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  • - Hello Keira. - Hello.

  • - Lovely to meet you. - And you.

  • - So, I saw this film yesterday. - Yes.

  • Can I say, there was a lot of people in the room and, when you're about to sing-

  • Yes?

  • I could feel that my face might have been like-

  • Oh, this is going to be awful.

  • - It's Keira Knightley... - Thanks.

  • Thanks for the vote of confidence.

  • - And then. - Yes?

  • - There's this 'What!' - Well that's good.

  • There's a collective moment where people were like, well we didn't know that.

  • Wow. Well that's good! That's good. Thanks.

  • And it is you, isn't it?

  • It is me. Yeah, it's me. Singing. Yes.

  • Without training or?

  • I did about three lessons with somebody who was really nice and gave me lots of scales

  • to do. Told me to get in the shower and do scales. So I sang in the shower a lot,

  • doing scales.

  • What scales? Like, finding the notes?

  • Yeah. Like the-

  • -Reporter tries singing a scale-

  • Yeah. Nice. That was lovely. Yes, so I did a lot of that but they hadn't actually written

  • sort of the top lines of the lyrics until about two days before we were actually due

  • to record it, so I still had know idea what we were doing until really we got into the

  • studio and played around. And something came out and it seems to work, so that's good.

  • And it felt authentic, which is what you want.

  • It was definitely authentic, yeah. It was.

  • In fact, we're of a similar age and you reminded me a bit of the girl from Sleeper. Do you

  • remember Sleeper? They were an indie band fronted by a woman sort of around the

  • Elastica time.

  • I know nothing about music. Were they cool?

  • Yes they were.

  • And was she cool?

  • She was really cool.

  • Okay, excellent. I'll take that, thanks.

  • Yes, so you're singing in this and I felt like- Is this the closest we've got to the you

  • in a movie? You know, because she's kind of bohemian, she lives in a city, she goes out

  • with a rock star, I wondered whether-

  • - Yeah, I mean- - There are parallels.

  • There are parallels, definitely. I don't live in New York. New York's a great city. Yeah,

  • there are parallels. I think a lot of it's improvised so a lot of it's that very

  • sort of spontaneous feel. So, yes, I think probably it is somewhere near me. I mean, it's easier

  • to see it because I'm not in a corset or some sort of very stylised-

  • Or on a Pirate ship.

  • Or whatever. So, yes, I think it probably is. Quite close.

  • I mean, I was thinking maybe there could be whole future for you singing in movies.

  • I don't think so.

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Musical.

  • Oh, that would be good. I mean it's kind of Pirates of Penzance, really. It's already

  • been done.

  • Damn it, I didn't realise that.

  • Oh no, but good idea.

  • And you got spend a summer hanging out with Mark Ruffalo which just looks like- And James

  • Corden. But, you and Mark have a very easy way with each other.

  • Yeah, he's sensational. I mean, I think Mark is very definitely one of the actors' actors.

  • I mean, you're not gonna meet anybody that doesn't think he's totally brilliant. And

  • just the opportunity to watch how he works. And he's such a lovely man and funny and intelligent

  • and I can't say enough good things about him, so it was a very lovely summer siting on various

  • doorsteps, occasionally trying to shoot some scenes, but laughing a lot.

  • Well, there's lots of bits of you and him just dancing, walking around,

  • listening to music.

  • Yeah.

  • Are you actually listening to music or are you having to-

  • No, we are actually listening to music, so we did actually have- I think all of the music

  • that's been used, we had. And I think that was some of the funnest stuff to shoot because

  • we were on night shoots so we'd be in a kind of van an just try to jump out and dance around

  • a bit and hope nobody noticed and jump back in the van and find a different location.

  • Are people wandering past going 'That's Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo shaking their shoulders'?

  • You see, the thing about New York is that everybody's very cool so nobody's very impressed

  • and so many things get shot there that all they want is for you to get out of the way.

  • So I think we got shouted at quite a lot. And really the whole kind of game of the film

  • was to try and get the scene done before we actually got shouted at. So, yes, I think

  • it will be maybe slightly different in England. I think actually we'd be politer. We'd just

  • be a but like: 'Oh, sorry, you're shooting? Okay, I'll get u the way.' Where as they were

  • like: 'Get off the sidewalk!'

  • Or people would say 'Can I join in?'

  • Exactly which might've been actually quite fun.

  • I though Keira, as well, because you're so good at singing in that movie, how about a duet

  • with Lana Del Rey?

  • Okay.

  • I think both your faces together on screen would look-

  • Would be good? Okay. Yeah, no, that would be great. I mean, I don't really want to sing

  • again, but that would be great anyway.

  • Okay. And James Corden-

  • Is gonna sing with us?

  • Yes. With One Direction. What do you think?

  • Okay. No, I think that would be great.

  • You, Harry Styles and James.

  • Totally.

  • Up for it?

  • Yeah, sure. Are you gonna sort it out?

  • Well, you're the first part of the pitch, so.

  • I think you should, yeah. I think he'll be over the moon.

  • - Cool, very nice to meet you. - Thank you very much.

- Hello Keira. - Hello.

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凱拉-奈特莉接受採訪。女演員關於她的祕密歌唱天賦和與One Direction合作的故事 (Keira Knightley interview: Actress on her secret singing talent and collaborating with One Direction)

  • 241 29
    smileyayu posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary