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  • You've heard of YOLO?

  • Yep.

  • You only live once.

  • FOMO.

  • Yep.

  • Fear of missing out, okay.

  • I want to introduce a new kind of fun concept.

  • Before I share that with you, we've got an ancient brain that's working in modern times.

  • And our ancient brain isn't as fast as adapting as modern technology, like it's rap it's rapidly changing, okay.

  • So our ancient brain is designed for survival.

  • Information right now is coming into your brain two ways, the high road and the low road.

  • And the high road is up into your thinking brain; and the low road is down into your emotional, call it the amygdala, into the emotion centers of the brain.

  • And it's coming in here to the fight/flight response mechanisms at twice the speed.

  • So it's coming in all the time information is coming in as twice as much and twice as fast before you're getting it here.

  • the thinking part of the brain. So what's happening here is, right now, you're gating out and I'm gating out. Nope, this is safe. Nope, we're safe. Nope, we're okay. This is okay, this is okay.

  • And so our brain is designed to figure out if we're going to be okay and safe here, that came from saber-toothed tigers, that came from the rustling in the bush.

  • Is it a saber-toothed or is it a bunny?

  • And so we've had to figure out how to be hyper vigilant so we could get away.

  • Our ancestors.

  • pass that down that gift down to us, but what is the we don't have saber tooths anymore.

  • So what is our modern day fear? What other people think.

  • Period.

  • So FOPO, fear of other people's opinions, right.

  • I find that to be clever.

  • That's good.

  • So right though.

  • So FOPO.

  • So that but that is our modern day threat.

  • What other people think.

  • That's why public speaking so hard for people.

  • You know, because what's it what are the stakes there?

  • What another human thinks of us?

  • So what are we really good at? Picking up facial structures, micro tells if you will, if they are being critical of us.

  • What do we do to protect ourselves? We become hyper critical of ourselves. So that we get to that, that state before somebody else might embarrass us that way.

  • And that's so we've got this self cutting mechanism, the self critiquing mechanism that we're basically beating ourselves up.

  • or tenderizing ourselves and not a good way so that we don't face those casualties publicly.

  • So our brain is great at picking up these little signals in other people so that we can adjust and provide some sort of protective mechanism from being exposed of not being good enough.

  • Our job is to love others and not give a shit what they think of us.

  • But not in a cold way, but to really love other people.

  • because we only get one emotion at a time.

  • That's how our brain works.

  • One emotion.

  • Either you are anxious or you are joyful.

  • You can't get the two at the same time.

  • So our job is to really find the right state that we want to be in, the right emotional place, and use that rather than let the brain win.

  • And the brain wins by saying, what are they thinking, what are they thinking?

  • Am I safe?

  • Am I safe?

  • Am I safe?

  • And if that is untrained and unconditioned, it will win.

You've heard of YOLO?

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