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  • So I started working with refugees because I wanted to make a difference,

    因為想改變現況 我開始以幫助難民為業

  • and making a difference starts with telling their stories.

    想讓現況開始改變 得先了解他們的故事

  • So when I meet refugees I always ask them questions.

    所以 每當我與難民見面 總是會先問他們

  • Who bombed your house?


  • Who killed your son?


  • Did the rest of your family make it out alive?


  • How are you coping in your life in exile?


  • But there's one question that always seems to me to be most revealing, and that is:

    有個問題最能讓我了解他們 那就是

  • What did you take?


  • What was that most important thing that you had to take with you when the bombs were exploding in your town

    城鎮受轟炸 武裝分子接近你家時

  • and the armed gangs were approaching your house?


  • A Syrian refugee boy I know told me that


  • he didn't hesitate when his life was in imminent danger.

    他在生死關頭 毫無猶豫

  • He took his high school diploma,


  • and later he told me why.


  • He said, “I took my high school diploma because my life depended on it.”

    他說 我的人生就靠這張畢業證書

  • And he would risk his life to get that diploma.


  • On his way to school, he would dodge snipers.

    上學路上 要閃避狙擊手

  • His classroom sometimes shook with the sound of bombs and shelling.

    上課時 三不五時就能聽到炸彈與砲擊聲

  • And his mother told me,


  • Everyday I would say to him every morning


  • Honey, please don't go to school.

    親愛的 別去上學吧

  • And when he insisted, she said,

    但他堅持要去 媽媽說

  • I would hug him as if it were for the last time.

    我會擁抱他 就像永別一樣

  • But he said to his mother,


  • We're all afraid,


  • but our determination to graduate is stronger than our fear.

    但我們畢業的決心 比恐懼更強烈

  • But one day, the family got terrible news.

    有天 這家人收到駭人的消息

  • Hany's aunt, his uncle and his cousin


  • were murdered in their homes for refusing to leave their house.

    因為拒絕離開房子 在家中被屠殺了

  • Their throats were slit.


  • It was time to flee.


  • They left that day, right away, in their car,

    就在那天 他們馬上開車離開

  • Hany hidden in the back because they were facing checkpoints of menacing soldiers.

    Hany躲在後車廂 躲避一道道危險軍人的檢查哨

  • And they would cross the border into Lebanon,

    穿過邊界 進入黎巴嫩

  • where they would find peace.


  • But they would begin a life of grueling hardship and monotony.


  • They had no choice but to build a shack on the side of a muddy field,


  • and this is Hany's brother Ashraf, who plays outside.

    這是Hany的弟弟Ashraf 他正在外頭玩

  • And that day, they joined the biggest population of refugees in the world,

    這天 他們加入了世上人口最多的難民族群

  • in a country, Lebanon, that is tiny.


  • It only has 4 million citizens,


  • and there are 1 million Syrian refugees living there.


  • There's not a town, a city or a village that is not host to Syrian refugees.

    沒有一個城鎮 村莊沒收容什葉派難民

  • This is generosity and humanity that is remarkable.


  • Think about it this way, proportionately.

    換個方式想 這比例就像是

  • It would be as if the entire population of Germany, 80 million people,

    德國的總人口 八千萬人

  • would flee to the United States in just 3 years.


  • Half of the entire population of Syria is now uprooted,


  • most of them inside the country. Six and a half million people had fled for their lives.

    國內大部分的人 650萬的人為了保命而逃亡

  • Over and well over 3 million people have crossed the borders

    越過邊界的人口超過 甚至遠多於三百萬

  • and have found sanctuary in the neighboring countries,


  • and only a small proportion, as you see, have moved on to Europe.

    如你所見 只有少數人移居歐洲

  • What I find most worrying is that

    我發現 最令人擔心的是

  • half of all Syrian refugees are children.


  • I took this picture of this little girl.


  • It was just two hours after she had arrived after a long trek from Syria into Jordan.

    兩個小時前 她才剛完成從什葉到約旦的長途旅行

  • And most troubling of all


  • is that only 20 percent of Syrian refugee children are in school in Lebanon.

    黎巴嫩內 只有20%的難民孩童有去上學

  • And yet, Syrian refugee children, all refugee children tell us,

    而且 全部的什葉難民孩童都跟我們說

  • education is the most important thing in their lives.

    教育是他們人生中 最重要的事

  • Why?


  • Because it allows them to think of their future rather than the nightmare of their past.

    因為教育能讓他們想到未來 揮別過去的夢魘

  • It allows them to think of hope rather than hatred.

    讓他們擁有希望 而非仇恨

  • I'm reminded of a recent visit I took to a Syrian refugee camp in northern Iraq,

    最近 我去過北伊拉克的什葉難民營

  • and I met this girl, and I thought, she's beautiful,

    我遇見了這女孩 我覺得 她很美

  • and I went up to her and asked her, “Can I take your picture?”

    我走上前 問她說: 可以為妳拍張照嗎?

  • And she said yes,


  • but she refused to smile.


  • I think she couldn't,

    我想 是她做不到

  • because I think she must realize that she represents a lost generation of Syrian refugee children,

    可能她知道 自己正代表什葉難民孩童這個失落的世代

  • a generation isolated and frustrated.


  • And yet, look at what they fled:

    但 看看他們逃離了什麼:

  • utter destruction, buildings, industries,

    完全毀損的建築 工廠

  • schools, roads, homes.

    學校 道路 還有家

  • Hany's home was also destroyed.


  • This will need to be rebuilt


  • by architects, by engineers, by electricians.

    需要建築師 工程師 電器技師的幫忙

  • Communities will need teachers and lawyers

    社會將會需要老師 律師

  • and politicians interested in reconciliation and not revenge.


  • Shouldn't this be rebuilt by the people with the largest stake,

    重建 不是該由最主要的利益關係者

  • the societies in exile, the refugees?


  • Refugees have a lot of time to prepare for their return.


  • You might imagine that being a refugee is just a temporary state

    你們可能覺得 逃亡只是暫時的

  • Well, far from it.


  • With wars going on and on,


  • the average time a refugee will spend in exile is 17 years.


  • Hany was into his second year in limbo when I went to visit him recently,

    我最近去拜訪Hany時 他流亡第二年了

  • and we conducted our entire conversation in English,


  • which he confessed to me he learned from reading all of Dan Brown's novels

    他對我招認 他的英文 是從丹布朗的小說學來的

  • and from listening to American rap.


  • We also spent some nice moments of laughter and fun with his beloved brother Ashraf.


  • But I'll never forget what he told me when we ended our conversation that day.

    但我永遠忘不了那天談話結束後 他跟我說的話

  • He said to me,


  • If I am not a student, I am nothing.”

    如果我不是學生的話 就什麼也不是了

  • Hany is one of 50 million people uprooted in this world today.


  • Never have since World War II have so many people been forcibly displaced.

    二次戰後以來 首次有這麼多人被迫離開家園

  • So while we're making sweeping progress in human health,


  • in technology, in education and design,

    科技 教育 還有設計也是

  • we are doing dangerously little to help the victims

    但對於難民 我們的付出卻少得可憐

  • and we're doing far too little to stop and prevent the wars that are driving them from their homes.

    對於終止戰爭 讓難民不再流亡 我們幾乎什麼都沒做

  • And there are more and more victims.

    而受害者 是越來越多

  • Everyday, on average, by the end of this day,

    平均每天 就在今天結束之前

  • 32,000 people will be forcibly displaced from their homes.


  • 32,000 people.


  • They flee across borders like this one.


  • We captured this on the Syrian border to Jordan,


  • and this is a typical day.


  • Or they flee on unseaworthy and overcrowded boats,


  • risking their lives, in this case, just to reach safety in Europe.

    冒著生命危險 只為了能到達安全的歐洲

  • This Syrian young man survived one of these boats that capsized,

    這名什葉青年 在翻船後 幸運存活下來

  • most of the people drowned,


  • and he told us,


  • Syrians are just looking for a quiet place,


  • where nobody hurts you,


  • where nobody humiliates you


  • and where nobody kills you


  • Well I think that should be the minimum.

    我想 這是最低限度的要求吧

  • How about a place of healing, of learning, and even opportunity?

    那醫療 學習 甚至工作機會呢?

  • You know, Americans and Europeans have the impression that,

    你知道 美國人和歐洲人有種印象是

  • proportionally huge numbers of refugees are coming to their country.


  • But the reality is

    但 事實上

  • that 86 percent, vast majority of refugees, are living in the developing world.

    有86%的難民 都是住在發展中國家

  • In countries struggling with their own insecurity,

    這些國家 有他們自己的安全問題

  • with their own issues of helping their own populations and poverty.


  • So wealthy countries in the world should recognize

    世上富裕的國家 應該要知道

  • the humanity and the generosity of the countries that are hosting so many refugees

    這些貧窮國家收容那麼多難民 是多麼慷慨大方有人性

  • And all countries should make sure that no one fleeing war and persecution arrives at a closed border.

    所有國家應該確保 難民逃離戰亂迫害時 不會受阻於封閉國界

  • Thank you.


  • But there's something more that we can do than just simply helping refugees survive.

    除了幫助難民生存以外 我們還有更多能做的

  • We can help them thrive.


  • We should think of refugee camps and communities as more than just temporary population centers,


  • where people languish waiting for the war to end.


  • Rather, as centers of excellence,


  • where refugees can triumph over their trauma


  • and train for the day that they can go home

    為了返家之日 訓練自己

  • as agents of positive change and social transformation.


  • It makes so much sense,


  • but I'm reminded of the terrible war in Somalia


  • that has been raging on for 22 years.


  • And imagine living in this camp.

    想像著 難民營裡的生活

  • I've visited this camp. It's in Djibouti, neighboring Somalia,

    我曾拜訪過難民營 那是在索馬利亞旁的吉布地

  • and it was so remote that we had to take a helicopter to fly there.


  • It was dusty and it was terribly hot.

    滿是灰塵 而且熱得要命

  • And we went to visit the school


  • and started talking to the children, and then I saw this girl across the room

    開始跟孩子們聊天後 我注意到房間對面的女孩

  • who looked to me to be the same age as my own daughter, and I went up and talked to her.

    她看著我 年紀和我女兒差不多 於是我走上前和她說話

  • And I asked her the questions that grown-ups ask kids, like,

    問了她那些大人會問小孩的問題 像是

  • What is your favourite subject?”


  • andWhat do you want to be when you grow up?”


  • And this is when her face turned blank,

    聽到這問題 她表情一片茫然

  • and she said to me,


  • “I have no future. My schooling days are over.”

    我沒有未來 我不能繼續上學了

  • And I thought there must be some misunderstanding, so I turned to my colleague

    我想這其中一定有些誤會 所以我轉向我同事

  • and she confirmed to me there is no funding for secondary education in this camp.

    同事跟我說 這難民營裡沒有資金來提供中等教育了

  • And how I wished at that moment that I could say to her,

    這一刻 我多麼希望能跟那女孩說

  • We will build you a school.”


  • And I also thought, what a waste.

    同時我也想著 多麼可惜呀

  • She should be and she is the future of Somalia.

    她應該是 也就是索馬利亞的未來

  • A boy named Jacob Atem had a different chance,

    一名叫Jacob Atem的男孩有不同的命運

  • but not before he experienced terrible tragedy.


  • He watched, this is in Sudan,

    這是在蘇丹 他看著

  • as his village, he was only seven years old,burned to the ground,

    他的村莊 被徹底燒光 當時他才七歲

  • and he learned that his mother and his father and his entire family were killed that day.

    他知道 他爸媽 還有全家 都死於那天

  • Only his cousin survived and the two of them walked for 7 months,

    只有他表弟還活著 他們兩人一起走了七個月

  • this is boys like him,


  • chased and pursued by wild animals and armed gangs,


  • and they finally made it to refugee camps where they found safety,

    最後 他們終於到達難民營 找到安全

  • and he would spend the next 7 years in Kenya in a refugee camp.

    接下來七年 他應該待在肯亞的難民營中

  • But his life changed when he got the chance to be resettled to the United States,

    但他得到機會 被安置在美國 人生因此改變了

  • and he found love in a foster family


  • and he was able to go to school.


  • And he wanted me to share with you this proud moment


  • when he graduated from university.


  • I spoke to him on Skype the other day


  • and he was in his new university in Florida,


  • pursuing his PhD in public health.


  • And he proudly told me how he was able to raise enough funds from the American public

    他很驕傲地跟我說 他能向美國大眾募集到足夠資金

  • to establish a health clinic back in his village back home.


  • So I want to take you back to Hany.


  • When I told him I was going to have the chance to speak to you here on the TED stage,

    我跟他說 我有機會站在TED講台上和你們分享

  • he allowed me to read you a poem that he sent in an email to me.

    他用EMAIL寄給我一首他寫的詩 讓我讀給你們聽

  • He wrote,


  • “I miss myself, my friends,

    我想念我自己 我的朋友

  • times of reading novels or writing poems,


  • birds and tea in the morning.

    想念早晨的茶 以及小鳥們

  • My room, my books,

    想念我的房間 我的書

  • myself,


  • and everything that was making me smile.


  • Oh, oh, I had so many dreams that were about to be realized.”

    噢 當時我有好多夢想都快要實現

  • So here's my point:


  • Not investing in refugees is a huge missed opportunity.

    不投資難民的話 會失去很多很多機會

  • Leave them abandoned and they risk exploitation and abuse,

    任由他們被遺棄 受到剝削與暴力威脅

  • and leave them unskilled and uneducated,

    坐視他們無法接受教育 無一技之長

  • and delay by years the return to peace and prosperity in their countries.

    虛度好幾年 才能回到和平卻貧窮的祖國

  • I believe how we treat the uprooted will shape the future of our world.

    我相信 我們對待難民的方法 能改變這世界的未來

  • The victims of war can hold the keys to lasting peace,


  • and it's the refugees who can stop the cycle of violence.

    能終止暴力循環的 就是這些難民

  • Hany is at a tipping point.


  • We would love to help him go to university and to become an engineer,

    我們很樂意幫助他上大學 當工程師

  • but our funds are prioritize for the basics in life,


  • tents and blankets and mattresses and kitchen sets,

    像是帳篷 毛毯 床墊 廚具

  • food rations and a bit of medicine.

    食物 還有一些藥物等等

  • University is a luxury.


  • But leave him to languish in this muddy field


  • and he will become a member of a lost generation.


  • Hany's story is a tragedy,

    Hany的故事 是個悲劇

  • but it doesn't have to end that way.


  • Thank you.


So I started working with refugees because I wanted to make a difference,

因為想改變現況 我開始以幫助難民為業

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