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  • What makes Germany's recent political convulsion so remarkable is not just that it's happened in a country that's renowned for its political stability, but also that it's happened in a country that's so, well, so rich.


  • Since at least the early 2000s, the German economy has been the envy of Europe, with a strong industrial base, consistent export-driven growth, and barely any sovereign debt.

    至少自 2000 年代初以來,德國經濟一直是歐洲羨慕的對象,它擁有強大的工業基礎、持續的出口驅動型增長,而且幾乎沒有任何主權債務。

  • Many commentators argued that the populist, anti-establishment politics that swept through


  • Europe in the late 2010s was, in large part, a reaction to economic stagnation, and that

    2010 年代末的歐洲在很大程度上是對經濟停滯的反應,而且

  • Germany's economic strength made it essentially invulnerable to this sort of political upheaval.


  • Today, however, the two main parties collectively poll on less than 50%.

    然而,如今兩大政黨的民調結果加起來還不到 50%。

  • Olaf Scholz has an approval rating of negative 39, and the AFD, usually described as far right, have just won their first state election in Thuringia, and might well be on to win again in Brandenburg on Sunday.

    奧拉夫-肖爾茨(Olaf Scholz)的支持率為負 39,而通常被稱為極右翼的民主力量聯盟(AFD)剛剛在圖林根州贏得了他們的首次州選舉,並很有可能在週日的勃蘭登堡州選舉中再次獲勝。

  • There are lots of reasons for this, of course.


  • Scholz's current coalition is paralysed by infighting, Germany's generous immigration and asylum policies were never everyone's cup of tea, and the German economy has indeed been through a tough few months.


  • But one of the reasons that Germany's economic strength might not have inculcated its electorate against extremism is inequality.


  • Here, we're not really talking about the East-West divide, although that's clearly politically salient at the moment, but rather the fact that if you look at wealth instead of income, Germany is one of the most unequal countries in the developed world.


  • So in this video, we're going to take a look at Germany's economic inequality, how it's got so bad, and how it interacts with Germany's wider economic crisis.


  • Before we start, if you haven't already, please consider subscribing and ringing the bell to stay in the loop and be notified when we release new videos.


  • Now, broadly speaking, there are two ways of measuring inequality.


  • You can look at income, or you can look at wealth.


  • Most of the time, we focus on income, because it's easier to measure.


  • Most people have a single salary, and governments generally do a pretty good job of tracking our salaries for tax reasons.


  • And on this measure, Germany looks like it's actually doing pretty well.


  • According to the latest Eurostat data, after taxes and benefits, Germany's income distribution has a Gini coefficient of 29.4, well below the EU and Eurozone averages, as well as peer economies like France, Italy, and Spain.

    根據歐盟統計局的最新數據,扣除稅收和福利後,德國收入分配的基尼係數為 29.4,遠低於歐盟和歐元區的平均水平,也低於法國、意大利和西班牙等同類經濟體。

  • However, if you look at wealth, in other words, how much people have in assets like stocks and property, Germany doesn't fare so well.


  • Now a quick caveat here.


  • The data does vary a bit, because measuring wealth is more difficult.


  • And it's been especially difficult to do in Germany, since it scrapped its wealth tax in the mid-90s, when the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that it was inconsistent with

    德國在上世紀 90 年代中期取消了財富稅,因為聯邦憲法法院裁定財富稅不符合《聯邦憲法》的規定。

  • Germany's constitutional protection for property.


  • Nonetheless, by most accounts, Germany has some of the worst wealth inequality in the developed world.


  • According to a study by the German think tank DIW Berlin, using data from the mid-2010s, something like 40% of Germans have essentially zero net wealth, and Germany's wealth distribution has a Gini coefficient of 0.76, more than basically every other European country.

    根據德國智庫DIW Berlin的一項研究,利用2010年代中期的數據,大約40%的德國人的淨財富基本為零,德國財富分配的基尼係數為0.76,基本上超過了其他所有歐洲國家。

  • Similarly, UBS Global's wealth report for 2023 found that the top 5% of Germans own over half of the country's total wealth, the highest fraction in Europe after Sweden and Czechia.

    同樣,瑞銀全球發佈的 2023 年財富報告發現,德國財富排名前 5%的人擁有德國總財富的一半以上,是歐洲僅次於瑞典和捷克的最高比例。

  • While a study by the European Central Bank from 2016 found that the bottom quartile of

    歐洲中央銀行 2016 年的一項研究發現,在全球人口中排名後四分位

  • Germans have less wealth than not just their French and Italian counterparts, but also the bottom quartile of Estonians and Greeks.


  • So why is this?


  • Well, it's in part because Germany doesn't tax wealth, which both incentivises and enables wealth accumulation.


  • Wealth-rated taxes account for less than 1% of GDP in Germany, compared to between 3 and 4% in the US, UK and France.

    在德國,財富稅佔 GDP 的比例不到 1%,而在美國、英國和法國,這一比例在 3% 到 4% 之間。

  • This is both because of the constitutional ruling we mentioned earlier, but also because the German political class worries that wealth taxes on stuff like property, shares and inheritances could hurt the famed Mittelstand, middle-sized, often family-run, but very successful companies, widely considered to be the backbone of the German economy.


  • But Germany's wealth inequality is also the consequence of the fact that Germans are probably too risk-averse with their savings.


  • Germans save a fair bit of their incomes, but they generally either keep it as cash or leave it in low-interest savings accounts, instead of riskier but higher-yield investments like stocks or property.


  • While this is in part because it's not easy to do, Germany doesn't have the equivalent of say a stocks and shares ICA that we have in the UK, surveys suggest that it's also because Germans just consider the stock market to be either too risky or too complicated.


  • Today just 10% of Germans own stocks and less than 50% own their own home, the lowest rate in Europe.

    如今,僅有 10%的德國人擁有股票,不到 50%的德國人擁有自己的住房,這一比例在歐洲最低。

  • This also explains why wealth inequality has been so persistent in Germany.


  • Poorer households suffer from lower yields on their savings, which actually devalue in real terms when inflation is high, while wealthy households enjoy higher yields and modest taxes.


  • This largely explains why Germany has some of the worst social mobility in Europe.


  • On average in Germany, it takes 6 generations for a family in the bottom 10% to reach median income, with Hungary being the only European country in the OECD to fare worse on this metric.

    在德國,處於收入最低 10% 的家庭平均需要六代人的時間才能達到收入中位數,而匈牙利是經合組織中唯一在這一指標上表現較差的歐洲國家。

  • You get the idea then.


  • Thanks to its tax system and hyper-cautious saving habit, Germany has some of the worst wealth inequality in the developed world, often overlooked due to our focus on income inequality.


  • But even when it comes to income, Germany isn't perfect.


  • German market incomes are as unequal as the Americans, and while things might look a bit better once you factor in direct taxes and benefits, if you include indirect taxes on stuff like tobacco, alcohol and energy, Germany's tax system doesn't look quite so progressive.


  • Poorer households are also disproportionately affected by Germany's chronic public underinvestment.


  • For context, in large part due to the infamous debt break, German public investment has long been way below the European average, and today its public infrastructure, stuff like roads, public transport and internet, is all in dire need of repair.


  • Because poorer households usually rely on this public infrastructure more, this underinvestment essentially exacerbates inequality.


  • Anyway, the point we're trying to make is that Germany is less economically equal than many people realise, especially when it comes to wealth.


  • This obviously has a destabilising effect on politics, but also plausibly takes a toll on the economy too.


  • There are lots of ways of diagnosing Germany's current economic malaise, but one way of looking at it is that Germany is too reliant on exports.


  • This is in part because people just want German goods, but it's also because Germany's unequal wealth distribution reduces domestic demand.


  • Wealthy Germans save more and spend less, both because that's just what rich people do, but also because of Germany's income-focused tax system, while poorer Germans can't spend as much as they'd like because they just don't have any wealth at all, which means that they have to save whatever they can out of caution.


  • Redistributing some of this wealth would therefore increase domestic demand, which could reduce


  • Germany's reliance on exports and provide at least a partial way out of its economic crisis.


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    TLDR 的粉絲們和你們一樣,都希望瞭解周圍的世界。

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  • In fact, I've been using the Essential Philosophy Theories and Thinkers course, and it's been an excellent way to brush up on some knowledge from college that I genuinely thought was lost.

    事實上,我一直在使用 "哲學理論與思想家精要 "課程,這是我重溫大學時代一些知識的絕佳方式,我真的以為這些知識已經丟失了。

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