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Uh, hard, uh... [Judge Munson Clears Throat]
[Stammering] We'll attend to the dog later.
Now, Baron... [Elsbieta Whimpers]
Where were we?
"She said that she required a husband.
"Oh, do you want some bones?
"Does Elsbieta want some bones? [Elsbieta Barks]
Has anyone any bones? Hard, crunchy bones for the..."
Now, a husband. That's an unusual request.
Did she specify what kind of a husband she was looking for?
[Whispers] Stop him. Objection.
- Grounds? - Uh... hearsay.
It's not secondhand, Your Honor. This is direct testimony about the baron's own conversation.
- I'm going to allow it. - Yeah.
She said she wanted a very rich husband.
She wanted to know the businesses and the wealths-s... the wealths-s-s...
Can I say this? Wealths of our various eligible guests.
And did she have any other specifications?
- Objection, Your Honor. Inflammatory. - What's good for the gander, Your Honor.
- Is this a legal argument... "What's good for the gander?" - You got to play your tape, Freddy.
Mr. Massey has a point there. I'm going to allow it.
Were there any other specifications?
She "specificated" a silly man.
Objection, Your Honor.! I'm going to allow it.
She 'specificated' a man who, though clever at making money,
would be easily duped and controlled.
Objection, Your Honor. Shut up, Freddy. She's allowing it.
She 'specificated'a man with a wandering pee-pee.
How you say? Aphilanderer whose affairs would be transparent to the world.
Objection, Your Honor!
Finally, a man whom she could herself brazenly cuckold...
until such time as she might choose to, uh...
We would say, "faire un coup de marteau sur des fesses."
You would say, "make hammer on his fanny."
- Your Honor, Objection! I-Irrelevant! - I'm going to allow it!
Tell us, Baron... Did you introduce her to such a man?
Sir, I am the concierge!
And to whom did you introduce that calculating woman?
I introduced her...
to that silly man.
[Spectators Gasping, Murmuring] Your Honor, objection.!
Let the record show that the baron has identified Rex Rexroth as the silly man!
[Baron] I did it! It was I!
I introduced her to that silly man! [Gasping, Murmuring Continue]
- You son of a bitch! - The red-faced angry one. I introduced them!
Absolument! I did it.! It was I.!
I just love trains!
I love trains! If you please, sir!
[Grunting] I'm not sick.! You're the one who's sick.!
No... [Groaning] If you please...
[Strangulated] Not the larynx!
Objection, Your Honor! Strangling the witness!