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  • Hey!

  • So here's the video that a lot of you have been waiting for:

  • Voice impressions of the male League of Legends champions!

  • This is gonna be quite a challenge for me because obviously they're male

  • and a lot of them have very, very, very, deep voices!

  • But let's just think of it as them on HELIUM~!

  • Deep voice mode! HUUUUUUUH~

  • Alistair: Nothing can hold me back!

  • You can't milk those!

  • Can't do it. Too much.

  • Amumu: I thought you'd never pick me

  • Let's be friends forever!

  • Amumu's laugh*

  • Let me give you a hug!

  • Blitzcrank: Fired up and ready to serve

  • I put the go in golem!

  • Brand: Ready to set the world on fire heheheheh..


  • Cho'Gath: You wish the world you know to end! Yeeeeeeesss..

  • Nom nom nom nom nom

  • No! I do not live under a bed, fool!

  • Gentleman Cho'Gath: Would you like some cheese with your wine?

  • Corki: I'm up to snuff! And gots me and ace machine!

  • Lima, Oscar, Lima!

  • I've got a bogey on my tail!

  • Darius: They will regret opposing me.

  • Death by my hand!

  • HA!

  • Dr. Mundo: Mundo!

  • Mundo dying*

  • Mundo think you a big sissy! *goofy laugh*

  • Mundo, *sljijusad* SMASH! *slurp*

  • Draven: Welcome to the League of Draven

  • Who wants some Draven? Heheheh

  • Not Draven. Draaaaaaaven.

  • Ezreal: Time for a true display of skill!

  • Who needs a map?

  • Time to get our hands dirty! ;)

  • Fiddlesticks: You bidding, master

  • I haven't got a brain, and soon, neither will you!

  • Fizz: Let me at 'em!

  • Feeding time!

  • Wanna see a trick?

  • Mmm.. fish fish fish! Mmmmm *Gobbles*

  • Galio: A guardian is always prepared

  • Two birds with one stone? Have you met my parents?

  • Gangplank: Prepare to be boarded!

  • Nothin' but a bilge rat!

  • Shiver me timbers!

  • Wanna know why me roger, is so jolly? hehhehehe

  • Garen: To the fields of justice!



  • Summon me, and you'll like the way you look. I garen-tee it. Get it? ;]

  • Gragas: If you're buying, I'm in!

  • The only time i have a drinking problem is when I spill it! hohohoho

  • Graves: Dead man walkin'

  • I like my enemies two ways: dead, or about to be.

  • Hecarim: Behold the might of the Shadow Isles.

  • Another blue ribbon for Hecarim

  • Heimerdinger: Indeed! A wise choice!

  • I concur!

  • Why do chemists call helium, curium and barium the medical elements?

  • Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium! hm-hm.

  • Jarvan IV: By my will, this shall be finished!

  • You like my weapon? Come on over for a closer inspection!

  • Jax: Let's do this.

  • Imagine if I had a real weapon.

  • Jayce: I fight for a brighter tomorrow

  • Did i scare ya?

  • Karthus: Do you feel a chill?

  • I cannot use your skull. You have a misshapen head.

  • Kassidin: The balance of power must be preserved (unedited version)

  • I tried to silence my mother once. Boy, did I regret that. (edited version, obviously.)

  • Kennen: The eyes never lie.

  • Yes, they make shurikens this small!

  • Big targets are the best ! There's more to aim at!

  • Haiiiiyaaaa!

  • Time to strike!

  • Kha'zix: Change is good.

  • I ate an optimist once but I couldn't keep him down.

  • Kog'Maw: Time to feast!

  • Want meat..

  • Kog'maw's "laugh"*

  • Lee Sin: Your will, my hands.

  • Quiet steps.

  • Blindness is no impairment, against a smelly enemy.

  • Malphite: Rock solid!

  • I'm moving as fast as I can!

  • Malzahar: Oblivion awaits..

  • BURP! I think a voidling just came out.

  • Maokai: I do your bidding for now

  • Animals are lazy! We plants produce our own food. Rargh! hmmhmhmhm.

  • Master Yi: My blade, is yours

  • Wuju style.

  • Wuju, pass me that potion?

  • Mordekaiser: i shall bring great suffering.

  • I like my weapons how I like my music. Heavy, and metal!

  • Nasus: The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.

  • Who...Let the dogs out? Woof. Woof. Woof.

  • Nautilus: Beware the depths

  • Ugh! You are in the deep end now! Heheheh..

  • Nocturne: Embrace the darkness

  • Are you my nightmare? Or am I yours?

  • Nunu: Here we go!

  • Don't make the yeti angry~! You won't like it when he's angry.

  • Speak softly and ride a big yeti

  • Olaf: Leave nothing behind

  • Come on, I won't hurt you. I promise.

  • Pantheon: They are privileged to die at my feet

  • They disgrace the art of war

  • My spear is restless

  • Rammus: Ok. Right. Yeh. Ok.

  • Renekton: As I live, all will die

  • WHAT? Do I have someone in my teeth?!

  • Rengar: Tonight we hunt

  • Who's head shall I take?

  • Strike when ready

  • Rumble: Let's get in the fight

  • Who you callin' little?

  • Come on, I'm not even holding the controls!

  • Ryze: Let's go! Let's go!

  • ZAP!

  • Come on already

  • I got these tattoos in rune prison

  • Shaco: How about a magic trick?

  • Why so serious?

  • The jokes on you!

  • Shen: A demonstration of superior judgement

  • If light travels so fast, how come it's never caught a ninja?

  • K, that was rubbish

  • Singed: How about a drink?

  • Mix, mix, swirl, mix.

  • How'd that taste?

  • Sion: I do it

  • I'm dead. So are you

  • Hand bone connected to the axe bone connected to your FACE BONE

  • Skarner: My stinger brings ugly death

  • URGH, bugs are gross! URGH

  • I'll show you monstrous

  • Swain: The early bird guts the worm

  • I bet you taste like chicken

  • Dispatch these worms!

  • Talon: Live and die by the blade!

  • Pathetic

  • Enjoy the taste of steel

  • Taric: More than just precious stones, I bring you an ancient power

  • Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous!

  • I will weep for you

  • Teemo: Captain Teemo on duty! ..(doody lol)

  • Reporting in!

  • Never underestimate the power of the scouts code

  • Hut 2, 3, 4!

  • Size doesn't mean everything

  • Thresh: What delightful agony we shall inflict!

  • Nobody escapes

  • Me, mad? Ha ha! Quite likely.

  • Trundle: Time to troll

  • Let's go clubbing

  • This is about to get ugly

  • Don't hate the player. Hate the club that's smashing your face!

  • Tryndamere: This will be a slaughter

  • Now they die!

  • My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm

  • Twisted Fate: Lady Luck is smiling

  • It's my lucky day

  • Nobody touches the hat

  • Lookin' good

  • Twitch: Oh! What do you want?

  • Twitch's laugh

  • Taste of my disease

  • Ohohho yes, yes

  • OH! What's the smell?! Oh, it's me.

  • Udyr: Our rage is beyond your control

  • If PETA asks, this fur is fake

  • Weapons are for the weak

  • Urgot: Eternal life...endless torture...

  • I detect the presence of scum

  • Must...punish...

  • Varus: The guilty will know agony

  • No forgiveness.

  • Face oblivion

  • Beware a man with nothing to lose

  • Veigar: Know, that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy

  • I will swallow your soul

  • What's black and blue and is about to show you the definition of pain?

  • Viktor: Join the glorious evolution

  • Inferior constructs

  • My opponents need to be upgraded

  • Vladimir: The rivers will run red

  • My cup is half empty

  • Go ahead, be negative. You'll be just my type.

  • Volibear: Let the storm follow in my wake

  • Tremble at my roar

  • Hmmm..I suppose you're expecting some unBEARable pun

  • Warwick: Let make this fun

  • I hunger

  • Hmm..Mmmm *sniff* I smell their stench

  • Wukong: I will be the best

  • Wuju style

  • Bring me a real challenge

  • Xerath: i will be free

  • Magic? I'll show you real magic!

  • I am eternal!

  • Xin Zhao: To the arena!

  • I may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against me! (looks like a Chinese dub LOL)

  • A Demacian does not retreat

  • Yorick: Death is only the beginning

  • You will remember Yorick Mori

  • I will bury you alive heheheh

  • Zac: I was made for this. Literally.

  • Don't be such a stiff

  • Fighting is in my blood... I goo.

  • Zed: The unseen blade is the deadliest

  • What I have done, cannot be undone

  • Do not deny me

  • Ziggs: This will be a blast!

  • Come on, come on, come on!

  • I'll take this one and this one and throw it in your face!

  • Hhuhhnhuhnnggghh Fire in the hole!

  • Zilean: I knew you would do that

  • Time flies like an arrow! Fruit flies like banana!

  • Huh, what's up with these banana jokes?

  • Wha! Those were all the male champions, including Zac who will be out soon

  • A lot of them isn't that good to be honest, I know, but I tried. xD

  • I hope everyone's enjoyed both the league of legends voice impressions videos.

  • Maybe I'll do more for fun in the future. Like DOTA 2! Even though I haven't played it.


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