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Step aside, oil pulling - there’s a new trend in town, and it’s… buttered coffee?
Sounds... rich.
Hey guys, Tara here for Dnews - and every week, it seems there’s a hot new trend we
should all be getting on board with. Earlier this month, I came across an interesting article
on something called buttered coffee.
It’s exactly what it sounds like, and while the idea of adding butter to your coffee might
sound a little too Paula Deen for some, a lot of people out there swear by it. Even
doctors are touting its benefits, so what’s the deal? What is buttered coffee, and why
is it good for you?
Well, here’s the official recipe. You take 1 cup of black coffee, add 1-2 tbsp of unsalted
grass-fed butter, and 1-2 tbsp of MCT oil. Blend until frothy.
MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, and it’s basically a processed mixture of
fats that naturally occur in coconut and palm kernel oils. MCT oil is more rapidly digested
and metabolized than other types of fats, so a lot of studies have touted it as a weight
loss supplement - it increases your body’s ability to burn energy, while decreasing its
fat storage.
It’s a key component of buttered coffee, but the people who swear by it, also say that
the kind of butter you use, is equally as important. It MUST be unsalted, and it must
be grass-fed - just organic is not enough. Same goes for the coffee - ideally, it should
be organic, single-origin beans. Obviously, this can get pretty expensive - but is it
worth it?
Well, to a lot of people, it is. In addition to curbing hunger and potentially aiding in
weight loss, people also say it helps with energy and focus, gives greater mental clarity,
and sustains your coffee buzz for longer - up to 6 hours - while eliminating the post-caffeine
crash. It also curbs the jittery side effects and the acid-stomach feeling you get from
drinking straight coffee. And since it’s technically served frothed, a lot of people
say it just tastes like a fattier latte - which doesn’t actually sound all that bad.
Now depending on how much butter and MCT oil you use, a single cup of this stuff contains
anywhere from 200-500 calories, and 45-65 grams of fat - which is 100% of your daily
recommended intake of saturated fat. So how can something that bad, be good for you? This
is where it gets tricky.
If you were to add buttered coffee to your daily routine, you would theoretically gain
anywhere from 20-30 lbs per year. So it’s generally recommended that you use it as a
meal replacement, and not a supplement.
Assuming you agree that good fats are something your body needs, then that’s fine. But even
people who believe that saturated fats get “unfairly demonized” say they should be
eaten WITH a meal, not AS the meal. There are also people out there who say that even
if buttered coffee’s not that bad for you, a traditional breakfast is still way more
nutritious. And depending on what you’re eating, that could be entirely true. Consuming
that much butter, can lead to high cholesterol - and especially so, if you’re not adjusting
other aspects of your diet to accommodate.
Still, I’m a little surprised by how few doctors seem to warn against it altogether.
Most nutritionists say if you wanna try it out, go right ahead. But you should probably
get your cholesterol checked first, to make sure it’s normal.
Personally, I was a little grossed out by the whole idea of this at first, but I’ll
admit - after reading up on it, it does intrigue me. So I thought we could do a little experiment.
If this episode gets 5,000 likes - then I will try buttered coffee for a whole week,
and we’ll upload a follow-up video of my experience, good or bad. Deal? Deal.
I’m sure some of you out there have tried it as well, and if you have - we’d love
to know what you think! Just let us know in the comments, and as always - thank you guys
for watching!