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Hi, guys. My name is Ronnie. What's your name? Cool. Today, we're going to get high. We're
going to get high learning English. We're going to talk about marijuana. Do you know
what marijuana is? I'm going to teach you some slang words about marijuana. I must warn
you, though: If you don't like marijuana, turn off the video. Don't watch it. Don't
even look at it. And don't complain. Don't go in the comments and go, "Ronnie, I don't
like marijuana." I don't care if you don't like marijuana. It's not for you to decide.
So if you want to get high with me, sit back; smoke a fatty; smoke a joint. I'm going to
teach you some really cool slang. This will help you understand movies. Maybe you're at
the movie theater, and you're watching a funny movie, a comedy. Everyone around you is laughing,
but you don't know why. Maybe someone in the movie made a marijuana reference. Maybe someone
said one of these crazy slang words that mean "marijuana", and you don't know what it means.
So I'm going to teach you how to understand movies and how to get high with some marijuana
slang. My name is Ronnie, by the way.
Usually, when we use slang, we don't say the end of words as well. We don't say "getting";
we say "gettin'". So "gettin' high" is this lesson. A long, long time ago, we had this
word called "marijuana". Now, I think this word is Spanish because some people would
say "mary-juana", but it's actually "mary-huana". It's very unusual that we would use the word
"marijuana", especially in the movies or for speaking with our friends. So you see all
these words here? These are very few examples of slang that we use to only talk about marijuana.
Let's go through them. Let's learn some pronunciation. Probably one of the most common ones is "weed".
So you might hear someone say, "Hey, man. You got some weed?" They mean "marijuana".
We also refer to it as "green" because it's green. Some people may call it "smoke" because
you smoke it. Does this make sense yet? It's also called "bud" because if you look at a
marijuana plant, it's actually the bud of the plant that grows out the of the leaf.
And you have to be careful because if you're growing marijuana, it's illegal, and you have
to separate the male and the female plants. The male plants we use for hemp, and we can
make clothes out of it and hemp seeds. The female plants are actually the plants -- thank
you, ladies -- that produce the sweet, sweet smoke of Mary Jane, marijuana. So there's
"buds", which makes sense because it's the babies -- are on the female plants. So we
call them "buds".
A word, I think, stolen from Jamaica -- yeah, man -- is "ganja". "Ganja" just means "weed".
"Grass" -- again, because it's green. See? We also call it "herb". "Reefer" -- back in
the 1960's in good ole' United States of America, there's a very famous movie called "Reefer
Madness". And they were sending out propaganda to people that if you smoked marijuana or
if you smoked a little bit of the refer or the green it would make you crazy, and you
would want to kill people; you'd probably eat some babies. Probably, if you had a marijuana
cigarette at one time, you would probably die. Again, that was propaganda from America.
Just to be funny, some people call it "wacky tabacky". I think it's more of a funny one
than what we would normally say. "Pot" is another really common word. I don't know why.
Maybe it's growing in a pot. And somebody might say, "Do you want a toke?" A "toke"
means a drag of a joint or a smoke of a joint.
All of these words are just a small amount of slang for the actual drug of marijuana.
Now, you actually have to know what to do with the marijuana. I've seen some crazy Facebook
ads where people say "injecting marijuana". Guess what, people. You do not inject marijuana.
Thank you. If you did that, you would probably die. Don't try this at home, people. How to
do it? We usually smoke it. Now, you can also eat marijuana. You can put it into butter
or into oil, and you can get these crazy things called "magic muffins" or "weed cookies".
If you do that, I'm sure they would be very delicious. I don't know. Or do I?
We call -- the thing that I was smoking earlier, that I smoked all of -- a "joint". What you're
going to have to do is you're going to have to get some kind of rolling papers. Commonly,
people will reference Zig Zag. And you're going to put the marijuana inside and roll
-- the verb "roll" a joint. You need a lighter. You light it, and you smoke it. So the most
common word we call it is a "joint". We also call it a "spliff", a "doobie" -- Uh-oh. Do
you know the band called "The Doobie Brothers"? Uh-ho. Do you think they smoked marijuana?
Also from our 1960's government propaganda, you could call this a "reefer", one of my
favorites, a "fatty". A "fatty" means that the joint is really big and fat. There's lot
of marijuana in it. Also, another one that a lot of rappers talk about, yo, is a "blunt".
Now, a "blunt" is a little bit different from a fatty, a reefer, a doobie, a spliff, and
a joint. A "blunt", you use cigar paper, and you take the tobacco out of the cigar paper,
and you put the marijuana inside, and then you roll it again. This means that your joint
is the size of a cigar. It's quite large. So you will hear especially Snoop Dogg or
Snoop Lion or whatever his name is now, talk about rolling "blunts" with his G Crew Doggs.
So a "blunt" is just a big, hollowed out cigar.
Another thing that you can do if you so desire is something called a "bong". A "bong" is
like a water pipe. You would put -- you can make a bong out of anything. You can make
it out of an apple. You can make it out of a bottle. You can make it out of a hamburger?
No. Not a hamburger. Anything that you can make two holes in and a hole at the top, you've
got yourself a bong. So the basic premise of a bong is you need a straw or something,
and you need a place to put the marijuana. Add a little hole, and then a hole in the
top. What you're going to do is you're going to light it, and the marijuana smoke is going
to come up, and you're going to smoke it. We say "hit the bong". This means you're inhaling
the marijuana smoke that you have lit. Another way to do it that is not from a joint is a
pipe. Pipe is another way to smoke the weed, the wacky tabacky. You put the marijuana in
here, and again, you light it, and you smoke, you inhale the smoke from this side of the
pipe. If you put your mouth here, you'll burn it. Don't do that. Smoke it from here.
You'll hear people calling people such names as "a stoner". Or someone's a "pot head".
These words -- they do have a little bit of a negative feeling to them, a negative connotation.
Maybe your mom will say, "That person is a stoner. He's such a pot head." A "stoner"
or a "pot head" is someone who smokes reefer almost every day. And they can use a spliff,
a doobie; they can use a blunt, a bong, a pipe -- it's your choice; it's their choice.
But it implies that they smoke too much green. They're just smoking too much.
You will hear a lot of slang in movies, in songs. People say, "I'm so high, man." And
you go, "Well, you're standing on the ground. You're not high at all, and you're quite short."
But, "I'm so high" means that you have smoked a lot of bud and you are feeling the effects
of the weed. People will also say, "I'm stoned; I'm baked; or I'm blasted." Okay? Be careful
with your -ED endings here. You want to get your pronunciation proper on this. So "stoned",
"baked", and "blasted". All of these expressions are the same as, "I'm high" or "I'm so high".
It means you are feeling the effects of the ganja, man.
One thing that may happen to you after you inhale that reefer is your mouth becomes really
dry and you need water. You need so much water that you could drink seven of these water
bottles. People say, "I got the pasties." Grammatically correct? Hell, no. Slang? Yeah.
You hear people say, "Wow, man. I've got the pasties." Sometimes, they get white saliva
in the corners of their mouths. How attractive, pot smokers! That works. But if you get the
pasties, it means your mouth is really, really dry -- some people call it "cotton mouth"
-- and you need a beer or something to drink.
Another thing that is kind of an after effect of your marijuana high is "the munchies".
You will hear people say, "Oh, man, I've got the munchies so bad", or "I've got the munchies."
"Munchies" means you want to eat everything a lot, and it doesn't matter in what order.
So you could eat cake and then potato chips and then oh, my God, a pizza, and then -- oh,
why not? I'm just going to have a hamburger. And then, some ice cream wouldn't be bad right
now. And then grilled cheese sandwich, nachos -- you have completely eaten everything in
your refrigerator. You are so full that you're going to pass out. But you had such a good
time. You were so high. Did you have fun?
Gettin' high with Ronnie's always fun. Goodbye.