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I open up my phone on a Monday morning.
staring at my screen I'm tired and a little lonely.
Mr Musk he said some sh!t the lefts are angry Twitter wars and G@z@ man it's overwhelming.
maybe that's how life becomes when people less important than a profit line no one cares about your dreams just pay your tax on time keep scrolling.
hold me near to you now.
gender guns religion and abortion rights you better pick a tribe and hate the other side keep scrolling.
性別 槍支 宗教和墮胎權 你最好選擇一個部落並憎恨另一方,繼續滾動。
man made virus watch the millions die biggest profit of their lives here's inflation that's your prize this is Karmageddon.
人類製造的病毒 看著數百萬人死去 他們一生中最大的收益 這就是通貨膨脹 這就是你們的獎賞 這就是 "因果報應"。
turn on the news and eat their lies.
Kim or Kanye pick a side cancel culture what a vibe this is Karmageddon corporations swear they never lie.
金或坎耶選邊站 取消文化 這是什麼氛圍 這是 Karmageddon 公司發誓他們從不說謊。
politicians bribed for life more than war it's genoc^de this is Karmageddon.
政客們受賄的目的不僅僅是戰爭,更是種族滅絕,這是 "羯磨末日"(Karmageddon)。
welcome to the chaos of the times if you go left and I go right pray we make it out alive.
this is Karmageddon.
這就是 "因果報應"。
It's fashion week celebs lose ribs Balenciaga how's the kids.
現在是時裝週,名流們失去了肋骨,Balenciaga 的孩子們怎麼樣了?
just ask Drake he's losing.
beef Kendrick killed him in his sleep.
diss tracks about beating up your queen while women dying doesn't cause a scene while we're fed all these distractions.
當我們被灌輸了這些讓人心煩意亂的東西時,關於毆打你的女王而女人垂死掙扎的 diss 曲目並不會引起轟動。
kids are killed from Isr^el's actions.
I'mma speak my mind.
sick to death of all these crazy lies.
a circus for humanity's decline.
we just want a peaceful life give the people back their rights.
and I've still got a beef cause F@uci's laughing and we've been asleep.
我還在生氣,因為 F@uci 在笑,而我們一直在睡覺。
and WHO's a liar and it's running deep big Pharma finna eat they a devil make them weak.
man made virus watch the millions die biggest profit of their lives here's inflation that's your prize this is Karmageddon.
人類製造的病毒 看著數百萬人死去 他們一生中最大的收益 這就是通貨膨脹 這就是你們的獎賞 這就是 "因果報應"。
turn on the news and eat their lies.
Kim or Kanye pick a side cancel culture what a vibe this is Karmageddon.
金或坎耶選擇一方,取消文化,這是什麼氛圍,這就是 "噶瑪吉多頓"。
corporations swear they never lie politicians bribed for life more than war it's genoc^de this is Karmageddon.
公司發誓,他們從不撒謊,政客們終身受賄,比戰爭更甚,這是種族滅絕,這是 "羯磨末日"。
welcome to the chaos of the times if you go left and I go right pray we make it out alive.
this is Karmageddon.
這就是 "因果報應"。