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  • I want to make this a really good signature.


  • Because this is, you know, this is a big one, right?


  • Oh, I think we have a 10.

    哦,我想我們有一個 10。

  • We have a 10.

    我們有一個 10.

  • God bless you, Mr.


  • With this executive order, the war on women's sports is over.


  • Under the Trump administration, we will defend the proud tradition of female athletes and we will not allow men to beat up, injure and cheat our women and our girls, from now on women's sports will be only for women.


  • With my action this afternoon, we're putting every school receiving taxpayer dollars on notice that if you let men take over women's sports teams or invade your locker rooms, you will be investigated for violations of Title Nine and risk your federal funding.


  • There will be no federal funding.


  • So when the Olympics comes to Los Angeles in 2028, my administration will not stand by and watch men beat and batter female athletes.

    是以,當 2028 年奧運會在洛杉磯舉行時,我的政府不會眼睜睜地看著男子毆打女運動員。

  • And we're just not going to let it happen and it's going to end and it's ending right now and nobody's going to be able to do a damn thing about it because when I speak, we speak with authority.


I want to make this a really good signature.


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