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  • At Montgomery, Alabama's Carver High, the morning rush to school is now a morning rush to scroll.

  • How are your phones on?

  • New this year, middle and high school students now forced to lock away their phones before the bell rings.

  • When did they get it back?

  • 2.45. 2.45.

  • Right.

  • Principal Gary Hall pushed for the policy and the pouch to enforce it.

  • They were texting, tweeting, you name it, while classes were going in.

  • Put it in the pouch then.

  • Here's how it works.

  • At the beginning of the day, students put their cell phones in these pouches.

  • Once it's locked, it is really hard to get back open.

  • They can keep it with them.

  • They just can't open them.

  • They're sealed.

  • There you go.

  • Have a good day.

  • This unlocking magnet, the only thing designed to free them.

  • It's not completely foolproof.

  • We found a lot of cell phone cases with no phone.

  • For students.

  • Show of hands.

  • Who doesn't like the pouch?

  • It's a painful adjustment.

  • I just love watching TikTok, so I got to have my phone.

  • Why don't you like the pouch?

  • I don't like the pouch because when I'm in math class, I like to take pictures of the notes and stuff.

  • What's your favorite part?

  • We communicate more with each other now that our phone be locked up.

  • It made me pay attention when I don't got my phone.

  • Who would be using their cell phone if it weren't for the pouch?

  • That's a lot of hands.

  • What would you be doing?

  • Cheating.

  • Montgomery Public Schools isn't alone.

  • The maker of the pouch, Yonder, says they're seeing an estimated 150% increase in schools using them in 2023.

  • Now working with over 2,000 schools across the country.

  • While most parents are for the pouch, others fear their children will not have their phone when they need it most.

  • If there's an emergency, how can I contact my child?

  • I mean, I'm in panic waiting until someone from the school calls and say, well, hey, there's a shooting.

  • It's been one week.

  • Has it gone the way you thought it would?

  • I think it's going really well.

  • District Superintendent Dr. Melvin Brown tells us the benefits are worth the risk.

  • We have to find a happy medium while at the same time, our ultimate goal is to make sure everybody's 100% as safe as possible.

  • All right, so moving on.

  • Just one weekend, this school is already seeing a difference.

  • I just see engagement.

  • Honestly, I see talking.

  • They're using their words.

  • It's a revolutionized teaching for me this year.

  • Work gets done faster.

  • We move along faster.

  • A new routine.

  • Educators hope will unlock their full potential.

  • For Sapara, NBC News, Montgomery, Alabama.

  • For more information visit

At Montgomery, Alabama's Carver High, the morning rush to school is now a morning rush to scroll.

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