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Hi, I'm Ryder creator of the bullet journal and today I want to take some time to answer the most common question that I get about my upcoming book the bullet journal method which is What's new in the book?
That's not already available online Okay So maybe we should start by taking a step back and ask ourselves, what is the bullet journal?
Okay So when people ask me what the bullet journal method is I usually say that it's a Mindfulness practice that's disguised as a productivity system Okay, so what does that mean?
好吧,當人們問我什麼是 "子彈日記法 "時,我通常會說這是一種偽裝成生產力系統的正念練習。
Well, let's break that down On the one hand is the system On The other hand we have the practice Most people are only familiar with the system.
This is what you know and love the system helps us increase our productivity Whereas the practice helps us improve our ability to be mindful The System helps us make the most effective use of both our time and our energy and That's really what guides our actions Mindfulness helps us be more present and aware it helps us check in with ourselves and Figure out what matters to us what is meaningful in other words.
It helps us surface and clarify our beliefs So in the most basic terms the system helps us organize our what The things that we have to do our responsibilities are to-do lists and so on whereas the practice Helps us clarify our why now The system Helps us become more organized And helps us get through the day and wrestle and juggle all our many responsibilities Practice Helps us identify Patterns and things That we believe to be meaningful It helps us take a step back from the rush of our busy lives Helps us check in with ourselves and in that space a lot of times we have Insight and ideas the problem is if we don't know or understand why we're working on what we're working on We Enter this cycle Right where you're just kind of working for work's sake, but it's probably not fulfilling now The problem with just having ideas and having these insights is if they don't play an active role in your life You tend to forget them and this is where the book comes in On the one hand we have productivity, on the other hand we have mindfulness This is what the book is about where productivity and mindfulness come together Where we get into a place Where we can take our insights and then we can put them into action Using you guessed it The bullet journal It's about combining your what with your why Understanding how you can align your actions with your beliefs and that Is what I refer to As intentionality So there you have it essentially what the book is about Is about this space right here This is what the bullet journal methods all about.
是以,從最基本的角度來說,系統幫助我們組織我們的 "什麼"。實踐幫助我們明確 "現在為什麼"。 系統幫助我們變得更有條理,幫助我們度過每一天,在眾多責任中掙扎和周旋。幫助我們從繁忙的生活中抽身而出 幫助我們審視自己,在這個空間裡,很多時候我們會有洞察力和想法,但問題是,如果我們不知道或不理解我們為什麼要做我們正在做的事情,我們就會進入這個循環,在這個循環中,你只是為了工作而工作、如果這些想法和見解沒有在你的生活中發揮積極作用,你就會忘記它們,而這正是這本書的作用所在、這就是這本書的內容,生產力和正念在這裡
It's about aligning your actions with your beliefs your what with your why So you can take the things that you find to be meaningful in your life To put them into action So you can live a life of intention one that is both purposeful and Full of meaning and don't worry if you don't know what is meaningful to you or what your purpose is.
That's fine That's what the book delves into it shows you a variety of different techniques tricks and tips that allow you to start Clarifying the things that are meaningful to you the things that are valuable it provides the foundation That will allow you to discover that for yourself.
So that's really what the book is about On the one hand we'll delve into the system Which covers a lot of the topics that you already know and love in much greater detail on the other hand We'll explore a lot of new territory which can take your bullet journal practice To a whole different level and make the experience of bullet journaling significantly richer and I believe a lot more impactful I can't tell you how excited I am to get this book into your hands The book comes out October 23rd But it is available for pre-order now And if you pre-order your book between today and October 22nd, you'll also get 25% off the official bullet journal notebook I'll link it in the details below if you're excited about the book I'd kindly ask that you pre-order your copy If you have any questions about the book, please leave them in the comments below And if you want to follow along with the series about the book, please be sure to subscribe to our Channel Thank you for watching and I'll talk to you next week