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  • Welcome to our fourth speech practice video.


  • To see the other ones and hear more about shadowing exercises.


  • You can visit this playlist.


  • So this passage is on building healthy habits.


  • As I read it out loud, try to read it along with me mimicking me as close as you can.


  • And as always the PDF with the script and the audio link is down below.

    腳本和音頻鏈接的 PDF 文件一如既往地在下面。

  • So that you can continue practicing with those.


  • Alright, let's do it.


  • Building healthy habits is something we all want to do, but let's be honest - it's easier said than done.


  • Whether it's exercising more, eating better, or managing stress, we know these things are important for our long-term well-being.


  • But where do you start and more importantly, how do you stick to it?


  • First off, start small, we often get excited and want to change everything at once, but this usually sets us up for burnout, instead, pick one thing - maybe it's drinking more water or going for a 10-minute walk after work.

    首先,從小事做起,我們經常會興奮地想要一下子改變所有的事情,但這通常會讓我們陷入倦怠,相反,選擇一件事情--也許是多喝水或下班後散步 10 分鐘。

  • The key is consistency, not intensity.


  • Once you've got that small habit down, you can build on it.


  • Next, make your habit part of your routine, life gets busy - whether you're a recent grad, navigating a new job, or starting a family.


  • But if you tie your habit to something you already do every day, it becomes second nature.


  • This is called habit stacking, for example, do squats while brushing your teeth, or meditate for a few minutes before bed.


  • Accountability is huge, it's so easy to skip a workout or order takeout when no one's watching, but when you have a buddy who's in it with you - or even a simple tracker app - you're more likely to stick to your goals.


  • Sharing your progress, or struggles, can make it feel like a team effort.


  • Finally, don't be too hard on yourself, we're all going to have off days, and that's fine, what matters is getting back on track.


  • Building healthy habits is a marathon, not a sprint, so give yourself some grace and celebrate the small wins.


  • Alright guys, I hope this was helpful for you.


  • I encourage you to keep practicing this over and over to a point that you don't have to rely on the script so that you can build your fluency.


  • Stay tuned for the next video like this.


  • Goodbye for now.


Welcome to our fourth speech practice video.


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A2 UK 習慣 養成 練習 健康 腳本 鍛鍊

Luyện nói Shadowing tiếng Anh | Các thói quen sống lành mạnh | Bài 4 (Luyện nói Shadowing tiếng Anh | Các thói quen sống lành mạnh | Bài 4)

  • 11 1
    Văn Hưng posted on 2025/03/11
Video vocabulary