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JUSTIN VAN ZANDT: My name is Justin from the YMCA on behalf of Expert Village. In this
clip, I'm going to teach you how to kickflip which is one of your most basic tricks that
you're going to need to learn before you start moving on to more advanced tricks. For the
first step, you're going to set up, set your feet up on the board. You're going to set
your front foot up a little bit behind the front bolts, halfway on, and your back foot
is going to be on the tail, in the middle of the tail, ready to pop. The next step,
you're going to want to pop the board and flick off to the side so that the board gets
some pop and then it starts flipping with your front foot and it rotates all the way
around. You catch it in the bolts and land it. In this step, you set up and you're going
to pop your back foot and flick forward and off the side of the board at the same time.
And that will give your board the flip for the kickflip and we wait for the grip tape
to come around, and you're going to catch it probably with your back foot on the bolts
and land it.