we launched Remarkable 1 in 2017 and Remarkable 2 in 2020, we had so many great ideas we wanted to put into the product.

    當我們在 2017 年推出 Remarkable 1 和在 2020 年推出 Remarkable 2 時,我們有太多偉大的想法想要融入到產品中。

  • And today, after four, almost five to six years later, actually, it's finally here today.


  • This is something that is so special to the company because our users have been asking us for years, when can we get a cooler experience on the Remarkable?

    這對公司來說非常特別,因為我們的用戶多年來一直在問我們:什麼時候才能在 Remarkable 上獲得更酷的體驗?

  • When can we get a front light so we can use this product in dimly lit situations?


  • And today, we can finally say, with Paper Pro, you can do those things.

    今天,我們終於可以說,有了 Paper Pro,你就可以做到這些了。

  • I've had the good fortune of using Paper Pro for a few months now, and it is a magical product.

    我有幸使用 Paper Pro 幾個月了,它是一款神奇的產品。

  • I think the genius behind the Remarkable products is that as much technology is packed into those products, the interface for the user is simplified.

    我認為,Remarkable 產品背後的天才之處在於,雖然這些產品中包含了大量技術,但用戶界面卻得到了簡化。

  • The distractions go away.


  • With the Remarkable paper tablets, we have been very focused around what the product should do and what the product shouldn't do.

    對於 Remarkable 紙質平板電腦,我們一直非常關注產品應該做什麼,不應該做什麼。

  • And for paper tablets, what the product shouldn't do is almost equally as important as what it should do.


  • People who expect the Paper Pro to have an app store, to have your email, to have your social media, will unfortunately be disappointed.

    那些期望 Paper Pro 擁有應用商店、電子郵件和社交媒體的人,恐怕要失望了。

  • We have created an experience so free of all of those things we feel will distract you.


  • And that's where the vision for the paper tablet category comes from.


  • It's that balance, that curated experience between the paper world and the digital world.


  • Remarkable Paper Pro is our most advanced tablet ever, but product development's a balance.

    Remarkable Paper Pro 是我們有史以來最先進的平板電腦,但產品開發需要平衡。

  • We're making a product with a very specific purpose in life, and that purpose is to help our customers think better, think big ideas, think better thoughts.


  • And, you know, some people are really disciplined.


  • They can sit down on a computer, focus on a single task for hours on end, ignore the notifications, don't go procrastinating online, and I admire those people.


  • I'm not one of those people myself.


  • When I use my Remarkable, it forces me to focus in a good way.

    當我使用我的 "卓越 "時,它迫使我以一種好的方式集中注意力。

  • And usually during a work day, I'll do a lot of my work on my computer, of course, like most of us do, but I'll save the hardest tasks and the deepest type of work where I really need to break through, to come up with something new, to really solve a hard problem, I'll save that for Remarkable.

    通常在工作日裡,我會在電腦上完成很多工作,當然,就像我們大多數人一樣,但我會把最難的任務和最深入的工作留到 "卓越 "中去,因為在這些工作中,我真的需要突破,需要想出新的東西,需要真正解決一個棘手的問題。

  • And with Paper Pro, with a new color display, 30% bigger display, and with the front light that makes you use the display in the dark, it just creates so many new avenues and places where you can do the deep work.

    有了 Paper Pro,有了新的彩色顯示屏,30% 的顯示屏面積,再加上能讓你在黑暗中使用顯示屏的前置照明燈,它為你創造了許多新的途徑和地方,讓你可以進行深入的工作。

  • In addition to that, you have the Paper benefits, the comfortable reading experience, the beautiful writing experience, the friction, everything you expect, so that lets you work on the device for hours.

    除此以外,您還可以享受到 Paper 的優勢、舒適的閱讀體驗、精美的書寫體驗、摩擦力以及您所期待的一切,讓您可以在設備上工作數小時。

  • The Paper Pro had focus as its most important design principle.

    Paper Pro 最重要的設計原則是突出重點。

  • That's a principle we will stay true to because we think it's the most important thing we can do to help people think better.


  • Very hopeful and excited to get Paper Pro out in the world, and I think it's going to change even more lives, and that feels fantastic.

    能讓 Paper Pro 走向世界,我感到非常有希望,也非常興奮,我認為它將改變更多的生活,這感覺太棒了。

  • Magnus, thanks for a great chat.


  • On that note, let's get a deep dive into Remarkable Paper Pro from our Chief Design Officer, Mats.

    下面就請我們的首席設計官 Mats 深入介紹一下 Remarkable Paper Pro。

  • With Remarkable Paper Pro, we've had to completely rethink how we develop hardware.

    有了 Remarkable Paper Pro,我們不得不重新思考如何開發硬件。

  • We have rebuilt the signature Remarkable experience from the ground up, so it feels more like writing on paper than ever before.

    我們從頭開始重建了標誌性的 "卓越 "體驗,是以感覺比以往任何時候都更像在紙上書寫。

  • Let's take a closer look.


  • Paper Pro introduces the 11.8-inch canvas color display, our latest custom-made display stack.

    Paper Pro 推出 11.8 英寸帆布彩色顯示屏,這是我們最新定製的顯示屏堆棧。

  • This is the first color display on a Remarkable Paper tablet, and it's the first in the industry to offer a true color experience.

    這是 Remarkable Paper 平板電腦上的第一塊彩色顯示屏,也是業內第一塊提供真彩體驗的顯示屏。

  • It starts with a surface of durable textured glass.


  • We designed it in tandem with our new longer-lasting markers for a writing experience that feels and even sounds just like writing on paper.


  • Just listen.


  • This is a digital paper display, so it reflects natural light for a more comfortable reading experience.


  • But in dim lighting conditions, just turn on the reading light to work comfortably without eye strain.


  • Inside this display are millions of tiny colored ink particles that move around when you write with your marker.


  • You can write in nine different colors, but you can also use the new shader tool to layer and blend colors.


  • And when you're reading PDFs and e-books, the display can render thousands of colors.

    在閱讀 PDF 和電子書時,顯示屏可呈現數千種色彩。

  • You have never experienced a display like this before.


  • It's an experience that's brand new on a digital device, but yet it feels familiar somehow, like a newspaper is being printed right before your eyes.


  • Compared to Remarkable 2, the display on Paper Pro is 30% larger, so there's more space for taking notes and reading documents.

    與 Remarkable 2 相比,Paper Pro 的顯示屏大了 30%,是以有更多的空間用於記筆記和閱讀文檔。

  • It's up to 40% faster.

    速度最多可提高 40%。

  • When you write, ink appears in as little as an industry-leading 12 milliseconds.

    書寫時,墨水出現的時間僅為業界領先的 12 毫秒。

  • And even though we've added color and the front light, we've actually managed to reduce the distance between the marker tip and the ink to less than one millimeter.


  • This ensures that the writing experience remains the best in the world.


  • We designed Paper Pro to resemble a single elegant stack of fresh blank sheets of paper.

    我們設計的 Paper Pro 就像一疊優雅的新鮮白紙。

  • It's just 5.1 millimeters thin, but it lasts up to two weeks on a single charge.

    它只有 5.1 毫米薄,但一次充電可使用長達兩週。

  • And you can make it yours with our new line of accessories, including Bookfolio, which comes in six different colors and finishes.


  • Remarkable Paper Pro is perfect for anybody who wants to bring the best of working on paper into the digital age.

    Remarkable Paper Pro 非常適合那些希望將紙上工作的精華帶入數字時代的人。

  • And to tell you why that matters, here's Camilla.


  • Thank you, Mats.


  • In a world full of destruction, having a space that helps you think is more important than ever.


  • We know from our continuous research that so many of us struggle to find focus.


  • Just this summer, we surveyed thousands of knowledge workers and the results speak for themselves.


  • Nearly two thirds said interruptions prevent them from being as productive as they can be.


  • And more than half said it negatively affects the quality of their work.


  • Computers and smartphones are great tools for work, but it's hard to get into the right headspace to focus on the task at hand when incoming texts or emails can redirect your thoughts at any moment.


  • This is where Remarkable is different.

    這就是 Remarkable 的與眾不同之處。

  • Remarkable is more than digital paper.


  • It's a digital space where you can do your best thinking.


  • A space that combines the best of paper and technology across multiple devices and platforms.


  • Your paper tablet, your phone, and your computer.


  • And there are so many ways Remarkable can transform your workflow.

    Remarkable 可以通過多種方式改變你的工作流程。

  • Use the desktop app to import that long report or email to your paper tablet, then read and annotate it without any distraction or eyestrain.


  • Note down new ideas on the go with the mobile app so you later on can elevate those thoughts with focus and clarity on your Remarkable.

    使用移動應用程序隨時記下新想法,以便日後在 "了不起 "上專注、清晰地提升這些想法。

  • Keep all your work organized in one place and share your thoughts from any device.


  • We want Remarkable to help you find and stay in the flow zone so you can regain your focus, experience the joy and benefits of deep, uninterrupted thinking, and come up with those all-too-rare breakthrough ideas more often.

    我們希望 Remarkable 能幫助你找到並保持在 "流動區",這樣你就能重新集中注意力,體驗深入、不間斷思考帶來的快樂和益處,並更頻繁地提出那些難得一見的突破性想法。

  • And if you're still wondering, does Remarkable actually help me think better?

    如果你還想知道,Remarkable 是否真的能幫助我更好地思考?

  • We worked with a team of neuroscientists to find out.


  • Most knowledge workers feel that they are often distracted at work.


  • And many experience that work-related stress spills over into their personal lives.


  • When we get distracted, it affects everything we do.


  • Our concentration, creative thinking, problem-solving, memory, and even decision-making.


  • Studies have shown that even a single notification can distract you for over 20 minutes, making us rush to get work done, which makes us even more stressed.

    研究表明,即使是一個通知,也會分散你 20 多分鐘的注意力,讓我們急於完成工作,從而使我們的壓力更大。

  • In fact, the productivity loss from digital distractions can consume up to half a knowledge worker's workday.


  • Finding ways to stay focused and reduce stress is more important than ever.


  • So we conducted a study comparing how people respond to working on different tasks on Remarkable versus a PC.

    是以,我們進行了一項研究,比較人們在 Remarkable 和 PC 上處理不同任務時的反應。

  • The results are striking.


  • When performing a single task, users felt 35% less stressed working on a Remarkable.

    在執行單項任務時,用戶使用 Remarkable 的壓力減少了 35%。

  • And their brains worked 30% more efficiently compared to working on a PC.

    與在電腦上工作相比,他們的大腦工作效率提高了 30%。

  • And this is substantial.


  • PCs are disruption devices that overload us with distractions.


  • Remarkable, however, makes it easier to dedicate your attention to one task.

    不過,"了不起 "可以讓您更輕鬆地專注於一項任務。

  • Hi, everyone.


  • Welcome back.


  • My name is Stephanie, and joining me now are Phil, Mats, and Magnus.


  • It's been more than four years since the Remarkable 2 was announced.

    Remarkable 2 發佈至今已有四年多。

  • Can you share some insights into the development process of the Remarkable Paper Pro?

    您能分享一下 Remarkable Paper Pro 的開發過程嗎?

  • So we've built this beautiful product.


  • It appears very simple and very straightforward.


  • It's beautifully elegant, and it's subtle in its appearance.


  • But we've packed so much technology into it.


  • We've developed so much new technology, whilst at the same time maintaining this sleek, smooth, and obtrusive outside.


  • That takes a lot of time.


  • It's really difficult.


  • You don't put the bells and whistles on the outside.


  • You put them on the inside type of thing.


  • There were multiple challenges developing the Remarkable Paper Pro.

    Remarkable Paper Pro 的開發面臨著多重挑戰。

  • We spent four years, not because it was easy, but because it was really, really hard.


  • So we've doubled down on the writing experience, having spent hours upon hours upon days, years, actually, to rebuild the writing experience, bottom up.


  • And then, second to that, we have introduced color, which has been a huge challenge.


  • This is R&D on a deep level, super complex stuff.


  • So we spent a lot of time understanding what it is for us and how we are to actually do it in a way that makes sense.


  • And then, thirdly, we've spent a lot of time on designing the device.


  • We wanted to kind of take it the next step on what design could be for us, telling a story about sheets of paper in the actual design of the device, which we find to be super, super cool.


  • And to add on that, some companies, they put out new products every year just to put out a new product.


  • We wanted the next step for paper tablet to be meaningful and significant.


  • So we worked over four years to develop a really step change for users and what they experience with a paper tablet.


  • We estimate, through our research, that the writing experience has over 20 different dimensions to it, from friction to sound to latency.

    我們通過研究估計,寫作體驗有 20 多個不同的維度,從摩擦、聲音到延遲。

  • It's really complex what makes up this simple pen-to-paper experience of what makes it great.


  • And making sure that you create technology and add more technology to that experience without creating any detrimental effects to those 20 different aspects of the writing experience is really hard.

    要確保在創造技術併為這種體驗添加更多技術的同時,不對寫作體驗的這 20 個不同方面造成任何不利影響,真的很難。

  • So here's another question.


  • Let's just say I'm a new customer and I'm trying to decide between buying a Remarkable 2 and a Paper Pro.

    這麼說吧,我是一名新客戶,我想在購買 Remarkable 2 和 Paper Pro 之間做出選擇。

  • Which one do I go for?


  • Well, I've owned a Remarkable 2 for a long time.

    我擁有 Remarkable 2 很久了。

  • It's a smaller tablet.


  • It's a little thinner, it's a little lighter, a little more portable in black and white.


  • If you want a full-sized experience with color and the most advanced tablet, go for the Paper Pro.

    如果您想體驗全尺寸的彩色平板電腦和最先進的平板電腦,請選擇 Paper Pro。

  • But for just a wonderful paper replacement, Remarkable 2 is going to serve many people very well.

    但是,如果僅僅是更換紙張,《了不起的 2》就能為很多人提供很好的服務。

  • Magnus, with the rapid development of AI, what's Remarkable doing?

    馬格努斯,隨著人工智能的快速發展,Remarkable 在做什麼?

  • We have looked into it.


  • We think there are some exciting opportunities to create powerful features for our users using technologies from the AI space.


  • But our focus, first and foremost, is on the human experience and augmenting that and human thinking.


  • Phil, there are a lot of productivity tools out there.


  • Why Remarkable?


  • There are plenty of tools out there for productivity.


  • I have plenty of calendars.


  • I have plenty of to-do lists.


  • I can do presentations faster than ever.


  • So productivity, there is plenty of stuff out there for that.


  • Remarkable, it's about better thinking.


  • It's the creativity.


  • It's the problem-solving.


  • It's the innovation.


  • And this is really the sweet spot of any Remarkable tablet and user.

    而這正是所有 Remarkable 平板電腦和用戶的甜蜜所在。

  • It's somebody that they get up in the morning, they want to change the world.


  • It's that deep focus.


  • It's the distraction-free environment where it's you and your thoughts.


  • That fragile idea that you strengthen and you nurture and suddenly something amazing happens.


  • So what makes you the most excited about this release?


  • What I feel now is that color is this third dimension to the paper, which is a very fascinating element.


  • It gives more inspirational-looking notes and you can learn a lot from that.


  • You can learn faster from what you've taken notes of using highlighters, etc.


  • It's all up to you.


  • But that's been super fascinating to see kind of how people use color.


  • And I'm really excited to see what that's going to kind of be when it's released into the world.


  • Brilliant.


  • Any last thoughts?


  • I'll offer one more thing, and that's it.


  • At Remarkable, we love designing products that help people think better.

    在 Remarkable,我們喜歡設計能幫助人們更好地思考的產品。

  • And we've designed Remarkable Paper Pro to do just that.

    而我們設計的 Remarkable Paper Pro 正是為此而生。

  • Thank you, Phil.


  • Thank you, Max and Magnus.


  • And thank you all for joining us today.


  • It's in the feeling.


  • The sound.


  • The freedom of it.


  • Just like writing on paper.


  • But something entirely new.


  • Thoughts are limitless.


  • I need a place to capture them.


  • Somewhere they can gather. I want something that can hold me in the moment.

    他們可以聚集的地方 我想要一個能讓我沉浸其中的地方。

  • So I am focused.


  • Nothing steals my attention.


  • Slowing down actually gets me to where I want to be.


  • Faster.


  • Everything comes together.


  • When you feel so close to your work, progress comes naturally, intuitively.


  • I know exactly where everything is.


  • So my work can move forward, no matter where I am.


  • Making the most out of my mind.


  • Whenever I needed to.


What is killing our ability to focus?


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