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  • Welcome to another speech practice video.


  • To see the other ones and hear more about shadowing exercises.


  • You can visit this playlist.


  • I'm going to read a passage that discusses work life balance.


  • As I read out loud, try to read it along with me mimicking me the best that you can.


  • And as always the PDF with the script and the audio link is down below.

    腳本和音頻鏈接的 PDF 文件一如既往地在下面。

  • So you can practice with just those if that's what you like.


  • Alright let's do it.


  • Balancing work and life can be tough, especially when you're just starting out in your career.


  • Whether you're single, or you have a spouse and kids, finding that sweet spot between your job and personal life can feel like a juggling act.


  • But trust me.


  • It's not just you.


  • Everyone struggles with this.


  • The first and biggest tip is to set boundaries.


  • When you're working, focus on work, but when it's time to clock out, then really clock out.


  • Turn off those work notifications and step away from your phone and laptop, it's easy to get caught up in trying to do just a little more, especially if you're working from home, but giving yourself time to recharge is crucial.


  • Now, I know this can be difficult to do, especially with the hard work ethic in Vietnam, but just do what you can.


  • If you can't fully step away from work every day, maybe especially try to do that at least one day a week and when you're on vacation.


  • In those instances, communicate with co-workers to see if they can cover for you, set up automatic replies on your email, saying that you're out of the office, but will get back with them soon.


  • Do the same on Zalo if you have a business profile, then don't do any work on those days, in the long run, I think you will see that your quality of work will improve when you truly take that time off to rest.

    在 Zalo 上也是如此,如果你有一個業務簡介,那麼就不要在那些日子裡做任何工作,從長遠來看,我想你會發現,當你真正抽出時間休息時,你的工作品質會有所提高。

  • Another important thing is to prioritize your tasks, not everything on your to-do list is urgent, so figure out what needs to be done now and what can wait.


  • Understanding this will help you manage your time better and avoid unnecessary stress.


  • And don't be afraid to say no sometimes, it's okay to protect your personal time.

    有時不要害怕說 "不",保護好自己的私人時間也是可以的。

  • Also, make sure to carve out time for yourself, whether it's exercising, hanging out with friends, or just relaxing on your own, you need moments that are just for you to keep your sanity.


  • If you're someone with family responsibilities, it's even more important to have a support system, don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.


  • And try to delegate tasks at home when possible.


  • Lastly, remember that work life balance isn't a one-size-fits-all thing.


  • What works for someone else might not work for you, so be patient with yourself as you figure out what balance looks like in your life.


  • It's a journey, and it's okay to make adjustments along the way, you've got this.


  • Alright guys, I hope this was helpful for you.


  • I encourage you to keep practicing this over and over to a point where you don't have to rely on the script so that you can build your fluency.


  • Stay tuned for next week's video.


  • Goodbye for now.


Welcome to another speech practice video.


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