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  • When receiving a call on iPhone, you may see a screen with two buttons, red to decline and green to accept.

    用 iPhone 接聽電話時,你可能會看到螢幕上有兩個按鈕,紅色代表拒絕,綠色代表接受。

  • But other times you may see a screen with a slider that says slide to answer with no option to decline.

    但在其他時候,你可能會看到螢幕上有一個滑塊,上面寫著 "滑動接聽",而沒有拒絕的選項。

  • So what's going on here?


  • Well, Apple actually provides two different incoming call screens depending on the state of the device.


  • If it's unlocked and being used, it'll show the red and green buttons.


  • If it's locked, the slider appears instead.


  • The reason Apple does this is to prevent users from accidentally answering or declining calls while their phone is in their pocket, bag or purse.


  • The buttons are easier to press, so Apple only shows them if you're actively using the phone.


  • While the slider is much harder to activate accidentally.


  • But this wasn't always the case.


  • The first five versions of iOS only had one incoming call screen with the red and green buttons.

    iOS 的前五個版本只有一個帶有紅綠按鈕的來電螢幕。

  • But users complained that they would accidentally decline or answer when reaching for their iPhone to see who was calling.

    但用戶抱怨說,當他們伸手去拿 iPhone 看誰打來電話時,會不小心拒絕或接聽。

  • So in iOS 6, Apple introduced the slide to answer feature when iPhone was locked.

    是以,在 iOS 6 中,蘋果推出了在 iPhone 鎖定時滑動接聽電話的功能。

  • But it wasn't really a new concept though.


  • Apple would use slide to unlock since the original iPhone to prevent users from accidentally unlocking their device and dialing numbers.

    蘋果公司從最初的 iPhone 開始就使用滑動解鎖技術,以防止用戶意外解鎖設備並撥打號碼。

  • This was actually a common issue with mobile phones at the time, and it was called butt dialing.

    這其實是當時手機的一個常見問題,被稱為 "屁股撥號"。

  • Almost anyone who had a cell phone experienced this.


  • In fact, when iPhone was introduced, many people assumed butt dialing would become more common since the screen was activated by touch.

    事實上,當 iPhone 推出時,許多人都認為按鍵撥號會變得更加普遍,因為螢幕是通過觸摸激活的。

  • But because Apple used the slide to unlock feature, it became less of an issue.


  • In today, butt dialing hardly ever happens.


  • Which is why it was a no-brainer to use the same feature for the incoming call screen, making it almost impossible for users to accidentally answer or decline calls.


  • In fact, Apple may have made it too difficult.


  • Because many users don't even know how to decline a call when the slide to answer screen appears, since there's no visual cue.


  • But it can be done by double pressing the side button.


  • So that is why iPhone has two ways to answer calls.

    是以,iPhone 有兩種接聽電話的方式。

  • This is Greg with Apple explained, thanks for watching till the end and I'll see you in the next video.


When receiving a call on iPhone, you may see a screen with two buttons, red to decline and green to accept.

用 iPhone 接聽電話時,你可能會看到螢幕上有兩個按鈕,紅色代表拒絕,綠色代表接受。

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