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How do you help people be consistent long enough to form new habits?
So you have to use intrinsic and extrinsic motivations.
So you have to start everybody off with, why is it important for you
to be able to develop these new beliefs?
Like, what would your life be like if you had them right now?
You have to give them a benefit that's greater than the switch cost.
That's interesting.
So the switch cost is something that our brain resists.
The only human that likes change is a wet baby!
Every other human being is resistant to it
because safety first in homeostasis and energy conservation.
So we are biologically wired not to want to change.
So we have to deliberately coax the brain into motivational reasons, emotional reasons, you have to have intrinsic reason,
why must you do this?
And so you can use pain as a frame as well.
So if you don't, then are you okay with your life being like this at this age, in 5 years, in 10 years, in 20 years?
And if you're okay with that, then you're you're not a candidate for change.
But if you're committed to letting go of the old, so you can create the new,
and you create motivations every day, that's where the power is.
Remember earlier, progress, not perfection.
So anybody can do one minute, or or 10 seconds.
So if you can start to formulate a habit, a daily habit, a weekly habit.
It doesn't matter how long it is, if you can create that space in your brain
that on this day, at this time, this is what I do and you do that repeatedly,
that becomes a habit and it takes those 66 days or so for a simple habit that you have to consciously do
to then the habit doing you.
Because habits run their themselves, their subconscious programs just run themselves.
Most people don't take the time to become aware, what are my empowering habits?
What are my disempowering habits? And then the next question is, well how do I release this one?
And how do I strengthen this one or create a whole new one?
I have this rituals line, as well, I do something called brush and prime.
So on my bathroom mirror, I have my goals that are on my mirror.
So that as I'm brushing my teeth, I'm priming my brain to see my goals in front of me every morning and every night.
I love that.
So that's priming your brain, which is a whole other topic we can have.
And then the accomplishment boards reminds me, whenever I look at the stuff that I've accomplished, I go, that wasn't easy.
I mean there were a lot of ups downs, highs, lows, failures, you know, times I thought I'd quit and I didn't.
So it's to remind me to go through the times that I don't think I'm going to be able to achieve those things.