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I was happy, and then your sister threw a sea fish at my TV
How are you?
Ah, cookies!
Can I take one?
Hey, thank you for the bench.
Don't commit suicide
I will force spiders and badgers on the enemy
And get them all to shut up.
If Madonna married a real giant, that would be good
At least I think it would
Mmm, wait, no it wouldn't, because -- nevermind.
[Laughter] Happy step-child!
I told you to check it out
Oh, hey, this is for the cow.
In America, we have a song:
"Ding-dong lama wannee, Jumpin' with an ice pick
She thinks I'm going in"
Save your herd.
Did the princess seize my buddy's boat? Aye, Captain.
I'm very good company.
Be sure the pizza has an old fly in it.
I didn't spend money on robotic things,
I spend money on video games.
We played Pole Position. It'd go "beep", we'd go fast around the track.
Man, it was a good game!
'Cause if Madonna had a wooden statue, she'd just gobble that sardine!
We got Winona Ryder out there pissing off people with a guitar…
They're a bunch of punks!
Now you got me whispering to a freak
who thinks that fish have menstrual cycles.
I'm freezing out here — gotta get away — hey!
Amy left your party
And I'm leaving at three to pick apples
Are you a math dork?
I had pork chops and beans and I put it in the freezer, and, uh, it rotted after a month.
Yo' mama's pudgy, face it
I said, "Son, I don't want to hear you say bad about your mama"
And then he said, "F*** prison, I'm a party rapper, that's how I am!"
Boy, these rappers and their beautiful Mexicans… I gotta keep my mind free.
Yo' mama can eat me.
Centurions from East Asia, near Mumbai, got my cooler
and they took my spider jars into prison.
I said, "I'm gonna let you do this."
Let's just go out and shop and grease a big nickel.
I'm a gremlin.
I'm leaving the party.
And I want everyone to stuff the ice chest!
Thank you.