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Depression is a complex disease.
One that can be triggered by several factors, including chemical imbalances in the brain, medical conditions, traumatic life events, and genetics.
But depression can start to lift within just a few weeks, provided you find the right combination of effective treatments.
This is Your Brain On, where we explore how the world affects our brains and ourselves.
這裡是 "你的大腦",我們將探討世界如何影響我們的大腦和我們自己。
Brain imaging studies show that depression is connected to changes in several parts of the brain, especially in three core areas.
The first is the amygdala, which regulates emotions like anger, pleasure, and fear. When a person is depressed, the amygdala can become overactive, causing problems with sleep and behavior, as well as balance of key mood hormones.
The second area is the hippocampus, which processes memory and regulates stress hormones such as cortisol. One study found it's up to 13% smaller in depressed women, and excess cortisol can stunt the growth of new neurons, creating poor moods and memory.
第二個區域是海馬體,它負責處理記憶和調節皮質醇等壓力荷爾蒙。一項研究發現,憂鬱女性的海馬體比正常人小 13%,過多的皮質醇會阻礙新神經元的生長,從而導致情緒不佳和記憶力減退。
The third main area is the thalamus, which helps link sensory information to good and bad feelings. Problems in the thalamus may be linked to conditions such as bipolar disorder.
Changes to these parts of the brain and others mess with key hormones, such as serotonin, which regulates sleep and mood, and norepinephrine, which affects motivation.
For some, a depressed mood passes on its own, especially if it was triggered by a particular sad event, but for those with ongoing clinical depression, it can take time to find effective treatment.
Stats show sticking with treatment is worth it. One study by the National Institutes of Health showed 80% of people improved within just four to six weeks of starting medication, therapy, or support groups.
統計數據表明,堅持治療是值得的。美國國立衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的一項研究顯示,80%的人在開始接受藥物治療、治療或支持小組後的四到六週內病情就得到了改善。
Healthy lifestyle choices can help too. Eating a good diet and getting enough sleep can strengthen and repair important brain connections.
Overcoming depression may become easier in the future. Scientists are learning more about how factors such as genetics influence depression, which may not only help create new drugs, but also make targeted treatment possible.
Helping someone with depression feel like herself again.