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  • I've paid my dues, time after time, I've done my sin, but committed no crime, and by mistake I've made it for you.


  • I've had my share of sin kicked in my face, but I've come through.


  • We are the champions, my friends, and we'll keep on fighting to the end.


  • We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers, cause we are the champions.


  • You are the champions, my friends, and you'll keep on fighting to the end.


  • You are the champions, you are the champions, no time for losers, cause you are the champions of the world.


  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.


  • We will, we will rock you.


I've paid my dues, time after time, I've done my sin, but committed no crime, and by mistake I've made it for you.


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A2 US 冠軍 付出 失敗 朋友 代價 時間

皇后樂隊 + 亞當-蘭伯特 - "你是冠軍"(新鎖定版本!用手機錄製!)。 (Queen + Adam Lambert - 'You Are The Champions' (New Lockdown version! Recorded on mobile phones!))

  • 1 1
    Taproot posted on 2025/03/17
Video vocabulary