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  • What's the biggest question that you could possibly ask?

  • Surely, what it might be is, "How did everything begin?"

  • That's a question that all origin stories ask

  • and they have a huge diversity of answers.

  • Some say there wasn't a beginning

  • because everything has always existed.

  • Some say perhaps a multicolored serpent

  • was traveling through the land and as it did so,

  • it created the mountains and the rivers and the streams

  • and maybe even the stars and maybe even you and me.

  • Some say there was a sort of committee of gods

  • that created the world

  • or perhaps the one true God created the world.

  • There's a huge diversity of these stories,

  • but each of them makes claims.

  • And that's because every origin story

  • is, in a sense, an explanation.

  • It's trying to tell you how things happened.

  • And as a result of that, origin stories aren't fixed.

  • They change.

  • They change over time because new information comes in,

  • new evidence,

  • and the explanations have to change.

  • Now, what we're going to look at in this unit

  • is how the modern, scientific answer

  • to that great question emerged.

  • And we'll see that new evidence over several hundred years

  • changed the story.

  • We'll begin by going back 500 years to Europe

  • and this is because modern science

  • first flourished in Europe.

  • Europe at the time, 500 years ago,

  • was predominantly a Christian region.

  • And the Christian church, like most religions,

  • had its own answers to that question,

  • "How did everything begin?"

  • And the Christian church's answer was that God

  • created the Universe several thousand years ago,

  • but they tied that answer to a great model of the Universe

  • that had been constructed about 1,900 years ago

  • by an astronomer called Ptolemy,

  • who lived in Alexandria in Egypt.

  • Now, this is what Ptolemy's model

  • of the Universe looked like.

  • He believed that the Earth was at the center

  • of the Universe.

  • And the Earth was a realm of imperfection.

  • And around it was the realm of perfection.

  • And that realm consisted of several

  • concentric transparent spheres and those spheres carried

  • the Sun, the Moon, the stars, all the heavenly bodies

  • moving in different ways depending on which sphere

  • they were in.

  • And then beyond them was the perfect realm of Heaven.

  • Now, Ptolemy's model of the Universe

  • worked pretty well.

  • People accepted it not just because the Church

  • said they should, but also because

  • there was a lot of evidence for it.

  • And this was because astronomers in his time--

  • or astronomers in the 16th century,

  • I should say, and in Ptolemy's time--

  • were studying the Earth using the naked eye.

  • Now, think about this.

  • If you were studying the Universe

  • using just the naked eye,

  • just looking directly at the skies,

  • you might be very tempted to think

  • that the Universe revolves around the Earth, mightn't you?

  • Between 1550 and 1700, new evidence began to kick in,

  • some of it supplied by new technologies.

  • And what that did was it began to undermine

  • Ptolemy's idea of the Universe.

  • Some astronomers, for example, pointed out that every year,

  • the planets, as they orbit the Earth,

  • seem to move backwards for a period.

  • And Ptolemy's model really struggled

  • to explain that.

  • The astronomer Copernicus in the 16th century

  • pointed out that if you imagine that it's actually the Sun

  • that's at the center of the Universe

  • instead of the Earth, you could solve that problem

  • quite easily.

  • So that's one little glitch.

  • Then another astronomer, Kepler, found that the orbits

  • of the planets are actually

  • not perfect circles as Ptolemy had imagined.

  • They are ellipses, ovals like this.

  • That was a problem.

  • Third, an Italian astronomer called Galileo

  • began to use what was the hot new technology

  • of the time, the telescope.

  • And he was one of the first astronomers

  • to actually look at the heavens

  • through the telescope.

  • And what he saw showed the heavens were much less perfect

  • than Ptolemy had thought.

  • For example, if you look at the Sun,

  • it's got sunspots.

  • These are real, sort of blotches

  • on the faces of the Sun.

  • No one liked that.

  • And if you look at Jupiter, you find

  • it's not a single planet, it's got little moons,

  • lots of moons orbiting it.

  • So for all of these reasons, people began to worry

  • about Ptolemy's model.

  • And notice how new technologies, new evidence and logic

  • have begun to undermine a traditional explanation

  • of how the Universe works.

  • Late in the 17th century, the great English scientist

  • Isaac Newton began to argue that it wasn't

  • concentric spheres that held together

  • all the bodies of the Universe.

  • It was actually a mysterious force that pervaded

  • the entire Universe that was called gravity

  • and it pulled everything together.

  • By 1700, most astronomers had dropped

  • Ptolemy's model of the Universe.

  • They now came to believe there were no edges

  • to the Universe, there were no spheres

  • or perhaps, the entire Universe was infinite in size

  • and infinitely old and just held together

  • by this force of gravity.

  • Now, notice how evidence has begun

  • to change the old story.

  • This is, in fact, the first model of the Universe

  • that was scientific in the sense

  • that it was based primarily on evidence.

  • And notice one more thing.

  • Notice how scientists

  • in different parts of the world communicate with each other,

  • share their information, share their evidence

  • to construct a new story.

  • This is the process that we're going to call

  • in this course Collective Learning.

  • And here's a very powerful example of how it works.

  • Let's call this model of the Universe

  • we've just been describing "Newton's Universe."

  • It described the Universe as infinitely large

  • and infinitely old.

  • And that model worked pretty well for about 200 years.

  • Most astronomers accepted it until in the 19th century

  • problems began to emerge

  • as new forms of evidence appeared and new technologies.

  • Now, I'm going to describe this new evidence

  • and how it undermined Ptolemy's Universe very briefly.

  • Your job is to dig much deeper into the evidence.

  • So let's go.

  • What 19th century astronomers were really interested in

  • was trying to map the Universe.

  • This meant two things.

  • First, can you find the distance to stars?

  • Can you tell how far away they are?

  • And secondly, can you figure out how they're moving?

  • Now, let's begin with the problem of distance.

  • Can you imagine how could you figure out

  • how far away the stars are?

  • It's not easy at all.

  • But in fact, the Greeks, who were really good

  • at thinking about the Universe logically and rationally

  • had already figured out how you do it.

  • And the method is that of parallax.

  • Let me try and explain.

  • Now, take your finger, put it right

  • in front of your nose, and now, hold the finger steady

  • and waggle your head and notice that the finger

  • moves against the background.

  • Okay?

  • Now, move the finger away, do the same thing

  • and what you'll notice is the finger seems to move

  • far less against the background.

  • Now, the Greeks had figured out that something like this

  • might be true of the Universe.

  • If there's a star that's near us,

  • it's a bit like your finger.

  • You may see it moving against the background.

  • By figuring out how much it moves,

  • you ought to be able to calculate how far away it is

  • using trigonometry, which is the math

  • all surveyors use.

  • But there was a problem.

  • The Greeks simply didn't have the technology

  • to make precise enough measurements

  • and the movements of stars, even the very nearest,

  • are absolutely tiny.

  • So it was not until the 19th century

  • when new, better telescopes emerged that we were able

  • to make the first parallax measurements

  • and the first measurements of the distance to nearby stars.

  • Astronomers also developed a whole series of other ways

  • of measuring the distance to stars.

  • I'll give you just one more example.

  • It involves a special type of star called a Cepheid.

  • Cepheids vary.

  • The pole star is a Cepheid.

  • An American astronomer called Henrietta Leavitt

  • began to study Cepheids.

  • And what she found out is that from the way they vary

  • you can tell exactly how bright they really are.

  • Now, if you know how bright they really are,

  • you can figure out how far away they are

  • because you can figure out how much light

  • has been lost in between.

  • So that's one of a whole series of ways

  • of measuring the distance to stars.

  • Now, astronomers also began to figure out ways

  • of measuring whether stars are moving away from us

  • or towards us.

  • At first sight, that may sound impossible.

  • The techniques are very clever.

  • They're based on the principle of the Doppler effect.

  • Now, you know if an ambulance goes past you,

  • the pitch seems to drop.

  • It goes (imitates siren) as it moves past you.

  • We've all seen this. Okay?

  • What's happening is that the frequency is dropping

  • as it starts moving away from you.

  • Now, astronomers figured out that the same thing happens

  • with the light from distant stars or galaxies.

  • Its frequency drops.

  • That means it's shifted towards the red end

  • of the spectrum.

  • So astronomers say it's "redshifted."

  • Now, if you find a distant galaxy is redshifted,

  • that means it's moving away from us.

  • In the 1920s, an American astronomer, Edwin Hubble,

  • used the Mount Wilson Telescope

  • in L.A. to make an astonishing discovery.

  • What he did was he used all the information

  • we've just been describing and what he found was first,

  • that most galaxies seem to be moving away

  • from the Earth.

  • That was a surprise.

  • But they found something even more astonishing.

  • The further away they were, the faster they seemed

  • to be moving away from Earth.

  • Okay, think about this for a moment.

  • What could that possibly mean?

  • Well, it seemed to mean first

  • that Newton's model of the Universe simply doesn't work.

  • The Universe is not fixed in time and space.

  • Instead, it's expanding.

  • Now, for most astronomers, that was a quite remarkable

  • and unexpected conclusion because if it's expanding now,

  • think about the past.

  • It must have been smaller in the past.

  • And at some time in the past, it must have been

  • infinitely small.

  • That's what the Belgian astronomer

  • Lemaitre called the "primordial atom"

  • from which everything came.

  • Now, this was a revolution.

  • It was a revolution in astronomical thinking.

  • And what it meant was that the Universe,

  • like you and me, has a history of change over time.

  • But it took 40 or 50 years to figure out

  • all the implications of what Hubble had found

  • and to actually tease out that history.

What's the biggest question that you could possibly ask?

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我們對宇宙的看法是如何改變的?| 大歷史計劃 (How Did Our View of the Universe Change? | Big History Project)

  • 146 12
    Hei Duncan Ng posted on 2021/01/14
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