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  • The other day, I was chilling at Slateport Beach watching a bunch of little crabs scuttling around.


  • And I pondered to myself, why did you humans end up as soft, two-legged beings instead of, I don't know, multi-legged shell-toting crabs?


  • Of all the possibilities out there, how did you land on this?


  • I mean, these other creatures separately became crabs, why didn't you?


  • Evolution is fun in your favorite copyrighted monster catching franchise, but complex in real life, so let's break it down, and don't press B, okay?

    進化在你最喜歡的受版權保護的怪物捕捉特許經營項目中很有趣,但在現實生活中卻很複雜,所以讓我們來分析一下,不要按 B,好嗎?

  • Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin.

    你好,歡迎來到 Life Noggin。

  • Every living thing on Earth evolved over millions of years, changing to adapt to new environments, resulting in new species, like humans.


  • That's not a human, Triangle Bob, try again.


  • All living things have a genome.


  • This is your deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA.


  • Which contains all the information needed for an organism to develop and function.


  • To understand evolution, we have to understand DNA.

    要了解進化論,我們必須瞭解 DNA。

  • DNA is made up of two long twisted chains linked together by pairs of nucleotides.

    DNA 由成對的核苷酸連接而成的兩條扭曲的長鏈組成。

  • These chains can be divided into sections called genes that serve a certain purpose.


  • Like the instructions to make your eyes blue, it's the blueprint.


  • DNA is tightly packaged into chromosomes small enough to fit inside the cell's nucleus.

    DNA 被緊緊包裹在染色體中,小到足以裝入細胞核內。

  • Each chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes and is what gives your cells the instructions to make you, you.


  • Triangle Bob, no, no, no, no, no, bad, bad Triangle Bob.


  • When cells divide and multiply, the entire genome is replicated, so new cells contain the same information as their parent cell.


  • But sometimes mistakes happen, and nucleotides are replaced, deleted, or added, which is known as a genetic mutation.


  • This means your body has an error in its instruction manual.


  • Depending on the gene, it may not have any effect on how your body functions, however, some mutations can lead to disease or even be beneficial.


  • If you have kids, this mutated gene could be passed down.


  • If it's helpful, like losing your tail lets you move around faster, your descendants will reproduce and continue passing it on until it spreads throughout the population.


  • When the new population becomes different enough from the previous one, it's considered a new species.


  • These differences aren't major ones, new species will still look and act a lot like their ancestors and have nearly identical DNA.

    這些差異並不是主要差異,新物種的外觀和行為仍然與它們的祖先非常相似,DNA 也幾乎完全相同。

  • For instance, human and chimp DNA is 98.8% the same.

    例如,人類和黑猩猩的 DNA 有 98.8% 是相同的。

  • But human DNA is vastly different than let's say crabs, which are on a totally different branch of the evolutionary tree.

    但是,人類的 DNA 與螃蟹有很大的不同,因為螃蟹在進化樹上屬於完全不同的分支。

  • The similarities between humans and great apes is what led many biologists, like Charles Darwin, to suspect that you share a common ancestor and to investigate where your genetic differences originated.


  • They mostly wondered why great apes have an additional pair of chromosomes.


  • Triangle Bob, do not make me get the larger spray bottle here, I will.


  • In 2005, scientists published the evidence that humans chromosome 2 is the result of the fusion of two chromosomes that are separate in other primates.

    2005 年,科學家公佈的證據表明,人類的 2 號染色體是由兩條染色體融合而成的,而在其他靈長類動物中,這兩條染色體是分開的。

  • Not only do the DNA sequences in human chromosome 2 match that of two chimpanzee chromosomes, it also has a vestigial center point and endpoint located within it, showing exactly where the two chromosomes became one.

    人類 2 號染色體的 DNA 序列不僅與黑猩猩的兩條染色體相吻合,而且其中還有一個殘留的中心點和端點,顯示了兩條染色體合二為一的確切位置。

  • Many scientists point to this example as irrefutable evidence for evolution.


  • But it's just one of the many examples where a mutation to an organism's chromosomes led to a brand new species.


  • By identifying these alterations in extinct and living organisms, scientists are gaining a better understanding of not only human evolution, but how all life on Earth came to be.


  • All right, your monster catching days are over, Triangle Bob, I am cutting you off.


  • No, I don't care that it's a shiny, that is not why you're having heart eyes.


  • This evolution video has been a highly requested one for a while now, so tell me, what questions do you have about your world or my world?

    這段 "進化論 "視頻一直以來都備受關注,那麼請告訴我,你對你的世界或我的世界有什麼疑問?

  • We're taking questions for future episodes of Life Noggin.

    我們正在為未來的《Life Noggin》節目接受提問。

  • Click here to watch this video with a certain world champ or click here to watch this video.


  • As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking.

    和往常一樣,我的名字叫 Blocko,這一直是 Life Noggin,別忘了繼續思考。

The other day, I was chilling at Slateport Beach watching a bunch of little crabs scuttling around.


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