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So how do you do choreographies as a group?
How do you make project decisions and so forth?
Well that's that's that's a big question.
Now the way that before at the beginning I was making all the decisions all the calls for the better and for the worse and it was easy it was fast but it would also backfire and you know that means that you not only have to deal with trying to make sure that you're delivering on time and that everybody's happy and but also maybe there's some tensions and stuff like that you that's gonna fall on you and to be honest it's a lot of work while it's also it's very effective and that's clear but there are other ways of doing things and we've switched to a more project-based approach and essentially what that means is like okay as a team as a group we can say hey I'd like to take this project I have this idea as a project and the way that I would like to lead this project is that everybody helps me take a decision and that it's more consensus based and so forth and so it's very clear so one you said I have this project two you're leading the project and three you're establishing what's the methodology for taking decision within that project so I would say I would encourage people who have an idea to be sure that they're the ones leading it because if you say hey I have an idea be good if we did that and then you know you just wait nothing's going to happen and I am a true believer that if you want to see something happen you make it happen that's that's it right don't just say oh but I said I talked about this years ago yeah but did you do anything about it it you know so be a doer be much more of a doer and to bring then you can as you're doing then you like you ask people to commit to it or to bring you know bring forward but already established things hey I like to do this project I will when are you free I'll book a room blah blah blah you know you just get the ball rolling and then when you book the room the next thing you do it and you set the date for when the projects going to happen and I assure you that's when things the will really start get moving and you get people on board and for like building a choreography there there's there's certainly more democratic approaches but now this is my person me personally I believe that the project leader or the there's some kind of somebody or two or three people that are calling out the shots that can kind of make the end decision of the choreographic ideas and well it doesn't matter I mean everybody can bring in but and that's that's that's one way there's somebody kind of over overseeing everything so that there's some coherence now within that choreography nothing stops people from going hey I have this part in the choreography when the music goes like that it goes on for a whole chorus or two choruses I'd like you to do something I like you can can you can you take care of it or you know you'd ask hey does anybody want to take care of that and so we say I hey I have an idea it's like okay good can you propose something so they come and they propose something and if you made that clear that you were the last the person to kind of call on the shot to say actually I'm not sure that fits or that's a fantastic idea can you develop it further or you know whatever it is but just make it very clear what is the decision-making process and who was truly like the project manager you know the the the one putting in this making sure that happens and sometimes the project manager again doesn't need to be in a single individual it can be a group of people yeah and you can delegate different parts of a choreography if you want to do something where there's different ideas to it and there's not any perfect solution there are going to be frustrations there are going to be some tensions are going to be this and that and it's going to take more time as well when you the more democratic the process it is but if you have that time definitely do it right just go go for it I've seen what it can do and I think it's absolutely brilliant and it also relieves a lot of pressure from I think it benefits everybody including the person who is generally making decisions for everybody because now we all took the decision as a group the way that I personally like choreographies in jazz and lindy hop I call this like the sandy type which is to divide a song into different parts and then have different sub choreographic ideas so essentially like mmm there's a music change now we go with the jazz mmm there's a music change now we can go into a single spotlight lindy hop there's a music change now it's all together and if you subdivide it in it then you could delegate those bits to different people and it can it's a it's a great way it's very entertaining also for people but maybe this is if this is something that you're interested in don't hesitate to leave a comment and maybe I'll make a very specific video on that and you know with some precise ideas and examples so guys this is the end of it I hope this was helpful if you feel this could be helpful for anybody else please share it with them and if you have any questions or just simply want to say if this was helpful to you please leave a comment below and yeah maybe I'll do some more videos like these if if you find that interesting so I'll see you around take care and keep jazzin' hard