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  • Let's take a trip back to 2006. Ian McKellen is 67 years old. Patrick Stewart, 66. Hugh

    讓我們回到 2006 年。伊恩-麥凱倫 67 歲。帕特里克-斯圖爾特 66 歲。休

  • Jackman, 38, but that's not really relevant because in X-Men The Last Stand, these two guys don't quite look their age. Their characters were digitally de-aged in what is widely known to be the first implementation of this kind of technology. The effect iswell, I mean, you know, it looks like the first time they were using this technology. But since then, there have been many attempts to level up this illusion, with varying degrees of success.

    傑克曼 38 歲,但這並不重要,因為在《X 戰警:最後一戰》中,這兩個人看起來並不像他們的年齡。眾所周知,他們的角色是通過數字技術 "去齡 "的,這也是此類技術的首次應用。效果是......嗯,我的意思是,你知道,這看起來像是他們第一次使用這種技術。但從那時起,有很多人嘗試將這種幻覺升級,並取得了不同程度的成功。

  • Because even at the highest levels of Hollywood, it is really f***ing hard to pull off.


  • If you look at a person and there's something not quite right with their face, what our lizard brain is telling us is, ooh, that person is sick. I better stay away because I don't want to get sick.


  • That's Kevin Bailey.


  • I'm the visual effects supervisor on here.


  • He was one of the people tasked with making sure the filmmaking team could pull off an ambitious 53 minutes of de-aging work for Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany, and


  • Kelly Riley. Or perhaps we should say re-aging, as these extremely famous faces become much younger and much older than they are right now.


  • People that are critical of de-aging and face replacement, they have every right to be.


  • We have it all worked out! We have it all worked out!


  • It's a very, very hard effect to pull off because we just, we look at human faces all day every day. It's the thing that we recognize the most.


  • But Kevin and Hollywood have a new filmmaking toolkit, one that makes convincingly changing an actor's age much more achievable.


  • De-aging actors is a painstaking process.


  • Oftentimes we'll 3D scan an actor and build a full three-dimensional version of their head in the computer.

    很多時候,我們會對演員進行 3D 掃描,然後在電腦中構建一個完整的三維演員頭像。

  • Then from there, you have to like build every muscle and how the skin moves when each muscle is activated and how the blood flows in and out of the skin as it moves and where the peach fuzz lies.

    然後,你還必須鍛鍊每塊肌肉,瞭解每塊肌肉被激活時皮膚是如何運動的,皮膚運動時血液是如何流入流出的,以及 "桃花 "在哪裡。

  • You're trying to recreate reality from the inside out in that approach and it can yield really impressive results.


  • The problem is, it is so labor intensive.


  • It's like giving birth.


  • And since all this meticulous face swapping takes place after filming is wrapped, there's a huge amount of subjectivity and kind of filtering in between what the actor does and what ends up on the screen.


  • Which is one of the reasons they felt that a face swap in post wasn't going to cut it for here.


  • It was clear that traditional means of de-aging was never going to work at the quantity that we had to address and certainly not at the quality consistently throughout the production that we needed.


  • And it wasn't until we saw the results of the very first test by this company, Metaphysic, that we kind of went, oh gosh, thank, you know, we can do this.

    直到我們看到 Metaphysic 公司首次測試的結果,我們才意識到,天哪,謝謝你,你知道,我們可以做到這一點。

  • Metaphysic enabled Elvis to perform on America's Got Talent and also made the backup singers look exactly like the judges.

    Metaphysic 讓貓王得以在《美國達人秀》上表演,還讓伴唱歌手與評審長得一模一樣。

  • It's kind of freaky.


  • They helped Eminem dance with his younger self and brought Ian Holm back from the dead.


  • They're an AI company that's been making waves in Hollywood during a time where there's still some uncertainty and discomfort over the technology.


  • They use sophisticated machine learning to generate faces, but maybe it's better to let


  • Kevin explain.


  • We want Tom to be 20 and then 25 and then 30 and then 35.

    我們希望湯姆 20 歲,然後 25 歲,然後 30 歲,然後 35 歲。

  • So we kind of create these groupings of images that we can feed the AI with and teach it in the same way that if I gave you a book that thick, you know, a thousand pages of images of Tom Hanks from all different kinds of places, they might be family photos, they might be publicity stills, movie posters, images from the films he's been in.


  • And I said, all right, Ed, you're going to do nothing for the whole week but flip through the pages of that book and just study Tom Hanks' face.


  • Just study his likeness.


  • If at the end of that week, as long as you're a visual person, if I said to you, OK, now close your eyes and imagine Tom Hanks singing happy birthday to you in the moonlight.


  • Even though none of those images had shown that, you would still be able to do that very clearly in your head.


  • People confuse it for like, you know, you feed it 10,000 images and it finds the closest one and it kind of collages it onto a person's face.

    人們會把它混淆,比如,你給它輸入 1 萬張圖片,它會找出最接近的一張,然後拼貼到人的臉上。

  • It's actually, it's not using a single pixel from any of the data that it's trained on.


  • So it's more like it's drawing an entirely new face with every frame as opposed to copying and pasting pieces of other photos onto the same face to assemble a new one.


  • You won't find two faces that are alike in any of the training material and what ended up in the movie.


  • This is what machine learning is good at, absorbing a bunch of data, in this case people's faces, and generating something new.


  • But the particularly groundbreaking aspect of this implementation was the speed at which it could work, which changed the production entirely.


  • It's like really fast, like it will do its thing in like, you know, milliseconds.


  • That is what we use to do the live on set face swaps.


  • We would have one monitor that had young Tom Hanks on it and one that had him at current day, and that was really powerful.


  • It allowed for immediate on set course corrections by the actors themselves because


  • Every time after Bob Zemeckis called cut, they would look and kind of go like, yeah, you know, I'm, I'm shuffling a little bit here.


  • Maybe I need to stand up more straight to sell the sort of like physicality illusion or ooh, I was overacting my youth in that take.


  • Let's dial that back a bit.


  • Let's do another take.


  • So it really brought the actor into the conversation and allowed them to use it as a tool.


  • It also helped them seer away from a situation where an actor has been made to look young, but their physicality doesn't feel young.


  • Like De Niro's character here in The Irishman.


  • He's supposed to be a rugged and tough mobster here and I mean, he just looks like my grandfather trying to kick someone while they're down.


  • Shout out to this guy for selling it though.


  • No!

  • I'm not afraid, no!


  • And I mean no disrespect to the absolute powerhouse of an actor that Robert De Niro is.


  • Obviously, this kind of thing just couldn't be addressed because the de-aging was happening solely at the end of the pipeline.


  • It's very easy to look at a 67 year old acting young and think, God, they look so young.

    看著 67 歲的老人裝嫩,很容易讓人聯想到 "天哪,他們看起來真年輕"。

  • But then if you were to put a 20 year old face on them, they would look like they were a 20 year old's face on a 40 year old body.

    但是,如果你把一張 20 歲的臉貼在他們身上,他們看起來就像是把 20 歲的臉貼在了 40 歲的身體上。

  • Right?


  • And it's just like very lizard brain reaction.


  • It's something deep inside of us that tells us that something isn't quite right.


  • If you look closely, you can see that the real-time de-aging works on the face, but it leaves the ears and the neck untouched.


  • That didn't really matter because the other benefits of the real-time feed was that the editors could use the half-baked footage to assemble early drafts of the film.


  • It was incredible walking away from set with like every shot that was going to be a face swap shot.


  • There was already a very rudimentary version, but pretty convincing version of it already done.


  • It was just a little soft.


  • And then in post-production, we used very similar AI tools, but much, much higher fidelity.


  • So instead of doing, you know, a face swap in 10 milliseconds, it'll take a few minutes, but that way we can get like the real film quality, high fidelity results out of it.

    這樣,我們就不用在 10 毫秒內完成面部交換,而是需要幾分鐘時間,但這樣我們就能獲得真正的電影品質和高保真效果。

  • When it comes to making people older, I had to ask Kevin about this scene because I found it so moving.


  • And the performances are so good, especially Paul Bettany.


  • Rose, she, she loved having you all around her.


  • She loved this day.


  • She loved, she loved cooking for you.


  • She lived for you.


  • He should miss.


  • And for you, dad.


  • I was like, oh my God, it just, I really felt it.


  • And I imagine that's one of the scenes where you guys had to age him up a little bit.


  • That scene actually was almost purely prosthetics and makeup.


  • But with other scenes in the film, they were able to marry the physical prosthetics and digital makeup to create something that wouldn't have been possible with either alone.


  • Robin has never been old before, so we couldn't train these models on family photos of her at 85.

    羅賓從來沒有老過,所以我們無法根據她 85 歲時的家庭照片來訓練這些模特。

  • But what we could do is we could use other AI driven tools and workflows to feed images of her from set and say, Hey, give me a version of this with better skin translucency.


  • Or one that wrinkles around the nose in a way that feels more like stretching skin and less like a flexible prosthetic.


  • And so what we ended up doing is employing the same tools that we use for de-aging and helping them for up-aging.


  • And this mixing of technology is what helped sell so much of the film.


  • People kind of talk about AI dehumanizing certain things.


  • And in this case, I think it really humanized the whole process because it took these people with decades of experience and allowed them to use it in order to better the film.


  • What we're doing now, it's cutting edge in the future.


  • It's going to be standard fare.


  • Hey, if you made it this far, thank you so much for watching.


  • Videos like this, deep dives into industry trends and movie technology that have really deep research and reporting, but are still accessible to watch are some of my favorite to make.


  • Partly because it's something that I wish that I saw more of.


  • I watch a lot of breakdowns and deep dive videos geared towards nerds like me that care so much about the tiniest little details of cinematography or animation.


  • But here at Vox, we want to make great independent journalism that's accessible for anyone, whether you're an industry expert or just somebody who's a little bit curious.

    但在 Vox,我們想做的是任何人都能訪問的優秀獨立新聞,無論你是行業專家還是隻是有點好奇的人。

  • And that's something that we're only able to do thanks to the support of our members.


  • So if you like that mission and want to ensure that videos like this continue to be made on the internet, you can support us at slash memberships.

    是以,如果你喜歡我們的使命,並希望確保這樣的視頻能繼續在互聯網上傳播,你可以通過 slash memberships 支持我們。

  • Your support means the world to us.


  • So thanks to everyone who's already supported and thanks again for watching.


Let's take a trip back to 2006. Ian McKellen is 67 years old. Patrick Stewart, 66. Hugh

讓我們回到 2006 年。伊恩-麥凱倫 67 歲。帕特里克-斯圖爾特 66 歲。休

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