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Hi, my name is Emma and today we are going to talk about
嗨 我是Emma 今天我們要談的是
expressions with the word hell.
I don't know if you know what the word hell means,
but you'll notice some flames to help you understand the meaning of hell.
我畫了些火焰 希望能幫助你了解
So first what we're going to do is we're going to talk about the phrase "what the hell"
首先 我會先解釋what the hell這個詞
And then once we finish that, we're going to look at some common idioms and phrases that contain the word hell
接著 會看些含有hell的俗話及片語
So let's get started
Before we begin with "what the hell",
在解釋what the hell之前
I just wanna talk about pronunciation
and also what the word hell means.
So hell is a noun. It's a place.
hell(地獄)是名詞 是個地方
In certain religions, if you're very, very bad, you go to hell.
在某些宗教 如果你很壞很壞 就會去地獄
For people who are very good, they go to heaven.
好的人呢 則會上天堂
Hell is supposed to be a very hot place with a lot of flames, with fire
地獄據說是個很熱 充滿火焰的地方
A lot of evil people are supposed to go to hell
一般認為 壞人會下地獄
So that's just a bit of a background on the word hell
Now here is a word that people might confuse with the word hell.
He'll. He'll
He’ll. He’ll
Does anyone know what this means? Well, it's a contraction
有人知道這是什麼意思嗎? 這是縮寫
You see this apostrophe. It means he will
你看這個省略號 這意思是He will(他會)
So these two words have complete different meaning, so don't mix them up.
這兩個字意思完全不同 別搞混囉
In terms of pronunciation, you don't wanna mix these two words up
So remember hell rhymes with bell
記得 hell和bell有押韻
And he'll is pronounced the same way as…
like a hill. Hill.
hill (山丘)
Okay, good.
嗯 很好
So let's look at the first expression.
I've had a lot of ESL student ask me about this expression.
What the hell! What the hell! And you'll notice an exclamation mark.
What the hell! 你看這裡有個驚嘆號
So what does this expression mean?
所以 這是什麼意思呢?
I'm sure if you watch American movies, TV shows, Friends, sitcoms,
看美國電影 電視 六人行 情境喜劇的時候
you are going to see this a lot. You're going to hear it a lot.
Well, what the hell is what's known as an interjection
其實 what the hell算是種驚嘆語
So we use this to show we are surprised, we're angry, we're frustrated.
用來表示驚訝 生氣 沮喪等等
But usually with the surprise and anger
So for example,
maybe I'm walking down the street
and all of a sudden, in the sky, I see something fly pass me.
突然 我看到有個東西飛過去
Maybe it looks like an alien spaceship. I'm gonna be shocked. I'm gonna be surprised.
看起來有點像飛碟 我嚇到了 很驚訝
So right away, I'm going to say something like "what the hell"
這時 我就會說 what the hell
It's surprising, what the hell.
這表示吃驚 意思有點像 這三小!?
So we use this a lot with surprise
所以 這句常常用來表示驚訝
So now let's look at
接下來 看下一個用法
using hell as what's known as an intensifier.
So in this case, it's used as an interjection
這時 hell可算是感嘆詞
Other interjections are woah or ah. These are interjections
其他的感嘆詞還有 哇喔 啊 等等
Now we are going to look at hell as what's known as an intensifier,
because hell is intense
So what do I mean by this?
Well, look at the following sentence. Well, it's a question.
嗯 來看這個句子 這是個問句
What _ happened? What happened?
Now say if I want to add emotion to this sentence.
I want people to know that I feel something when I'm saying this
Maybe it's surprise; maybe it's shock, anger, frustration.
可能是吃驚 驚嚇 憤怒 沮喪
Usually the 4 emotions we use hell with
Instead of just saying "Ah, what happened?"
這時就不是說 "啊 怎麼啦?"
I can say, "what the hell happened?"
可以說 "到底怎麼了?"
What the hell happened last night?
I don't know if any of you guys have seen the movie "The Hangover"
But in that movie, three men wake up hungover with no memory of the night before
電影裡 3個大男人宿醉醒來 完全忘記昨晚怎麼了
And so they have this type of moment.
在這種時候呢 他們就會說
What the hell happened last night?
They don't remember. They're shocked by what they see around them
他們失憶了 看到周圍情況 嚇壞了
Another example is:
I had a friend in high school who had a big, big party.
我有個高中朋友 開了個盛大派對
Her parents were away for the weekend or so she thought.
她父母周末出門去了 或她這樣以為
So she invited a whole bunch of people to her house
and it was a Saturday night
Her parents were supposed to come home Sunday
They came home Saturday.
So when her father walked in to their house
He said, "what the hell is going on here?"
他會說 你們到底在這幹嘛
he wasn't happy.
So we use this for anger, surprise, frustration
總之 hell用來表現生氣 驚訝 沮喪
Now let's look at another question
Who _ is that? Who is that?
Well, what if I add the word the hell.
如果加上hell 就變成
Who the hell is that
It really changes the meaning of this question
Before, the question was more polite.
When I add who the hell is that, it's a bit rude
加上hell的話 就變得比較粗魯
So you don't want to use this with your boss. It is rude.
你可別對老闆說這種話 很沒禮貌
But I'm showing either I'm angry or surprised
這不是表示憤怒 就是驚訝
So when am I gonna use this?
Well, maybe I see my best friend's husband at a bar with another woman.
也許 我在酒吧看到我閨密的男友和別的女人鬼混
Well, if I'm shocked I might ask him
我嚇到的話 就會問他
who the hell is that?
When. When did you get married?
何時 你什麼時候結婚的?
May be I found out my friend just got married.
"Oh, when did you get married?"
"噢 你什麼時候結的婚呀?"
well, what if I'm really, really surprised or I'm angry because she didn't invite me to the
I might say, "when the hell did you get married?"
可能會說 "你到底啥時結婚的?"
Again, it's not the nicest thing to say. You say it with your friends a lot actually
再次提醒 這個字不太禮貌 通常是跟朋友說的
But it can be taken rudely depending on your tone of voice.
別人可能會覺得你很無禮 取決於你的語氣
Where. Where are my keys?
哪裡 我的鑰匙在哪?
Every morning I wake up and before work, I cannot find my keys
每天早上醒來 出門上班前 我都找不到鑰匙
I search the whole house for my keys. I can never find them
我找遍整間房子 但都沒找到
Well, maybe one morning I'm very, very stressed out. I'm late for work
也許 有天早上 我很趕著出門 快遲到了
I need to get there by a certain time.
I might, instead of just saying "oh, where are my keys?",
這時就不會只是說 "我的鑰匙在哪?"
I might say, "where the hell are my keys?"
可能會說 "鑰匙到底跑哪去了"
How do I fix this? Maybe I broke something
要怎麼修好? 可能我弄壞了什麼
If I add "the hell",
如果加上the hell的話
it shows maybe I'm frustrated. I don't know how to fix it
感覺就變成 我很沮喪 不知道要如何修好它
How the hell do I fix this?
So again, we have all of the questions:
所以 我們學會了這些問句
Dialogue: 0,0:07:28.89,0:07:30.89,Default,,0,0,0,,
誰 什麼 何時 哪裡 為什麼
Oh, we don't have why up here. You can also use it for why.
噢 沒有寫到為什麼 hell也可以用在為什麼
Why the hell did you do this?
You can use it with any of these question words
and what it does again, is it shows you're either surprised, shocked, frustrated, or angry.
再說一次 它是用來表示吃驚 驚嚇 沮喪 或憤怒
Now, two other things we can intensify
are common words like "no", "yes" and "yeah"
像一些很常用的字 yes, no和yeah
Now, if somebody asks me a question.
Say, for instance, if they ask me
比如說 有人問我
do I think George W Bush did a great job as president of the United States
Now for some of you, you'll say "yeah, I think he did a good job"
有些人可能會說 是啊 我覺得他做得不錯
For other, maybe you don't really care. You say "no, I don't think he did that good of a job"
有些人 可能不太關心 會說 我覺得他沒那麼好
Well, if you're very opinionated like me,
如果你像我一樣 看法比較強烈的話
you might say "hell no!" hell no.
可能會說 hell no 絕對不是
Which is a very strong way of saying no.
Similar to that, if you feel very strongly about something and you wanna say yes
同樣的 如果你強烈肯定一件事
You can say "hell yeah" or "hell yes"
可以說 hell yeah或hell yes
Do you want cake with dinner? Hell yeah
你晚餐後想來份蛋糕嗎? 當然想
Do you want to go to the movies tonight? Hell yeah
今晚去看電影好嗎? 當然好
Do you want to do your homework? Hell no
你想去寫作業嗎? 當然不想
So you can use these to intensify yes or no answers
Alright, so we've covered some question words.
好了 我們講過一些疑問句
We've seen what the hell as an interjection
We've looked at adding the hell as an intensifier
Well, there's another common meaning to what the hell.
另外 what the hell還有另一個常見意思
So, it can also mean…
I don't know if you can see this
I don't care.
Which is pretty opposite to what we were just talk about
We were just saying when we add "the hell", it really makes a sentence strong.
剛剛才說到 加上the hell可以使語氣更強烈
It makes a question very strong and shows you're angry or surprised.
讓問句變得更激烈 表現憤怒或驚訝
Well, depending on our tone of voice, it can also mean I don't care
但是 依照語氣的不同 意思也可以是 管他的
So for instance, somebody wants to borrow my car.
比如說 有人想跟我借車
If I don't really care, I might say,
如果我覺得沒差 就可能會說
"what the hell, go ahead. Here's my keys."
管他的 借你吧 鑰匙在這
Another example is, if somebody…
另一個例子是 如果有人..
I have a test on Monday and I should be studying
我禮拜一要考試 現在該認真讀書
And somebody says, "do you wanna go to the bar tonight?"
但有人問我 今晚要一起去酒吧嗎
"uh, what the hell, okay."
呃 管他的 走吧
I should be studying but I don't really care, so what the hell.
我得念書 但其實我不在乎 所以 管他的
Alright, I hope none of you do that, by the way.
附帶一提 好孩子別這樣做
Alright, so next, we are going to look at some common idioms and phrases, expressions with the
好 接下來 我們要看一些裡頭有hell的常見片語及俗語
Alright, so here are 6 expressions.
Some of them are more common than others, but you'll hear all of these, that have to do with the
有些特別常用 不過這些用法全都能在日常聽到
Now the first one I really like. To give someone hell
第一個 我很喜歡 教訓一頓
When you give someone hell… so again here's the verb.
To give someone hell, it's altogether
教訓別人一頓 這是一整個片語
It means to reproach, to reprimand,
意思是 訓斥 斥責
to yell at someone severely
So for example, to really understand this concept
為了更理解這個概念 我舉個例子
I have a dog.
If my dog ate some of my jewelry, I would be very, very angry.
如果牠吃了我的珠寶 我就會非常非常生氣
So I might give my dog hell, meaning I might yell at my dog
我可能就會教訓牠一頓 意思是 我會對我的狗怒吼
And say "why did you do that" you know, "bad dog"
罵些 你幹嘛這樣 壞狗狗 之類的
Parents. I told you earlier that my friend had a party one weekend when her parents were out for
還有 之前說過的 我朋友的父母周末出門 我朋友在家開趴
And here dad came home early
Her dad gave her hell.
Meaning her dad was very, very angry with her, yelled at her, screamed at her,
意思是 她爸會很生氣 吼她 兇她
Really, really disappointed.
When you give someone hell, it's a bit negative
教訓某人一頓 有點負面含意
You're not happy when you give someone hell.
教訓別人時 你會心情不好
It means you really put them in the place
So for example, bosses. If a boss is very, very upset with something you've done
比如說 老闆對你很不滿意
Maybe an employee stole something from their company
The boss will give that person hell.
So again, it means reproach, reprimand, to yell at someone, to scream at someone.
這句型的意思就是 訓斥 斥責 對別人怒吼
Give someone hell
Okay, expression #2.
好 第二個用法
Now this expression "go to hell" is not polite at all
go to hell這句子並不禮貌
It's very, very, very rude, so try not to use it
非常非常粗魯 最好別說這句
But you will hear it a lot, especially on movies and TV
但是在電視電影裡 常常會聽到
Go to hell. So I've drawn a very angry face.
go to hell 去死 我有畫個生氣的臉
If you tell someone to go to hell,
you're probably going to be very angry when you say it
And you're pretty much saying I don't wanna deal with you right now, get away, leave me alone
可能會不想甩他 叫他滾到一旁別煩你
But it's a very, very, very mean and angry way to say it
去死 是個非常憤怒狠毒的說法
Because again, hell is not a nice place
因為hell是地獄 可不是啥好地方
It's a place where bad people go,
so if you're saying go to hell to someone, it's a very strong thing to say
叫人去地獄 就是叫他去死 是很強烈的說法
#3 is to hell with it or the hell with it
第三個用法 是to hell with it 管它去死
So you have a choice. You can say to hell with it or you can say the hell with it
有兩種翻法 管它去死 或 讓它見鬼去吧
Now, this expression is often used when you give up on something
在你放棄某件事情時 常會說這句話
You decide that you don't want to do something anymore
So for example, maybe I've been studying all day,
比如說 我念了一整天的書
and then I decide I want to go out and party
後來 我決定出門 參加派對
I might say, "to hell with studying"
so the "it" is what you change. So to hell with studying
I'm going to go party. So you give up on studying. To hell with studying
我要去跑趴 不念書了 讓讀書見鬼去吧
You don't care about studying, you're going to go party
你不想管成績了 只想去派對
Or to hell with… you can also use a person
Replace it with her. To hell with her
把it換成her 意思是 管她去死
I might say that if I give up on someone, I'm kind of tired of them
如果我放棄某人 不想再管他時 就會這樣說
I tried to call my friend all weekend.
比如說 我整個周末都試著打給我朋友
She didn't pick up her phone.
To hell with her
Meaning I don't care anymore. I'm giving up. I'm not calling her anymore
意思是 我不管了 放棄了 不打給他了
#4 for the hell of it
第四個用法 因為好玩
I really like this expression, actually
說真的 我很愛這個用法
For the hell of it. What does it mean?
因為好玩 是什麼意思?
Have you ever done something for no reason?
When somebody ask you "why did you do that?" you don't really have an answer
別人問 "你幹嘛這樣?" 而你無法回答
An answer is "for the hell of it"
因為好玩 的意思就是
meaning you did it for either no reason
你做這件事 沒甚麼原因
or just for fun
或者 只是找樂子
So for example, maybe
比如說 也許…
I'm not working tomorrow, I don't have anything to do
我明天不用上班 沒事做
and I decide to drive to Montreal
I live in Toronto. Montreal is five hours away.
我家在多倫多 到蒙特婁要四個小時
So maybe one day I just think "I'm going to drive to Montreal today"
但我就想說 "今天就開車去蒙特婁吧"
Somebody might ask me why did you do that? What were you doing in Montreal?
有人可能會問我 為什麼要去? 去那幹嘛?
Well, I drove there for the hell of it,
meaning I didn't really have a reason. Maybe I just did it for fun
意思是 沒甚麼原因 就是想去
#5 like hell.
第五個用法 拼命
When we use like hell, we're talking about describing something
這個詞 是用來描述一件事
Usually it has to do with driving, running, studying. So it has to do with a verb.It describes the
通常描述開車 跑步 讀書等等動作 與動詞有關
So how did you do it? How did you drive?
像是 你那時怎樣做? 怎麼開車的?
I drove like hell
How did you run? I ran like hell
你怎麼跑的? 我拼命跑
So like hell describes the verb
and it means you did it either with great speed, so very fast,
1. or recklessly, meaning you weren't careful
或做得不顧後果 不謹慎
So when we use something like "like hell" for example
Well, maybe you have a wife.
也許 你有個老婆
She's pregnant. She's about to give birth
她懷孕 快生了
And you're very, very stressed out. You're getting a panic.
你很緊張 很慌亂
How would you drive your car to the hospital?
Do you think you'd drive at 40km/hr?
No, you're probably going to drive as fast as you can to get there on time before she gives birth
不會 你會開得飛快 想在她生之前 趕到醫院
You drive like hell.
Maybe some of you have been late for class before
This has happened to me before.
And if you have a very strict teacher, you don't want to be late
如果老師很嚴厲 你不想遲到
So what do you do?
Well, you run.
And how do you run? You run like hell
怎麼跑呢? 拼命跑
Meaning you run as fast as you can.
意思是 能跑多快就跑多快
You just sprint. You run hard
你會用衝的 用力跑
So run like hell. You could use this with studying.
拼命 也能用來形容讀書
How do you study? I study like hell meaning I study with great speed
你讀得怎樣? 我拼命讀 意思是讀得飛快
Maybe you didn't study for weeks and you're test is tomorrow.
可能你好幾個禮拜沒讀書 但明天就要考試
How are you going to study your test? You're gonna study like hell
那你會怎麼準備? 拼命讀
#6 when hell freezes over
第六個用法 當地獄結冰的時候
Now this is a fun expression
這說法很有趣 我之前有說
because hell, like I said before, is a very hot place. Notice the flames
地獄是個很熱的地方 充滿火焰
Well, freezing is what happens in the winter. It's when ice comes
而要等到冬天 才會有冰雪
So when hell freezes over
所以 地獄結冰的時候
means hell is going to be covered in ice
意思是 地獄冰雪遍布
Now, this is another way of saying never,
because hell will never freeze over
So this is a fun way to say never
So let's think of some examples.
Well, maybe I have a friend,
可能 我有個朋友
and a guy wants to go on a date with her
I ask her, "will you go on a date with Bob?" we'll call him Bob
我問她 "你要跟Bob約會嗎?" 就叫他Bob吧
Will you go on a date with Bob?
Maybe she really doesn't like Bob.
She will say, "I'll go on a date with Bob when hell freezes over"
那她就會說: "等到地獄結冰 我才會和Bob約會"
Which means she will never go on a date with Bob
意思是 她永遠不會跟Bob約會
Will you go see… what's a good movie…
Maybe you hate Lord of the Rings.
I don't know why. I love Lord of the Rings,
不知道為啥討厭 我很愛魔戒
but maybe some of you out there thought it was a very boring movie, very long
但可能有人覺得 魔戒又長又無聊
So maybe somebody will ask you,
這時 有人問說
"will you see The Hobbit?"
the new Lord of the Rings movie coming out
You might say, "I will see the Hobbit when hell freezes over"
你可能會回答 等到地獄結冰 我才會去看哈比人
meaning you will never see that movie
意思是 你永遠都不會去看
It's a very strong way to say that
So today we have looked at expressions like what the hell.
今天 我們教了各種表達 像是what the hell
We've looked at interjections. What the hell again. Hell no, hell yes
還教過感嘆語 包括 這三小 當然好 當然不
We've also looked at common expressions with hell
So I hope you come visit our website and take our quiz on these expressions
希望你能上我們的網站 做做今天的小測驗
And I hope that if I ask you
are you going to continue watching our videos,
your answer will be hell yes.
希望答案會是 當然好
Take care.