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  • Hello and welcome to another video tutorial.

  • This time around we're going to be covering the definitive agreement, which is a key part of any M&A process, any M&A deal, at least any M&A process that results in an actual closed deal.

  • And to go through it, we're going to be looking at a case study, or a mini case study really, of this $10.4 billion Amgen Onyx deal in the pharmaceutical industry.

  • So I have up on screen a link to the actual agreement.

  • They call this agreement a plan of merger, but really it is a definitive agreement between Onyx, the seller, and then Amgen, the buyer.

  • So we're going to be using that as our case study.

  • Now just to remind you, why does this matter?

  • What is important about this?

  • Well, the definitive agreement spells out the finalized key deal terms.

  • So the price, the form of transaction, if there's cash involved versus stock, if there is cash versus debt, if it's a cash deal, what the treatment of options is, what the treatment of RSUs, restricted stock units, is.

  • So it spells out all those key terms and it directly impacts the effective purchase price of the deal.

  • Now the reason why you have to care about this, if you're going into investment banking or private equity or something else where you're buying and selling entire companies, is that often you will have to create summaries that get passed around to your team that summarizes these key deal terms and keep everyone in the loop.

  • Also if you are running a merger model or a valuation of a deal, for example, you need to look at the agreement and look at the exact share counts, the treatment of options and RSUs in the agreement in order to get all the numbers accurate.

  • So it is important.

  • Lawyers do handle a lot of it, but even if you are on the finance side, you still need to understand these types of agreements, how to read them, and how to extract the key information.

  • Now how do you read a definitive agreement?

  • What do you do?

  • Where do you find them?

  • Well, for U.S. based companies, you can go to the EDGAR site, so I have a link in this Excel file, and if you go here you can just search by company name and bring up filings for companies.

  • Now what I've already done here is in a separate window, I've already brought up all the filings for Onyx Pharmaceuticals, and what you want to do here is look for anything that is labeled 8K for U.S. based companies, and the 8K filings will be the ones that actually contain the definitive agreement in most cases.

  • So there are a bunch of other filings whenever a company announces an acquisition, but that's usually the one that you want to be looking for.

  • For non-U.S. based companies, you'll have to go to the investor relations section of their site and look there for these types of agreements.

  • Now when you actually get the agreement, so after you've gone through this, you've clicked on a couple of these links, checked out the 8Ks, and actually found the one that contains the definitive agreement, sometimes it takes a bit of guesswork because you might see something like this pop up, and it's not immediately clear from this if this one actually has the definitive agreement or not.

  • So it takes a bit of trial and error, but you can find it without too much effort if you look for 8Ks issued around the date of the deal announcement, so usually a day or two after that.

  • So once you've brought up the definitive agreement here, how do you actually read through it?

  • Now as you can see, it's pretty massive.

  • If you turn this into a PDF, it is about 100 pages, and if you just go to the table of contents, you can see it's around 74 pages here.

  • So the last thing you want to do is actually try to read through all this from beginning to end, unless you secretly want to be a lawyer or you are really bored and you actually like this type of exercise.

  • It's pretty mind-numbing.

  • A lot of this is very much boilerplate language taken from other templates, so there are not that many sections that are actually relevant to what you do in the finance industry.

  • So let's go through this, and what I'm going to do here is in the accompanying blog post to this video tutorial, I have a lot of the key terms that you see in the definitive agreement laid out and explained, and what we're going to do in this mini case study is just go through this and show how they apply to this particular deal.

  • So the first piece of important information, the buyer, the seller, the price, the type of transaction, this is almost always listed in the beginning in the section that says the offer right here.

  • So let's just scroll down quickly and take a look at this.

  • And by the way, as we go through this, we're going to be using CTRL-F or CMD-F on the Mac to find things in this agreement easily.

  • We're also going to be making use of this table of contents to more quickly locate information.

  • So let's go take a look down, and you can see here that they spell out the parent, that's the buyer, and then the company, that stands for the seller, Onyx Pharmaceuticals.

  • And then you can see here that they are acquiring all of the outstanding shares of the company's stock for $125 per share of company common stock.

  • So this is telling you a couple important things just in the single line.

  • First off, it is a deal for 100% of another public company.

  • They're acquiring all the common stock.

  • It is a stock purchase as opposed to an asset purchase because they're not just acquiring selected assets and assuming certain liabilities.

  • They're acquiring everything, including on balance sheet and off balance sheet assets, liabilities, and other obligations.

  • They're paying $125 per share in cash for that.

  • And above this, they mention that it is a cash tender offer, meaning that essentially the shareholders all vote on it and they submit the information.

  • And once a sufficient number vote in favor of it, then the deal goes through.

  • So just that one paragraph is already telling you a lot of important information.

  • And in terms of other things here, sometimes you see things like earnouts, callers, exchange rates, but in this case, it's just a 100% cash deal.

  • So you don't have anything like that.

  • It gets more interesting when you have private sellers or when you're using stock to fund the deal.

  • Now, one thing that's interesting to note here is that although they say $125 per share of company common stock, they're not telling us whether Amgen is using cash on hand or debt to finance this deal.

  • So it's going to take some more digging through the filings to figure that out.

  • So that's just one interesting point to note here that they may not tell you everything that you need to know upfront like that.

  • They only have certain pieces of information in the very beginning.

  • Let's keep going.

  • So treatment of outstanding options, shares, RSUs, other dilutive securities.

  • So for this one, the easiest way to find it rather than scrolling through, what we want to do is go up to the top and look for terms like shares, options.

  • We have conversions of shares right here that looks promising.

  • And then as we go down, let's take a look.

  • So I could just do this smart way and search for options.

  • And sure enough, we see right there, company options, RSUs.

  • So those are the two relevant sections there, and I found them just by looking for shares and options.

  • So let's look at conversion of shares first.

  • And they have it right here.

  • So I just did a control F find to find this.

  • And this is really not saying anything too interesting.

  • This is just saying that all the shares get canceled and each shareholder receives $125, the offer price in cash instead.

  • Now the more interesting part is what happens to options.

  • So let's go take a look at that.

  • And what I want to do is find that.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • So company options, RSUs, let's take that, do a control F to find that.

  • And sure enough, here we go.

  • Section 6.2.

  • Now this is a lot of dense language, but basically what it's saying is that all the options, whether they are vested or unvested or exercisable or unexercisable, will effectively be cashed out.

  • Because look at this.

  • They'll be canceled and converted into the right to receive an amount in cash equal to the excess of the offer price over the exercise price of the company option.

  • So any in-the-money option, in other words, is going to be cashed out.

  • So if the strike prices on the options are $8 or $100, let's say, and the offer price is $125, well, each option holder there gets $25 in cash.

  • That's really all it's saying.

  • And they have some other terms for other things here.

  • Basically the long short of it is that any options that are not already vested will vest by December 15th, 2013, and they'll be paid out in cash by the end of 2013.

  • So a lot of dense looking language here, but that's the quick version of what this is saying.

  • And then as you go down for the RSUs, restricted stock units, for other forms of equity awards here, basically all that's happening is they're all getting swapped out and replaced and paid out.

  • And each award holder, each stockholder here is getting the $125 in cash is what all this language here is saying.

  • So this one is important to note because this is one of the terms, one of the few terms in the agreement that actually impacts your work as an analyst or associate or someone else in finance.

  • Because if options are cashed out, that's going to increase the effective cash purchase price for the company.

  • Whereas if they're assumed, in other words, if they're converted into options on the buyer's stock or into buyer shares or something else like that, well, that's going to reduce the cash purchase price, but now they're going to have additional shares outstanding or additional options outstanding.

  • So it's important to just get this right, because if you want to be very precise with your merger model or with looking at this transaction in the future, and instead of transaction comps, for example, you need to know this kind of information because it's going to affect all the numbers.

  • There are also convertibles here, which I'm kind of skipping over because this is less interesting to look at, but to show you that really quickly, I'm just going to do a search for convertible senior notes.

  • And you can see here, they're saying 5.8 million shares, 4% convertible senior notes worth about 230 million.

  • And with this one, they're not actually directly telling us here what happens, but they're saying on one of the supporting schedules here, they spell out the conversion price of those shares.

  • So we need to look at that.

  • They spelled the conversion price of those convertible notes.

  • So we would need to look at that to get all the information for that one.

  • Now represent representations and warranties, covenants.

  • So a few quick things to point out here.

  • This is these sections are less relevant to what you do as an analyst or associate, but I do want to still go through a few things.

  • Let's go up to the top and go through the table of contents again.

  • And you can see right here, representations and warranties of the company.

  • So for the seller, and then for the parent and purchaser, this section is a lot shorter for the parent and purchaser.

  • I'm not even going to show you what it looks like because this is really all legal boilerplate language.

  • But essentially the parent and purchaser has to agree that they represent themselves properly, that they have the funding to do the deal and so on and so forth.

  • And then the seller has to represent and warrant a whole lot more here.

  • So they have to say that they're in compliance with the SEC, with their accounting, with taxes, with legal requirements, and so on and so forth.

  • So you can go look at this yourself.

  • This is not particularly interesting, so I'm going to skip over this part of this agreement.

  • Now for the covenants, this gets a little bit more interesting.

  • I'm going to show you a few quick things here.

  • So certain covenants of the company, section five.

  • Let's break it down and see what this has.

  • So in this part, this first part, they're just saying that they'll provide proper access to conduct due diligence for the buyer in case anything else comes up.

  • And then here, what's interesting to note here is that you might expect that they have to agree to certain things, such as the fact that they'll continue operating the business.

  • But look at this.

  • They're also restricting the dividends that they can issue, any stock issuances, repurchases, stock splits, things like that.

  • And then also, if you keep scrolling down here, take a look at this.

  • They're even restricting the capital expenditures the company can make.

  • So isn't this interesting?

  • They've already agreed in advance the capital expenditures.

  • They have them on schedule.

  • It's not directly in the definitive agreement, but it is somewhere else.

  • It's on one of the supporting schedules.

  • And they're actually limiting the amount of CapEx that the seller can spend in this case.

  • So you can see some of the numbers here.

  • Just interesting to look at because this is often something that you'll see in debt covenants if a company is raising debt.

  • But here you also see it in the definitive agreement.

  • So this could come up because, for example, if your financial model shows CapEx above a certain level for the combined company or for the seller, well, if it's in violation of this term of the agreement, you probably need to go back and rethink your assumptions there.

  • Next thing to go through here, the solicitation clause.

  • So let's go up.

  • Now, when a buyer acquires a seller, of course, they don't want to be outbid.

  • They want their price to be the best and final price for the deal.

  • But what often happens is other people hear about the deal.

  • They submit bids and they try to outbid the buyer or submit a proposal that's superior in some way.

  • And there's a question, can the company respond to those proposals?

  • Can the company go out and seek proposals or alternative bids on its own?

  • And this is what the solicitation clause is about.

  • So normally for public companies, for a standard deal between two corporate entities like this, so corporations, not private equity firms, usually the way it works is that a company can respond to other bids, but they can't go out and actively solicit them in most cases.

  • So this is called a window shop where they can respond to other offers, but they and they're required to share them with the buyer in this case, Amgen, but they cannot actually go out on their own.

  • Now, sometimes what happens is it's more of a go shop situation where they actually can go out and do that, especially if there hasn't been a real market check.

  • So if there hasn't been an auction process with a lot of other people bidding on the company, then in some cases they'll get 30 days, 60 days to go out and to do their own market check and verify that no other superior offers actually come in.

  • So just interesting to look at this and how it works.

  • This differs depending on if it's a private seller.

  • It also differs depending on whether it's a private equity deal or a corporate buyer.

  • Now the financing section.

  • So let's just do a quick search for this again.

  • What's interesting here is they mentioned the letters of commitment, so the commitment letters from the lenders, but they don't actually tell you the total amount of funding, the total amount of debt that Amgen is using, which is kind of frustrating, but it often happens with these agreements.

  • So what you need to do is go look at other press releases.

  • And if you do that, I'm just pulling up this other press release that's listed along with the definitive agreement in the 8K documents on the SEC site.

  • So if you go and do that, take a look at this.

  • They're saying here that they have $8.1 billion of bank loans, five-year terms, an interest rate of LIBOR plus 104 basis points, so basically LIBOR plus 1.04%.

  • So that is where they're actually telling you something about the debt.

  • But it's interesting to note that this does not appear directly in the definitive agreement.

  • Next few things here.

  • So termination fee.

  • So let's do a search for this one again.

  • The termination fee, this is designed to make sure that both parties are actually taking this seriously and want to get the deal done, because what happens is if it falls apart, the seller will owe the buyer a whole lot of money, $303 million to be specific.

  • So the point of this is that they don't want to spend time and effort drafting this whole agreement, negotiating the deal, doing everything else, if both sides aren't serious about it.

  • So they have this fee in place to ensure that if it falls apart, someone ends up paying and effectively compensating them for the wasted time spent putting this deal together.

  • So $303 million, what does that really mean?

  • Well, if you do the math, so it's a $10.4 billion deal.

  • So $303 divided by $10.4 billion, it's around 2.9%, 3%.

  • So that's pretty standard, 2 to 3% is pretty standard for this, 4% is getting more aggressive, but anything in that range is pretty typical to see for this one.

  • The indemnification clause, this is more relevant for private companies.

  • Basically what happens if they lied about reps and warranties, or they had some huge liability or other obligation that they didn't disclose, usually there's some type of minimum liability before this kicks in, that is called a basket.

  • And then there's a maximum amount that they can potentially get in damages from the company that's called a cap.

  • So sometimes there are baskets and caps here.

  • Usually though for public sellers, this doesn't apply because they disclose so much more to begin with.

  • Employee non-competes, there's nothing in the agreement about this one, so I'll save you some time.

  • This one is more relevant if you have a huge company that's buying a startup that's dependent on a few people and you don't want those people to leave.

  • So something like Google buying YouTube or Facebook buying Instagram, for example, scenarios like that, you'll see these non-competes that restrict what key employees, management team members, early engineers, people like that can do or can't do.

  • Material adverse change or material adverse effect clause, this is essentially an out.

  • So what this says is if something really, really bad happens, basically, then the buyer can potentially walk away from this deal.

  • Now, this clause is often thought to be meaningless or often was thought to be meaningless in the past.

  • But ever since the financial crisis, when a lot of buyers invoked this clause to back away from deals, people have started taking it more seriously.

  • And it's interesting to note here what they define as a material adverse effect.

  • And this one depends a little bit on the industry, but let's go down.

  • And so it's just interesting to look at what types of items they actually have in this.

  • It depends a little bit on the industry, but usually you'll see company specific factors, industry specific factors.

  • Sometimes this clause is very broad.

  • Sometimes it's not that broad.

  • It's more narrow.

  • And this is something that can actually be negotiated.

  • And although a lot of it is boilerplate, it can actually change depending on how the deal negotiations go.

  • And then closing conditions, this is really the part at the very end here, conditions of the offer, it's really just summing up everything before the reps and warranties, what they have to agree to be true about their respective businesses, no material adverse effect.

  • HSR Act, so this is something specific to the US, but a certain type of regulation that mergers and acquisitions above a certain size have to clear to actually close.

  • So it just sort of sums up everything before this.

  • So that's pretty much it.

  • Those are the key points of a definitive agreement like this.

  • Really, the key things to note are the purchase price, the treatment of outstanding shares, options, RSUs, convertible notes and so on and so forth.

  • Reps and warranties, we didn't even go over this in detail, but essentially everything the company is saying is true.

  • Solicitation, financing, those can be important.

  • Termination fee.

  • These are the types of things you might have to summarize.

  • And then also note, of course, as we stated, that a lot of this information will be found in separate documents, separate press releases, as was the case here for the debt.

  • And of course, you're not going to see financial projections, you're not going to see synergies or anything like that mentioned in a definitive agreement.

  • A few other things to note here, we went through an example for two public companies, but if there's a private seller, the terms are going to be very different.

  • The agreement's usually more complex because more has to be disclosed and specified in the reps and warranties.

  • With public sellers, they disclose so much already that that's less important.

  • With stock purchases and asset purchases, so here it was a stock deal because the buyer gets everything the seller has on and off balance sheet.

  • But with an asset purchase, they can specify the assets and liabilities to be acquired or assumed.

  • So the agreements can get very, very lengthy for these types of deals.

  • There are also many regional variations here.

  • One example, what we went through before, the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act or HSR Act.

  • This is a certain type of regulatory requirement.

  • You have to file a bunch of information with the federal government and they have to review it and it has to pass all the requirements and checks before the deal can actually go through.

  • And it applies to deals above a certain size.

  • It changes a little bit from year to year or from time to time.

  • So that's it for our tutorial here.

  • Just to sum up everything again really quickly, the definitive agreement or DA matters because it spells out the finalized key deal terms.

  • It directly impacts the effective purchase price of the deal.

  • So you need to look at the agreement to calculate that precisely.

  • And you often need to create summaries for your team to pass them around and to keep everyone in the loop when you're working on a deal.

  • You can get definitive agreements by going to the Edgar site, searching for 8K filings.

  • If you're outside the US, check the investor relations section of company sites.

  • You can use the table of contents and control F to find key terms quickly.

  • We went through all the key terms already, so I'm not going to go through that again.

  • But those are some of the things to look for, some of the keywords you can search for.

  • And really, now that you understand this, now that you understand some of the key terms, go find a deal that you're interested in or companies that you're interested in.

  • Find a definitive agreement by, as we did, searching through their filings and looking up 8K filings around the time of the deal announcement and go through it and see if you can summarize the terms yourself.

  • This is great practice for you if you're about to start working or about to start an internship or anything like that, or will be in the future and you want to learn more about what you actually do on the job.

  • So that's it for tutorial on definitive agreements.

  • Hopefully you learned a lot about what goes into these agreements, what some of the key terms to focus on are, and how these actually impact the financial modeling and analytical work you do in finance.

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