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  • This is Chanel's Medium 2.55 Leather Flatback.

    這是香奈兒中號 2.55 皮革平底鞋。

  • In 2019, it was priced at $5,800, but in 2025, they're selling it for $10,800.

    2019 年,它的售價是 5800 美元,但到了 2025 年,他們的售價是 10800 美元。

  • That's an 86% increase.

    增長了 86%。

  • Now, before we jump to the obvious, it's not just because of inflation.


  • You think I brought you all the way to Fifth Avenue to talk about inflation?


  • Uh-uh.

  • Luxury brands like Chanel, Kering, and LVMH used to have it all in the bag, raising prices annually and still seeing huge demand in sales.


  • But in 2025, they're clutching their pearls and feeling an emptiness in their designer wallets.

    但到了 2025 年,他們會攥緊珍珠項鍊,感覺名牌錢包空空如也。

  • The luxury industry lost 50 million consumers in the past two years, and only one-third of the luxury goods industry is actually growing.

    過去兩年,奢侈品行業流失了 5000 萬消費者,只有三分之一的奢侈品行業在真正增長。

  • But with at least 58 million households around the world making over $1 million in 2023, there are plenty of people who can afford these products.

    但是,到 2023 年,全球至少有 5800 萬戶家庭的收入超過 100 萬美元,有能力購買這些產品的人大有人在。

  • So why aren't they buying?


  • I sifted through years of luxury brand sales data and product price histories, researched the global luxury market, and spoke with a fashion industry expert to find out.


  • What I learned is that there's not a simple ironed-out answer, but there are a few reasons why these luxury brands are falling, most of which were completely avoidable.


  • Okay, we all know supply and demand, right?


  • As supply goes up, demand goes down, and typically so do prices and vice versa.


  • That's all I got in my econ class.


  • But historically, luxury goods turn that equation on its head.


  • This is Thorstein Veblen, an American economist who invented what's known as the Veblen goods curve.

    他是美國經濟學家索斯泰因-維布倫(Thorstein Veblen),發明了所謂的 "維布倫商品曲線"。

  • His curve shows that as prices increase, demand increases.


  • And that sounds delusional, but in the world of luxury handbags and fashion, it's right on the money.


  • See, Veblen goods consumers appreciate the high price.


  • Instead of a detraction, it's seen as a worthwhile premium to ensure that the goods are rare and high quality.


  • That's what keeps them buying.


  • And luxury fashion sales, aka any wearable luxury goods, have been steadily increasing for the most part with just a few speed bumps that you might've heard of, the 2008 recession and COVID.

    時尚奢侈品(又稱任何可穿戴的奢侈品)的銷售額在大多數情況下都在穩步增長,只是遇到了一些阻礙,你可能聽說過 2008 年的經濟衰退和 COVID。

  • But after that initial COVID slowdown, everything picked right back up.

    但在 COVID 最初的放緩之後,一切又恢復了正常。

  • Analysts chalk this up to revenge spending, which usually happens after a major economic event.


  • First, COVID happened and consumer spending declined.

    首先,COVID 發生,消費者支出下降。

  • Then household savings went up over time.


  • And lastly, with the economy recovering and a whole lot of disposable income saved up, not to mention a whole lot of trauma and boredom, consumers were buying willy-nilly, aka revenge spending.


  • As a result of that spending, the demand for these goods rebounded in 2021 and then soared.

    由於這些支出,對這些商品的需求在 2021 年出現反彈,隨後一路飆升。

  • There was that whole, nobody can leave their houses.


  • And usually what people did was they bought stuff online.


  • They bought a lot of stuff.


  • And this time luxury goods did behave like you'd expect on a typical supply and demand curve.


  • When demand shot up, retailers raised their prices.


  • But after demand stabilized in 2021, there was an unprecedented increase in the price of luxury fashion.

    但在 2021 年需求趨於穩定後,奢侈時裝的價格出現了前所未有的上漲。

  • So being put off by this, consumers slowed their spending in the U.S.


  • and another essential luxury market, China.


  • There are several factors at play here, all of which help explain why the luxury brand market looks so torn up today.


  • First, coming out of COVID, consumer spending habits changed.

    首先,在 COVID 之後,消費者的消費習慣發生了變化。

  • In the U.S., young consumers led the charge in buying secondhand goods.


  • And that movement, although tough to attribute to just one thing, was likely a combo of a shift to sustainable fashion, cheaper clothes, and sometimes higher quality, aka vintage.


  • You know, the kids love it.


  • In 2023, the secondhand luxury market hit $47 billion, up 4% from 2022, largely thanks to Gen Z.

    2023 年,二手奢侈品市場規模將達到 470 億美元,比 2022 年增長 4%,這主要歸功於 Z 世代。

  • Second, this generational shift is global, with Chinese consumers spending less on popular luxury brands.


  • As Business Insider reports, young Chinese consumers are opting for local, niche, and independent luxury firms that offer unique and authentic products.


  • And third, shifting cultural norms encouraged by the Chinese government stymied the luxury market.


  • Luxury shaming is rampant in China as the government cracks down on flashy luxury billboard ads and bans luxury influencers from its social media platforms, all in an effort to steer the Chinese people back to a more communist, low-consumption society.


  • But all of this is a result of the biggest problem plaguing luxury brands today, and it's a problem that luxury brands created for themselves.


  • So we touched on this before, but just to add some gritty detail, luxury brands usually raise prices at double the rate of inflation annually.


  • So pre-pandemic, when inflation bounced around 2%, luxury brands increased their prices by about 5% to 7% every year.

    是以,在大流行之前,當通脹率在 2% 左右徘徊時,奢侈品牌每年的提價幅度約為 5%-7%。

  • However, from 2019 to 2024, average prices of luxury goods increased by 61% in the US.

    然而,從 2019 年到 2024 年,美國奢侈品的平均價格上漲了 61%。

  • Take this Canada Goose parka, right?


  • In 2019, it sold for $995 in the US, but from then to 2024, it surged 66% to $1,650.

    2019 年,它在美國的售價為 995 美元,但從那時起到 2024 年,它的售價飆升了 66%,達到 1650 美元。

  • Yeah, that'll keep you warm in the winter, earning your money.


  • In bag world, the cost of Prada's popular

    在包袋世界裡,Prada 的流行款式

  • Galleria Saffiano bag increased 111%, and Chanel's medium 2.55 leather flat bag that I mentioned earlier went from about $5,800 to $10,800, an 86% increase.

    Galleria Saffiano 手袋增長了 111%,而我之前提到的香奈兒中號 2.55 皮革平包則從約 5800 美元漲到了 10800 美元,漲幅高達 86%。

  • And usually, when you increase prices so dramatically, it has to do with, you know, innovation or boosted quality, neither of which happened for these brands.


  • Let's take Louis Vuitton, for example.


  • They've released many new products, but when you think of the brand, you probably think of that classic LV monogram design, you know, the brown with the LVs everywhere, you know the one.

    他們發佈了很多新產品,但提到這個品牌,你可能會想到經典的 LV monogram 設計,你知道的,就是那種到處都是 LV 標記的棕色。

  • Here's the Noé bag released in 1932.

    這是 1932 年發佈的 Noé 手袋。

  • Now here's the Neverfull bag from 2007, the Pochettetis from 2013, the Multi-Pochette Accessoire from 2019, and an iPhone 16 Pro Max case from 2024.

    這是 2007 年的 Neverfull 包、2013 年的 Pochette Métis、2019 年的 Multi-Pochette Accessoire 和 2024 年的 iPhone 16 Pro Max 保護套。

  • I can pronounce that one.


  • Yeah.


  • Same classic monogram art.


  • Iconic?


  • Sure.


  • The more you want to tell people that you have made it, the more likely you are to want to wear a logo somewhere that says, I have arrived.

    你越想告訴人們你已經成功了,你就越有可能想在某個地方佩戴一個標誌,上面寫著 "我已經到了"。

  • And this isn't to say that LV didn't release other products outside their monogram line, but over time, that extreme logo loudness from Louis Vuitton and others likely brought on some, as Michael Kors called it during New York Fashion Week, brand fatigue.

    但隨著時間的推移,路易威登和其他品牌極度張揚的標識可能會帶來一些品牌疲勞,正如邁克爾-科爾斯(Michael Kors)在紐約時裝週上所說的那樣。

  • Of course, the counterfeit market also didn't really help the situation.


  • However, these brands putting out the same iconic designs for many years is one thing, but combining that with a dip in quality, well, that's a good way to tank your brand value.


  • The flap wasn't even.


  • The lining, stitching, they were not aligned.


  • This is definitely a quality control miss by Rolex.


  • The first glance, it's too much plastic finish on it.


  • Chanel, Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, these brands and more under-delivered on their promises of high quality, innovation, and craftsmanship.

    Chanel、Michael Kors、Louis Vuitton,這些品牌和更多品牌都沒有兌現其高品質、創新和工藝的承諾。

  • And when Gen Z caught wind that innovation and quality were taking a faux leather backseat to insane price gouging, they looked elsewhere.

    當 Z 世代發現創新和品質被瘋狂的價格壟斷擠到了次要位置時,他們把目光投向了其他地方。

  • Of course, they started going vintage.


  • They also took their money to smaller, more boutique brands and stores.


  • For example, Mercari, a Japan-based secondhand fashion seller app is in a seemingly never-ending growth pattern.

    例如,Mercari 是日本的一款二手時裝銷售應用程序,其發展模式似乎永無止境。

  • In 2023, just under 70% of Mercari's around $6.4 billion of gross merchandise value came from the United States.

    2023 年,Mercari 大約 64 億美元的商品總值中有不到 70% 來自美國。

  • But even some brands that sell new products are picking up steam.


  • Take the Row, founded by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.

    就拿瑪麗-凱特和阿什利-奧爾森創辦的 Row 來說吧。

  • You know the ones, you heard that right, in 2008.

    你知道的,你沒聽錯,是 2008 年。

  • According to Mean Boulevard, the Row's boom in popularity comes from its dedication to quality, practicality, and quiet fashion with no flashy logos and an emphasis on minimalism.

    根據 Mean Boulevard 的說法,The Row 的流行源於其對品質、實用性和安靜時尚的執著追求,沒有華麗的標誌,強調極簡主義。

  • Prada also dipped into this small fashion business surge with its own sister brand called Miu Miu, which helped the company's sales grow 18% in Q3 of 2024.

    普拉達(Prada)也憑藉自己的姐妹品牌 "Miu Miu "涉足了這一小型時裝業務激增的領域,幫助公司在 2024 年第三季度實現了 18% 的銷售增長。

  • Sales for Miu Miu also grew 105%.

    Miu Miu 的銷售額也增長了 105%。

  • Right now, Miu Miu is doing very well.

    現在,Miu Miu 的業績非常好。

  • If you have a Miu Miu, like it can be a basic cardigan, and if it's got the little Miu Miu logo, that has a lot of pull right now.

    如果你有一件 Miu Miu,比如它可以是一件基本的開衫,如果它有 Miu Miu 的小標誌,那現在就很有吸引力。

  • But Gucci is doing very badly.

    但 Gucci 做得很糟糕。

  • Miu Miu, founded in 1992, has always targeted younger consumers as a trendy and affordable Prada alternative.

    Miu Miu 創立於 1992 年,一直以年輕消費者為目標,是時尚、實惠的普拉達(Prada)替代品。

  • But now, it's really paying off for Prada Group.

    但現在,Prada 集團真正得到了回報。

  • And Miu Miu is just one of the brands revolutionizing the fashion industry.

    Miu Miu 只是為時尚產業帶來變革的品牌之一。

  • For the rest, we've created a list of 10 small, high-grossing fashion brands that are stealing the market share away from the big players.

    對於其他品牌,我們列出了 10 個小型、高利潤的時尚品牌,它們正在搶奪大品牌的市場份額。

  • In this list, you'll find out who these brands are and how they've built lucrative, cult-like followings without traditional luxury brand marketing tactics.


  • So, if you wanna know where the fashion industry is going and how these trendy brands are winning over customers, check out the link in our description.


  • So yeah, smaller brands are cleaning up right now, but that doesn't mean all the luxury giants are down for the count.


  • Hermès' 2024 was very different from its competitors.

    愛馬仕的 2024 與競爭對手截然不同。

  • The French company earned over $12 billion in the first three quarters of 2024, and that's up 14% from 2023.

    這家法國公司在 2024 年前三個季度的收入超過 120 億美元,比 2023 年增長了 14%。

  • And they grew 7% in Asia, excluding Japan.

    除日本外,亞洲的增長率為 7%。

  • The reason for this is simply because they don't sell a lot on purpose.


  • This could be a whole video in of itself, but the company operates like its products are scarce.


  • They don't resign to usual trends or seasons, and they don't just wanna sell you a product.


  • You have to work for it.


  • Please just take a look at this Reddit thread.

    請看看 Reddit 上的這個主題。

  • Getting a Hermès Birkin bag has turned into a game, a game that you will never win, a game that I will never play.

    獲得愛馬仕 Birkin 包變成了一場遊戲,一場你永遠贏不了的遊戲,一場我永遠不會玩的遊戲。

  • But aside from hunting down $60,000 handbags, the upper class has found other ways to indulge in the luxury market.

    不過,除了追逐價值 6 萬美元的手袋,上流社會還找到了其他方式來沉迷於奢侈品市場。

  • A form of travel that's gained tons of traction recently is renting your own private island.


  • The price ranges from $50,000 to $1 million per night and includes personal chefs and staff.

    價格從每晚 5 萬美元到 100 萬美元不等,包括私人廚師和工作人員。

  • You will not be winning that on Wheel of Fortune anytime soon, let me tell you.

    讓我告訴你,你很快就不會在 "幸運之輪 "上贏錢了。

  • And in Switzerland, this Glacier Express VIP train with scenic views of the Alps is consistently sold out at $540 a ticket.

    而在瑞士,這列可以欣賞阿爾卑斯山美景的冰川快車 VIP 火車,每張票售價 540 美元,一直都是一票難求。

  • Luxury money is kind of like matter and energy.


  • It can't be created or destroyed.


  • The true luxury consumers are just figuring out what they want to do with their a lot of money now.


  • People got money, they got dough.


  • They're just fed up with big luxury fashion brands.


  • So yeah, there are some exceptions here, but most luxury brands are in trouble and probably panicking.


  • But instead of toning things down for the very mindful, very demure Gen Z consumer, it seems that luxury brands are leaning into luxury experiences, all in hopes that they'll get shoppers back on the sales floor, break out into an evil laugh and say.

    但是,奢侈品牌似乎並沒有為心思縝密、非常端莊的 Z 世代消費者降低等級,而是更傾向於奢華體驗,希望能讓購物者重新回到銷售現場,發出邪惡的笑聲,並說道:"我不知道你在說什麼。

  • Everybody wants this, everybody wants to be us.


  • And if you want more stories about missteps major brands have made, check out this video on how one decision tanked Southwest Airlines.


  • And if you can't get enough hustle, be with us every day by subscribing to the Hustle Daily newsletter and getting deep dives and updates like this.


This is Chanel's Medium 2.55 Leather Flatback.

這是香奈兒中號 2.55 皮革平底鞋。

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