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  • Hello everyone, I'm CMMlave and today I'll be giving you a quick guide to Black Desert's Hardcore Server.

    大家好,我是 CMMlave,今天我將為大家帶來《黑色沙漠》硬核服務器的快速指南。

  • The content might differ from what some of you expect of a Hardcore Server, but once you jump in, we're sure you'll have a blast.


  • Unlike the other servers of Black Desert, the Hardcore Server is only accessible for 2 hours per day.

    與 "黑色沙漠 "的其他服務器不同,"硬核服務器 "每天只有 2 個小時的訪問時間。

  • The server is centered around the Valencian Desert and features exclusive characters, gear, and monsters.


  • Depending on your playstyle, you can enjoy the Hardcore Server in many different ways.


  • First, you will need to create a dedicated character for the Hardcore Server.


  • You can only create one character at a time, and the number of classes that are available is limited depending on the season and the theme.


  • This character has access to the server for 2 hours, and the 2 hours will reset 23 hours after you first set foot in the server.

    該角色可進入服務器 2 小時,這 2 小時將在您首次進入服務器 23 小時後重置。

  • On the Hardcore Server, you will be level 63, have 3000 skill points, and the freedom to choose between Succession or Awakening.

    在硬核服務器上,您將達到 63 級,擁有 3000 點技能點數,並可自由選擇 "繼承 "或 "覺醒"。

  • However, you won't be able to use skill addons.


  • The overall objective of the Hardcore Server is to accumulate as many survival and quest points within the 2 hours before making your escape.

    硬核服務器的總體目標是在逃離前的 2 小時內積累儘可能多的生存和任務積分。

  • First, you'll earn quest points by completing Hardcore Server daily quests, which differ each day and dying will not decrease these points.


  • You can also receive quests randomly while fighting monsters on the Hardcore Server.


  • These quests can be completed over multiple days, and even if you don't complete them today, you'll still get a significant boost to your quest points in future playthroughs.


  • Then there are survival points, which you earn by killing monsters and other adventurers.


  • However, be careful, because you will lose 30% of the points upon death.

    不過要小心,因為一旦死亡,您將失去 30% 的積分。

  • Monsters with higher requirements are worth more points, and you can take points away from other adventurers by killing them in the Hardcore Server.


  • Remember, when you kill an adventurer with less than 20% of your survival points, a minus 30% penalty is applied to your survival points.

    記住,當你用少於 20% 的生存點數殺死一名冒險者時,你的生存點數會受到負 30% 的懲罰。

  • Once you've reached the points you're aiming for, it's time to hand them in.


  • You can turn in the points you've earned by offering them to the Mysterious Light, or through the randomly spawned Light of Offering.


  • On the Hardcore Server, you play with exclusive gear which can be obtained directly from monster kills, or can be purchased from NPCs in each sanctuary by spending Hardcore Server coins, earned from selling junk and gear.

    在 "硬核服務器 "上,您可以使用專屬裝備進行遊戲,這些裝備可以通過擊殺怪物直接獲得,也可以通過出售垃圾和裝備獲得的 "硬核服務器 "金幣從各避難所的 NPC 處購買。

  • However, if your character dies, there's a chance that all your gear's durability will be reduced to zero, making it unusable.


  • So, survival is one of the crucial parts of the Hardcore Server.


  • A unique aspect is the specialised gear, which can be found by hunting monsters that have a chance to drop items with special stats.


  • These items are much more powerful, increasing stats such as extra human damage, or extra monster damage.


  • On the Hardcore Server, you earn survival points by fighting monsters and other adventurers.


  • So, it's very important to make situational decisions based on your gear and where you are.


  • If you're lucky enough to have bonus human damage gear, you'll earn far more survivability points from fighting adventurers than you will from hunting monsters.


  • If you have bonus monster damage gear, you'll be able to hunt in monster zones with much higher recommended stats.


  • If you don't have the gear, it's important to defeat monsters that match your recommended attack and defence to ensure earning both quest points and survival points.


  • Since the gear you earn today can be used on the Hardcore Server tomorrow, you can also strategise to farm gear today and fight adventurers tomorrow.


  • However, there are a lot of variables on the Hardcore Server.


  • There are bosses, like Layton and Puteran, that appear at regular intervals and drop great items when hunted.

    雷頓和普特蘭等 Boss 會定時出現,獵殺它們時會掉落大量物品。

  • Special raids from shrouded warriors, monsters like those found in the Pit of the Undying, which reward you with unique items.


  • Wandering merchants that can be found in some monster zones can make it easier to purchase items.


  • And the Dark Fog, a Battle Royale-like area that appears when a certain number of adventurers are travelling or gathered in close proximity.


  • As an adventurer, you'll need to survive in the Hardcore Server through any means necessary to gain as many points as possible and offer them to secure them for the day.


  • When you convert your points, Hardcore Honour will be added to your Managed Currency UI.

    當您轉換積分時,"硬核榮譽 "將添加到您的 "管理貨幣 "用戶界面。

  • With the Hardcore Honour, you can obtain high-level advice of Valks, Cron Stones, Weapon Exchange Coupons and more.

    通過 "硬核榮譽",您可以獲得瓦克、克朗石、武器兌換券等高級建議。

  • You can also exchange them for Hardcore Gold Bar without limit.


  • We hope this overview helped you gain a better understanding of the Hardcore Server.


  • Thank you for watching.


Hello everyone, I'm CMMlave and today I'll be giving you a quick guide to Black Desert's Hardcore Server.

大家好,我是 CMMlave,今天我將為大家帶來《黑色沙漠》硬核服務器的快速指南。

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