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Hello GQ, I'm London Uris and these are my ten essentials My race helmet, I mean, it's not something I would probably carry with me day to day But it's something that is just very important in my life because it protects my life every weekend that I go racing So this is me.
你好,《GQ》,我是倫敦-尤里斯,這是我的十件必備品 我的比賽頭盔,我的意思是,它可能不是我每天都會隨身攜帶的東西,但它在我的生活中非常重要,因為我每個週末去比賽,它都會保護我的生命,所以這就是我。
This is my design.
This is one of The only things really in Formula One and racing that the driver gets to pretty much have complete control of and each driver shows them Personality colors, whatever it is now growing up I was a massive fan of Valentino Rossi Even though he's a MotoGP and motorbikes and nothing to do with car racing I got into that before I got into Formula One So these colors were always inspired by him since I was a very young age But I've had to try and make it more me rather than just a copy of him because pretty much how I started I'll start with my logo It's my logo here on the side L N, it stands for my name.
這是一級方程式賽車和賽車中唯一能讓車手完全掌控的東西,每位車手都能展現出自己的個性色彩、我從小就是瓦倫蒂諾-羅西(Valentino Rossi)的忠實粉絲,儘管他是摩托錦標賽(MotoGP)和摩托車比賽的選手,與賽車無關。
But what a lot of people don't realize is that I'm also number four Like here British flag, Belgian flag.
From my dad's side, my mum's from Belgium.
Not many people know that either Yeah, not many people realize that if you look inside the L and the N It's number four.
是的,沒有多少人知道,如果你看 L 和 N 的內部,它是第四個。
I've only had number four since I joined Formula One Nothing else really meant anything to me before like I changed numbers a lot of times because I had to for various reasons Or because I couldn't pick the numbers that I wanted to So I had to kind of come up with something new when I came into Formula One And number four was that.
加入一級方程式後,我只用過4號 其他號碼對我來說都沒什麼意義 我換過很多次號碼,因為我不得不換 或者因為我選不到我想要的號碼
But the yellow and the blue are kind of colors I've had for many years now Especially the fluorescent yellow.
That's kind of my color.
It's something I've had since I started karting.
Stands out.
It's bright It looks bold.
There's a lot of people who have kind of dull Boring-ish helmets and you can't see from the outside very well exactly who it is.
有很多人的頭盔都有點像無聊的 Boring,從外面看不清楚到底是誰。
But with this it's very easy I just hope I'm going quick while people are looking at me Not when I'm in the gravel or something.
As you can see with this It's a little bit inspired by the Sun again off from Valentino Rossi.
正如您所看到的,它的靈感來自於瓦倫蒂諾-羅西(Valentino Rossi)的 "Sun again off"。
Valentino has the Sun and the Moon on the helmet It's a little bit like the Sun but it's changed I've changed a little bit to kind of go all the way more around the helmet rather than look like Just a Sun but it's still that resemblance to him Which which I always want to keep because he's the guy that got me into racing in the first place.
Gets dirty on track.
Flies Dirt, dust, whatever it is A lot of the tear-offs are to rip off and renew.
蒼蠅 汙垢、灰塵,不管是什麼 很多撕下的東西都是為了撕下後更新。
Have clear vision.
I've also got Ellen Kart.
Ellen Kart is my go-kart Which I finally released just last year I think.
I love karting.
Karting is some of the most fun times you ever have in racing.
Growing up between the ages of 8 to 12, 8 to 13 There's some of the coolest times and most memorable So I kind of still want to be involved in it and still Have something involved in it and I still love doing it every now and then when I can.
在 8 歲到 12 歲、8 歲到 13 歲的成長過程中,有一些最酷、最難忘的時光,所以我仍然想參與其中,仍然想在其中有所作為,我仍然喜歡在有機會的時候做一些事情。
Together with OTK group And with Tony Kart we managed to come up with My own kart.
與 OTK 小組和託尼卡丁車一起,我們成功開發出了我自己的卡丁車。
My own little thing to keep in karting, which again similar colors to this This is the golf ball.
Luckily, I've got the tireless number four here Pro V1, of course, because I definitely only ever use Pro V1s, but I'm a massive golfing nut I would say there's few people in the world who are addicted to golf as much as me and I'm pretty sure that's a fact But wherever I go I always got golf balls in my bag because you never know when you're gonna have to tee it up and hit one.
幸運的是,我這裡有不知疲倦的四號 Pro V1,當然,因為我絕對只用 Pro V1,但我是個高爾夫球狂,我想說,世界上很少有人像我一樣沉迷於高爾夫球,我很確定這是事實,但無論我走到哪裡,我的包裡總是裝著高爾夫球,因為你永遠不知道什麼時候就得開球打球。
Plus I go to some lovely courses around the world So I always got to travel with my golf balls, with my golf clubs They go everywhere with me.
Played quite a few times now with Poulter, with Justin Rose, Riesberger, Jochen Niemann, I think that's how you say it.
And I played with Zach Brown He's a very talented golfer So a privilege to get to golf with him every now and then.
I got another pro-am coming up in Wentworth very soon So I need to get my practice in so I'm actually going straight after this interview for some more golf My Toomey bags, it's not specifically just my Rucksack but I myself am a Toomey partner I've got everything possible from Toomey including golf bags, but rucksack, rucksack I go everywhere with.
I've even got The small case, the big case.
I got a shoe case as well.
Every bag you can think of from Toomey I travel a lot.
It makes my life very easy, but I also travel heavy, not light in any way So I have a lot of bags when I travel but I got a few of the different rucksacks like this one This is the McLaren one.
它讓我的生活非常輕鬆,但我的旅行也很沉重,一點都不輕便,所以我旅行時有很多包,但我有幾個不同的揹包,比如這個 這是邁凱輪的揹包。
I can fit everything in, my tablets, phone, whatever it is, golf balls, books that I never read But I just always carry with me just to look smart, put on the table every now and then, rucksack So next item, my watch.
This is my Richard Mill Which is a beautiful, beautiful design, a perk of the job.
這是我的理查德-米爾(Richard Mill),它的設計非常漂亮,是工作的一項福利。
This is one I get given when working here at McLaren I've had a few different ones now over the years, some different ones, but this is my absolute favorite.
Very thin, Extremely lightweight, almost don't even feel like you're carrying it ever, but I can drive in it.
I can play golf in it You can do all sports, exercise, whatever in it and it looks Beautiful when it's not got my greasy marks on it.
我可以穿著它打高爾夫 你可以穿著它做所有的運動、鍛鍊,什麼都可以,而且當它沒有我的油印時,看起來非常漂亮。
Richard Mill watch looks cool.
I have to wear it everywhere So thanks Richard Mill Sunglasses, I've really, I don't have bad eyes, I have good eyes, but I struggle seeing when there's too much sun And like it strains my eyes too much So I have to wear sunglasses in a lot of places, even inside sometimes when there's too much light Not because I think I'm cool because I wear sunglasses inside But literally because there's a lot of light and my eyes start going really funny sometimes.
But these Are my very first pair of sunglasses And not my first ever but me as a person Ln04, they're our sun gods, our partner here at McLaren.
但這是我的第一副太陽鏡,而且不是我的第一副,而是我作為 Ln04 的一員,他們是我們的太陽神,是我們在邁凱輪的合作伙伴。
I basically designed all of this and then They basically like copied what I said.
They've got a little engraving here These I have to carry around with me everywhere, inside out I got a lot of pairs of these so I basically got one in every single room When I go to the racetrack, there's some sunnies waiting for me Next up, my hoodie.
我有很多雙這樣的眼鏡,所以基本上每個房間都有一雙 我去賽馬場的時候,會有一些太陽鏡在等著我 接下來是我的連帽衫。
I am a hoodie Guru.
This specific one It's just my Quadrant one.
這個是我的 Quadrant One。
Quadrant is my esports team This was from our latest collection, the off-road collection, which looked freaking awesome.
Quadrant 是我的電競團隊 這是我們最新的越野系列,看起來棒極了。
This is the black hoodie There's loads of other ones.
Two things with the hoodies.
One, I always wear hoodies I'm a hoodie guy.
So whenever I'm traveling, when I'm here at McLaren, I wear hoodies I just find them a lot more comfortable.
They suit me a lot more.
Plus I got a long neck So it kind of hides my long neck a little bit Even when I joined McLaren, there was no hoodies that we were allowed to wear And I tried and tried and finally I got the clothing team To make me wear a hoodie.
另外,我的脖子很長,所以它能稍微遮住我的長脖子。 甚至在我加入邁凱輪的時候,也不允許我們穿連帽衫。
So actually at the track, you'll see me in the hoodie now, which I don't think McLaren have ever had Until I rocked up.
So I'm proud to say I changed the team here for the good and we can now wear hoodies Tablet.
I travel a lot.
I spend a lot of times in planes, in cars Going around, going to different countries.
Plus I grew up on these things Playing games, whatever, in school, whatever.
But I watch movies, can work, emails, although I don't do that too often It's always, generally always, on the tablet Headphones.
These are my Klipsch McLaren headphones.
這是我的 Klipsch McLaren 耳機。
Lovely cool designs we got here It's a little bit like a tyre, race tyre, intermediate.
Again, one of our partners here at McLaren I always got to travel with them Flying away so much, in a car so much, always listen to music or watching movies, Netflix, whatever it is I gotta wear headphones.
The one guy I know more than anyone is Daniel I think he knows the lyrics to pretty much every song ever created.
Our taste of music's kind of similar He's not a guy who goes for like super upbeat stuff too much.
He goes for more like chilled, Charlie Stew, Harvey Gunn Just more chilled stuff, relaxing stuff.
他更喜歡冷酷、查理-斯圖(Charlie Stew)、哈維-岡(Harvey Gunn)等冷酷、輕鬆的風格。
Like we're on flights, that's the kind of stuff But I know him more than anyone else, along with Carlos.
But Carlos listens to, I don't know what he listens to, but yeah Daniel's got good taste.
I'll give him that Because I'm such a big gamer and such a big nerd, I take my gaming stuff with me everywhere I go It's rare that I use a controller because I'm a mouse and keyboard kind of player.
Now that disappoints a lot of people but I grew up Only ever really using a steering wheel rather than ever a controller So with racing and everything growing up on the Playstation, I always use a steering wheel and pedals and whatever So I'm actually pretty shocking with a controller when it comes to any game, whether that's Call of Duty or FIFA, all of that stuff I love playing those games whenever I travel.
這讓很多人感到失望,但我從小到大隻使用過方向盤,而不是手柄,所以在 Playstation 上玩賽車和其他遊戲時,我總是使用方向盤和踏板之類的東西,所以在玩任何遊戲時,無論是《使命召喚》還是《FIFA》,我都非常喜歡用手柄。
I play with my friends whenever I'm away Only game that I currently play, I see two.
只要我不在家,我就會和朋友們一起玩 我目前玩的唯一一款遊戲,我看到了兩個。
I got a Halo team in Quadrant And this is actually our Quadrant controller that we just released with Scuf So if you want to go and get one of these you can.
我在跨駿有一個光環團隊,這實際上是我們剛和 Scuf 一起發佈的跨駿控制器,所以如果你想買一個,就買吧。
But Halo and Escape from Tarkov Those are the two games I currently play because when I get into a game That's basically it for like six months and then I'll eventually move on to another game Quadrant was still quite new.
The only actual esports team that I have inside of it is the Halo team who are extremely good They came out to the French Grand Prix with me a few weeks ago.
They're kind of starting off the esports Gaming side of it all but it's expanding.
It's getting bigger, which is awesome And I love all of that stuff, all the gaming side of life And if you use it properly like the simulator helped me a lot growing up as a kid between the age of probably I mean since I started, you know playing Gran Turismo uh, like against my dad when I was like four years old probably I think that started a lot of my love for racing and also got my eye in and I could learn how to drive a car From a very early age and then you buy the simulator, you know The pedals all of that stuff that helps you for sure you learn tracks You learn how to drive different cars and that helps me through my whole career, especially when you get into the professional Racing simulators, then it'll help you a lot This one massive perk of the job so the next item Is my McLaren car key big perk of being part of McLaren is I get to drive a McLaren So since my first day here I've been able to drive some very nice cars McLaren GT Which fits my golf clubs straight in the back literally designed to fit some golf clubs in I drive that everywhere But I think it's awesome McLaren are a team Not only that I watched since I was young and supported and I was a massive fan of but you know Whenever you're on the street and you see a McLaren pass when you're a kid You think one day I want to be able to or you know, you wish to drive one of those cars So that wish finally came true and now I get to drive one every week, which is uh, which is pretty awesome so A pretty awesome perk of the job McLaren car key Alrighty, so thank you GQ Those are my 10 essentials.
我喜歡所有這些東西,生活中的所有遊戲,如果你使用得當,就像模擬器一樣,對我的成長幫助很大,大概從我四歲開始,你知道,我就開始玩Gran Turismo(跑車浪漫旅)了、在我四歲的時候,我就開始和我爸爸玩 Gran Turismo(跑車浪漫旅),我覺得那開始了我對賽車的熱愛,也激發了我的興趣,讓我從小就學會了如何駕駛賽車,然後你買了模擬器,你知道踏板等所有東西都能幫助你學習賽道,學習如何駕駛不同的賽車,這對我的整個職業生涯都有幫助,尤其是當你進入專業賽車模擬器的時候、這也是這份工作的一大好處,所以下一項就是
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