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Meet Georgina.
She's been pulling all-nighters for weeks, aiming to ace that exam next month.
Meet George.
He's been burning the midnight oil for the last few months, trying to meet that deadline for the new company project.
These two show what you would call the classic textbook cases for burnout.
But the causes of burnout aren't only limited to your job.
Let's take a look at some lesser known or not very obvious causes that have an equally potent risk factor for burnout.
Negative perfectionism.
Not all perfectionism is bad, but when the perfectionist within you never lets you feel satisfied with your achievements, it can morph into perpetual stress, leading to burnout.
Christina Maslach, professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, says that distinctive indicators of burnout include a cynical attitude, exhaustion, and self-criticism.
加州大學伯克利分校心理學教授克里斯蒂娜-馬斯拉赫(Christina Maslach)說,職業倦怠的明顯指標包括玩世不恭的態度、精疲力竭和自我批評。
This means you may have a more negative attitude and be more irritable overall.
You may be annoyed and apathetic and feel like you don't have a sense of purpose or meaning in what you do.
Elusive rewards.
A study by Spring Health shows that 33% of workers aged 35 to 44 declared that insufficient paid time off, PTO, contributes to their burnout.
Spring Health 的一項研究顯示,35 至 44 歲的工人中有 33% 聲稱帶薪休假(PTO)不足導致了他們的職業倦怠。
Burnout can even sneak up on people with a genuine passion for their job.
When you risk contributing too much of your enthusiasm, time, and energy to tasks and people that don't give anything back, burnout may catch you unaware.
Classically, burnout is the triad of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and feelings of a lack of accomplishment, says Carol Bernstein, MD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.
紐約市阿爾伯特-愛因斯坦醫學院精神病學和行為科學教授、醫學博士卡羅爾-伯恩斯坦(Carol Bernstein)說,從經典角度講,職業倦怠是指人格解體、情感衰竭和缺乏成就感這三者的結合。
The absence of career growth and challenges may lead you to feeling perennially unfulfilled.
The commute diaries.
With the recent relaxations in the stay-at-home rules and with companies opening their doors for employees, the age-old ritual of commuting is slowly picking up pace again.
A 2015 study from the University of Montreal found that even your everyday commute to the workplace can increase the risk of burnout, especially if the trip between home and your office is longer than 20 minutes.
蒙特利爾大學 2015 年的一項研究發現,即使是日常通勤也會增加職業倦怠的風險,尤其是如果從家到辦公室的路程超過 20 分鐘。
The researchers found that when a commute passes 35 minutes, workers expressed more negativity towards their job.
研究人員發現,當通勤時間超過 35 分鐘時,工人們會對自己的工作表達出更多的消極情緒。
When your commute begins to resemble a mini part-time job in and of itself, this leaves you feeling like you're wasting away your life, traffic jam by traffic jam.
Maybe companies should look to allow employees to do more remote or hybrid work to lessen burnout risks at the workplace.
If your company doesn't allow that benefit, living near to your office is a great idea too.
Lack of hobbies.
Gwari Yardi, a 37-year-old writer from Melbourne, told ABC Every Day, "'At that time, I sang a lot.
來自墨爾本的 37 歲作家格瓦里-雅迪(Gwari Yardi)告訴《每天 ABC》:"'那時候,我經常唱歌。
"'It helped me slow down, "'be in the moment, and relieve stress.'"
She picked up the ukulele after a tough few years that left Gwari burnt out and exhausted.
幾年的艱苦歲月讓 Gwari 焦頭爛額、精疲力竭,在經歷了這些之後,她重新拾起了尤克裡裡琴。
Music was a huge comfort.
Hobbies like music or arts and crafts helped attach you from daily stresses, and you feel refreshed.
A research study in the Association of Enjoyable Leisure Activities with Psychological and Physical Wellbeing concluded that hobbies positively impact both mental and physical health.
Hobbies like painting or DIY crafts have a therapeutic effect on people.
繪畫或 DIY 手工藝等愛好對人有治療作用。
Participants noticed lower blood pressure, improved cortisol levels, and better physical functioning.
Another study from New Zealand found activities like songwriting, creative writing, knitting, or art increased wellbeing levels that lasted into the next day.
Overachiever mindset.
We live in a culture that values work and productivity immensely, and where the get rich or die trying philosophy has gotten the best of us.
我們生活在一個非常重視工作和生產力的文化中,"要麼致富,要麼死 "的理念讓我們的生活達到了極致。
From movies to music or the motivational culture, these things often describe happiness on the scale of money or success.
Even the pseudo-psychological motivation from influencers tells you to push your limits and try harder every day.
This mindset is highly misleading and toxic.
Resilience coach Debra Bullcock says it can easily become exhausting and overwhelming as the constant mental and psychological load causes significant internal stress, taking the burnout risk up to danger levels.
復原力教練黛布拉-布爾科克(Debra Bullcock)說,這很容易讓人精疲力竭、不堪重負,因為持續的精神和心理負擔會造成巨大的內部壓力,使職業倦怠風險上升到危險水準。
Perceived lack of control.
Do you feel like you lack autonomy at your workplace?
Is it difficult to access resources or have a say in decisions impacting your professional life?
According to the Mayo Clinic, things like feeling a lack of control, work-life imbalance, lack of social support, and doing things that don't align with your values are major contributors to burnout.
根據梅奧診所(Mayo Clinic)的說法,感覺缺乏控制、工作與生活失衡、缺乏社會支持以及所做的事情與自己的價值觀不一致等,都是導致職業倦怠的主要原因。
Feeling out of control can take a toll on your wellbeing, according to author and life coach Elizabeth Sanders.
作家兼生活教練伊麗莎白-桑德斯(Elizabeth Sanders)認為,失控感會影響你的健康。
If you feel like you need to always be on call, it can take a toll on your sense of self and wellbeing.
Childhood trauma.
Many adult issues tie back to childhood experiences, and research suggests that adverse childhood experiences, called ACEs, can have an impact on how people deal with stress and increase the likelihood of burnout in adulthood.
許多成人問題都與童年經歷有關,研究表明,童年的不良經歷(稱為 ACE)會影響人們應對壓力的方式,並增加成年後出現職業倦怠的可能性。
A study on childhood adversity at the University of Texas at El Paso School of Nursing found that undergraduate students who were exposed to a higher number of ACEs, such as abuse, neglect, or family dysfunction, experienced higher levels of burnout and depression.
德克薩斯大學埃爾帕索分校護理學院一項關於童年逆境的研究發現,遭受虐待、忽視或家庭功能障礙等較多 ACE 的大學生,其職業倦怠和抑鬱程度較高。
Identifying and admitting when you're burnt out is half the battle.
And when you have a place to start, you can take steps to address the issue and help improve your life.
Ignoring it won't make it go away.
Rather, making changes to your daily routine can help.
You're not alone in this battle.
If you're feeling burnt out, ask for help.
Prioritize self-care.
Putting yourself first is not selfish, it's mandatory.
Do things you enjoy, and say no to things that only add to your stress.
Long walks, bath bombs, yoga, Netflix, whatever makes you feel good is what you should do.
And remember, you matter.
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